
  • Ning Hao;【人名】Hao Ning
  1. 在中国,有一个年轻的导演被称为“中国的盖•里奇”,他就是宁浩。

    In China , there is a young director who has been called China 's Guy Ritchie , Ning Hao .

  2. 这是一部典型的公路电影,宁浩竭尽全力地去捕获公路片的精髓。

    It 's a typical road movie and you can tell that Ning Hao gave his best to capture the essential elements of one .

  3. 宁浩精湛的叙事功力让你几乎2小时一直保持高度集中、紧张地观影状态。而有时因为情节太过精密复杂了,你甚至禁不住纳闷影片最后要如何收尾。

    Ning 's storytelling skills keep you on edge throughout most of the two hours , although at times the story is so elaborate that you can 't help but wonder how it will wrap up .

  4. 这也是为什么宁浩成为一位少有的黑色幽默家,特别是当现在的年轻人容易被社会的不公所激怒但又不知道如何用一种幽默的方式去解决的时候。

    That 's why he 's a member of a rare species , the dark humorist , especially when today 's young people are easily angered by social injustices but still don 't know how to cope with the humorous aspects .

  5. 也许有人会说,模仿是最真诚的奉承,也可能是学习别人的最好方法,从疯狂的石头上来看,宁浩不仅仅是一位模仿者。

    Still , as they say , imitation is the sincerest form of flattery , and it 's probably the best way to learn . But , Ning isn 't just an imitator , as can be seen from Crazy Stone .