
  1. 在这部纪录片上映期间,贾樟柯的好几部作品也将在经典电影资料馆(AnthologyFilmArchives)放映,它们都很值得推荐。

    Several of them will play at Anthology Film Archives during this documentary 's run , and all are recommended .

  2. 贾樟柯执导的《天注定》(ATouchofSin),这部电影反映了中国普通人的挣扎现状,贾樟柯曾在戛纳凭借这部影片获得最佳剧本奖;

    A Touch of Sin ' about the struggles of ordinary people in China from director Jia Zhang-ke , who won best screenplay for the film at Cannes ;

  3. 出生在马来西亚的台湾导演蔡明亮执导的《郊游》(StrayDogs)。蔡明亮、杜琪峰和贾樟柯均入围了金马奖最佳导演提名。

    and the drama ' Stray Dogs ' from Malaysian-born Taiwan-based director Tsai Ming-liang , who , along with Messrs. To and Jia , is nominated for best director .

  4. “对于边缘人群而言,它是中华文化的必要一环”,贾樟柯在接受英国新闻网站TheUpcoming采访时表示。

    It is " an integral part of Chinese culture , for people living on the margin , " Jia told the UK-based news website The Upcoming .

  5. 去年5月份,中国最具挑性的导演之一贾樟柯就凭借电影《天注定》(ATouchofSin)在戛纳国际电影节(CannesInternationalFilmFestival)获得了最佳剧本奖。

    Jia Zhangke , one of China 's most provocative directors , won the award for best screenplay at the Cannes International Film Festival last May with his film ' A Touch of Sin . '

  6. 这些影片往往会遭遇来自中国审查机构的阻力——《站台》在中国被禁止上映,人们是通过看盗版DVD知道了贾樟柯。

    They often encounter resistance from Chinese censors - " Platform , " which was banned from Chinese theaters , made Mr. Jia 's name there through pirated DVDs .

  7. 日本的三池崇史(TakashiMiike)、中国的贾樟柯和香港的杜琪峰等知名电影导演都将携自己的最新电影走上本届电影节的红地毯,还有一些印度、香港和新加坡的导演是首次出席戛纳电影节。

    Big-name filmmakers such as Japan 's Takashi Miike , Jia Zhangke of China and Hong Kong 's Johnnie To will hit the red carpet with their latest films , along with first-time directors from India , Hong Kong and Singapore .

  8. 这部影片由贾樟柯的西河星汇出品。

    The film was produced by Jia 's own Xstream Pictures .

  9. 余力为是知名导演贾樟柯的御用摄影师。

    Yu is the regular cinematographer of leading director Jia Zhang-ke .

  10. 《天注定》是贾樟柯参加戛纳电影节的第四部影片,也是他参加该电影节竞赛单元角逐的第三部影片。

    This is his fourth film at Cannes and the third in competition .

  11. 贾樟柯的《山河故人》恰好根据时间节点被分为三个部分。

    Jia Zhangke 's Mountains May Depart is neatly divided into three time periods .

  12. 贾樟柯从不过度解释自己的作品。

    Mr. Jia never over-explains his work .

  13. 尽管贾樟柯的电影总有一种怀旧之情,但它们也反映了现实。

    Although his movies always have a sense of nostalgia , they also reflect reality .

  14. 《河上的爱情》是中国导演贾樟柯在2008年的一部短片作品。

    Cry Me a River is a2008 short film directed by Chinese filmmaker Jia Zhangke .

  15. 贾樟柯:用主流的方式表达自己

    Express Myself in the Mainstream Way

  16. 20世纪70年代出生的这一代人及其青年亚文化是贾樟柯关注的中心。

    The generation born in the 1970s and its youthful subculture are Jia 's central concerns .

  17. 论文就贾樟柯的艺术成就和人文追求加以论述。

    This paper attempts to expound on the artistic achievements and human concern of jia zhang-ke .

  18. 片中穿插着贾樟柯电影中的画面,同时伴随对这些影片主题的大段反思。

    A generous number of clips from Mr. Jia 's films accompany lengthy ruminations on their themes .

  19. 第二部分主要对电影中的声音尤其是媒介声音进行界定和文本分析,以观察贾樟柯对媒介声音的运用。

    The second part will define and analyze the media-sound in his films to survey the using of media-sound .

  20. 跨越世纪的主题:出走与回归&贾樟柯电影的现代性问题

    The Subject across Century : " Leaving " and " Returning " & Modernity in Films by Jia Zhang-ke

  21. 生存的荒诞与边缘的失语&在贾樟柯的《世界》里游走

    " Fantasy " of Existence and " Misword " on the Border & Walking in The World by Jia Zhang-ke

  22. 此前的论文大多只讨论贾樟柯电影的美学特征,而并没有深入发掘导演坚持弘扬该风格的背后,电影作品相应蕴含的文化内涵。

    Other articles only discussed the realistic aesthetic character of his films while did not get corresponding cultural connotations behind it .

  23. 一开始我让赵涛(饰演这个角色的演员,也是贾樟柯的妻子)表现得非常平静沉着。

    I at first asked [ the actress and Mr. Jia 's wife ] Zhao Tao to be very calm and composed .

  24. 从边缘到末路&论贾樟柯电影中的人物命运

    From " the Edge " to " the End " Comments On the Fate of the Characters in the Film of Director JIA Zhang-ke

  25. 如今尚在工作的导演之中,很少有人能像贾樟柯这样深入地审视变化中的世界,或是鲜明地呈现人类的处境。

    Few filmmakers working today look as deeply at the changing world as Mr. Jia does , or make the human stakes as vivid .

  26. 在其他方面,这部纪录片中规中矩、一丝不苟,构成了贾樟柯出色影片的注脚。尽管与它们相比,它显得有些平庸。

    In other respects , the movie is a decent and conscientious , though unremarkable , companion piece to Mr. Jia 's crucial films .

  27. 贾樟柯并没有影射那段录像,他使用这个版本只是因为它带有后苏联阵营的感觉。

    Mr. Jia doesn 't reference the video , but it 's likely he used the cover partly because of its post-Soviet bloc resonance .

  28. 论贾樟柯电影中小城镇文化景观的影像建构&以《故乡三部曲》为例

    Jia Zhang-ke Films on the Cultural Landscape of Small and Medium-sized Cities and Towns to Build the Image & To Trilogy home as an example

  29. 第一章从制片权掌控的角度分析贾樟柯的独立制片特征,揭示了贾樟柯电影对于中国电影创作体制的改革所具有的重要意义。

    The first chapter is the analysis of Jia Zhang ke 's " Independent Film " characteristics and its significance for China film production system .

  30. 而到影片结束时,虽然她生活在一个崭新的世界,但正如贾樟柯所暗示的,她的灵魂还留在旧世界之中。

    By the end , she is living in a new world even if , Mr. Jia suggests , her soul remains in the old .