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  1. 略论贾谊对秦制的反思

    JiaYi 's Reflection to the Political System of the Qin Dynasty

  2. 试论贾谊仁政思想的哲学基础

    Philosophical Basis of Jia Yi 's Idea of Benevolent Policy

  3. 该文对长沙贾谊故居的修复工程设计构想进行了介绍。

    The article introduces the compose of design for Jiayi 's residence .

  4. 论贾谊故居在六朝时期的保护

    The Silver Age of Jia Yi Former Residence Protection , Six Dynasties

  5. 贾谊的道论是以道德为根本的。

    The doctrine of Tao of Jia Yi is based on " morality " .

  6. 汉代伦理复兴和政治转型的思想先驱&贾谊伦理政治观新评识

    The Ideological Pioneer of the Ethical Rejuvenation and Political Transform in the Han Dynasty

  7. 贾谊的道德学说探析

    Exploring the Theory of Morality of JiaYi

  8. 贾谊的政治思想是与秦汉中央集权新体制紧密相连的。

    Jia Yi 's political thought is tightly linked with the new system of Qin-Han Centralization .

  9. 论贾谊御边策的文学与文献价值

    On the Value in Literature and Document of Jia Yi 's Policies of Defending the Border

  10. 历史人文故居修复的规划探讨&以贾谊故居为例

    On Planning of Historical Humanities House Repair & Taking Former Residence of Jia Yi as an Example

  11. 在这个意义上,贾谊认为术也是道。

    In this sense , Jia Yi believes that " shu " is also " Tao " .

  12. 所以,研究贾谊《新书》法律思想意义重大。

    So , it has great significance to study his legal thought in the 《 New Book 》 .

  13. 苏共思想政治教育工作失败本因探源贾谊哲学中六的本源与本体地位及其思想传承

    Exploring the Reason of Failure in the Ideological and Political Education of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

  14. 贾谊是西汉初期的思想家,他的思想是以儒家思想为主,兼有法家、道家思想。

    Jia yi is the western Han dynasty initial thinker , his thought contains Confucianism , legalism and Taoist thought .

  15. 这才会有贾谊所说的吾闻古之圣人,不居朝廷,必在卜医之中。

    This have " I smell ancient sage , do not occupy imperial court must among divining medicine " Jia Yi speak just .

  16. 文帝采纳了贾谊的建议,但并未完全付诸实施。

    Jia Yi 's proposal was accepted and put into practice , though no serious effort was ever made for its thorough implement .

  17. 屈贾谊于长沙,非无圣主;窜梁鸿于海曲,岂乏明时。

    Qu Jia Yi in changsha , not beyond god ; channeling Hong Liang Qu in the sea , whether for lack of time .

  18. 贾谊是西汉前期重要的文学家、思想家、政治家,对后世影响深远。

    As an important writer , thinker and statesman in the early Western Han Dynasty , Jia Yi extensively and profoundly influenced the later generations .

  19. 作为汉初著名的思想家、政论家和文学家,贾谊以其文、赋创作见长,为后人留下了不朽的作品。

    As early Han-known thinkers , publicists and writers , their Jia Yi Wen , Fu creative reflexes left for future generations the immortal works .

  20. 发端于先秦的民本思想,在西汉贾谊的论述中达到了高峰,并初步形成了民众主义理论体系。

    The people-centered thought which originated from pre-Qin dynasty , reached a peak in Jia Yi s statements and formed a preliminary theory of populism .

  21. 作家:应该这样面对和表现现实&评现实主义冲击波兼与舒也、童庆炳等同志商榷论贾谊批判现实的创作

    Writers : Please Confront and Reveal the Reality This Way ── Comment on " Realism Impact " and Consultation with SHU Ye and TONG Qing-bing

  22. 因此,本文拟从广义的文学概念出发,把汉初政论文作为一个整体,以贾谊和晁错的作品为中心,来探讨汉初政论文的文学精神。

    So from a generalized literature concept , this thesis aims to probe into the literature spirit of political articles in the early years of Han Dynasty .

  23. 从中我们能够较为清晰地了解西汉初期以来以贾谊为代表的政治伦理思想儒家化的发展过程。

    From we can understand more clearly to the early Western Han Jia Yi represented by the political thinking of the Confucian ethics of the process of development .

  24. 贾谊是有著强烈经世变革意识的文学家,这种文化品格在其作品中也得到充分体现。

    Jia Yi was a writer with a strong sense of reform consciousness in his times , this kind of cultural quality and style was fully embodied in his works .

  25. 这一章从贾谊所生活的时代的背景出发,阐述了贾谊的政治伦理思想是对时代的深刻反思的结果。

    This chapter from Jia Yi live in the background of the times , Jia Yi elaborated the political ethics of thinking is profound reflection of the times the results .

  26. 自汉代贾谊将屈原情结引入文学当中来,带给历代文人困惑与思考。

    Since the Han Dynasty Jia Yi leads Qu Yuan complex into literature coming to bring to the past dynasties man of letters puzzle , and thinking deeply that in the middle .

  27. 在汉初新儒学的形成过程中,陆贾、贾谊、董仲舒等人大量吸收了黄老思想。

    During the formation of the new Confucianism of the early Han Dynasty , Jia Yi , Lu Jia , Dong Zhongshu , and etc. greatly absorbed the ideas of Huang-Lao Thought .

  28. 据悉,贾谊故居初步拟于2004年开始修复。天文学是澳洲初中的必修科目之一。

    Reporters learned that the renovation of the Former Residence of Jia Yi is preliminarily scheduled to start in 2004 . Astronomy is one of the compulsory topic in Australian middle schools .

  29. 贾谊与西汉初年政治中多质少文的长者不同,他是汉代理想、汉代心灵的开启者。

    Different from the elder of " more content and less form " in political lives in west Han Dynasty , Jia Yi was the opener of the han dynasty ideal and mind .

  30. 贾谊《新书》的产生,既受前朝历史文化的影响,又是与现时的政治和文化紧密相关的,同时,也是与创作主体本身的文化品格分不开的。

    The creation of Jia yi ' Sin shu had been affected by both former dynasty and the present politics and culture , and had something to do with the composing part as well .