
  1. 这部国产动作故事片将三个奖杯带回家,其中就包括年度最佳电影以及导演管虎获得的年度最佳导演奖。

    This domestic action-thriller took home three trophies , including the Director of the Year for Guan Hu and Film of the Year .

  2. 集结了三名顶尖导演管虎、郭帆和路阳,这部“命题式作文”的电影改编自真实历史事件,但进行了艺术加工。

    Bringing together three A-list directors - Guan Hu , Guo Fan and Lu Yang - the film is adapted from true stories but added fictional content .

  3. 但是导演管虎这部以人物个性为中心的影片《老炮儿》时常提醒观众,六爷当年也是个横行一时的坏家伙。

    But as we are frequently reminded in the director Guan Hu 's character study " Mr. Six , " he was one bad dude back in the day .

  4. 由此本论文将重点以姜文《鬼子来了》与管虎《斗牛》两部电影文本为例,对中国当代电影中的荒诞审美作一简要讨论。

    In the present paper , the author briefly discusses the aesthetics of absurdity in contemporary Chinese films , by taking examples of the film texts of Devils on the Doorstep directed by Jiang Wen and Cow directed by Guan Hu .