
  • 网络Donald Judd;Judd;jade;Jostein Gaarder;ashley judd
  1. 我爱的行动和喜欢参加托德飞利浦或贾德Apatow电影。

    I love to act and would love to be in a Todd Philips or Judd Apatow movie .

  2. “我们收到来自中国的很多询问,对方在物色本地可能提供出售的汽车部件供应商,”当地律师事务所华纳-诺克罗斯-贾德(warnernorcross&judd)合伙人安德鲁托森(andrewthorson)表示。

    " We have a lot of inquiries from China looking for automotive parts suppliers that may be for sale in this region , " says Andrew Thorson , partner at Warner Norcross & Judd , a local law firm .

  3. 贾德•库斯纳,《纽约观察家报》(NewYorkObserver)的所有人,地产大亨之子

    Jared Kushner , New York Observer owner , real estate empire scion

  4. 贾德.格雷格在2月12日撤销了奥巴马总统对其的商务部长提名。

    Judd Gregg withdrew his nomination for commerce secretary on February12th .

  5. 贾德不想跟我们去游泳。

    A : Judd doesn 't want to go swimming with us .

  6. 贾德:对,我也许只有十六岁,但我是个牧师。

    Judd : Yes , I may be only sixteen , but yes .

  7. 爱德华:噢,请问哈维?贾德在吗?

    Edward : ah yes , could I speak to Harvey Judd please ?

  8. 贾德:今晚我来带餐前祷告。

    Judd : I 'll say grace tonight .

  9. 同样的,很多的名人都得忍受焦虑症带来的痛苦,像内奥米.贾德和金.贝辛格一样。

    Many celebrities have suffered from anxiety , including Naomi Judd and Kim Basinger .

  10. 明星珊德拉。布洛克和艾希莉。贾德主演。

    Starring Sandra Bullock and Ashley judd .

  11. 贾德明白了我不是含沙射影之后,神色马上和缓了。

    Jud was mollified at once when he saw that I had not been dealing in allusions .

  12. 人们经常看到汤姆和威尔偕同各自的妻子凯蒂霍尔姆斯和贾德平克特史密斯四个人一起品酒进餐,互相串门,让子女一起玩。

    Tom and Will are often spotted wining and dining with wives Katie Holmes and Jada Pinkett Smith and having play dates with their children .

  13. 导演贾德阿帕图的电影一直在这主题上大做文章。他的电影主要叙述的都是大男孩们通过与其他男性建立紧密关系来了解自己。

    Director Judd Apatow has based his career on the concept . His movies feature man-boys who often learn about themselves by bonding with other men .

  14. 我还开了那些拖车是的贾德是导演你是编剧呢你写的这部电影叫

    I drove the trailers , uh yes , Judd directed it , But you wrote it , I mean that so it is called ... Trainwreck .

  15. 在这次众多的名流夫妻中,有帕丁森在哈利波特中合作过的演员&汤姆菲尔顿和他的女朋友贾德欧力维亚,还有网球明星鲁塞德斯基和他妻子露西。

    Among the celebrity couples in attendance were Pattinson 's Harry Potter co-star Tom Felton with his girlfriend Jade Olivia and tennis star Greg Rusedski and wife Lucy .

  16. 因涉嫌众多女性包括演员艾什莉?贾德和安布拉?巴蒂拉纳在内的性骚扰,米拉麦克斯联合创始人韦恩斯坦被自己的公司开除,而他的这一丑闻也被公之于众。

    The Miramax co-founder was sacked from his position on Sunday after numerous women - including actresses Ashley Judd and AmbraBattilana - went public about his alleged behaviour .

  17. 赛珍珠是启秀女校的教员,她和贾德牧师夫妇都有很好的交往,经常在礼拜天来宿州教堂参加崇拜,并来牧师家做客交谈。

    Buck single teacher , and she has very good contacts Ahmadinejad pastor and his wife frequently attended church Sunday to worship in Suzhou , home visit and talk to a pastor .

  18. 虽然贾德的断言从未成真,但坚持作画的艺术家们一直在试图穿越这个拥有千年历史的艺术形式的疆界。

    Although Judd 's assertion never actualized , artists who have been carrying on the practice of painting have been striving to cross the boundaries of this thousand years old art form .

  19. 贾德是埃及金字塔报政治和战略研究中心的分析师。他说,组建新政府并非是件容易的事,可能需要很长时间才能解决。

    Analyst Emad Gad , of the Al Ahram Center for Strategic Studies , says the formation of a new government is not a simple matter and could take a long time to resolve .

  20. 国际人口服务是一个在65个国家里设有公共卫生项目的组织。美国电影女演员艾什莉.贾德以该组织理事的身份在联大会议上表示,她是在为该组织工作期间,碰到人口走私问题的。

    Actress Ashley Judd spoke to General Assembly in her capacity as a board member of Population Services International ( P.S.I. ) , a group with health programs in 65 nations worldwide . She says she stumbled upon the issue of human trafficking while working with P.S.I.