
  • 网络baoyu;su-su-su summertime sadness
  1. 贾宝玉形象寄托了作者改造人生、造社会的理想。

    The author places the ideal of reforming life & society on baoyu 's image .

  2. 其对贾宝玉和王熙凤的救助又显出她的不凡人格。

    Her character is fully revealed through her help to Jia Baoyu and Wang Xifeng .

  3. 贾宝玉的死亡态度及死亡体验

    JIA Bao-yu 's Attitude to Death & Learning through Death

  4. 20世纪贾宝玉研究综述

    Overview on JIA Bao-yu Research in the 20th Century

  5. 贾宝玉的人格结构分析

    The Analysis of Bao Yu 's Personality Structure

  6. 这两方面原因互相交织、互相作用,共同促成了贾宝玉悲剧性的人生道路。

    The two reasons which affect and tangle mutually prod the way of his life .

  7. 贾宝玉嘴里的通灵宝玉,也就是这块石头起到什么作用?

    Jia Baoyu 's mouth Baoyu , also is the stone to play what role ?

  8. 第三部分是贾宝玉两游太虚幻境所揭示主题的比较。

    The third part is the comparison of the theme unveiled by the two dreamland tours .

  9. 试论贾宝玉、杜少卿对儒家仁者理想的回归

    On the Regression of Jia Bao-yu and Du Shao-qing 's Thoughts of Virtue and Morality of Confucianism

  10. 它讲述了中国古代发生的贾宝玉和林黛玉悲惨的爱情故事。

    It tells us about a tragic love story between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu in ancient China .

  11. 本文拟从这些方面来阐述贾宝玉这位千古情痴的情感世界。

    In this paper , ready to set out these areas from the age-old infatuated Jia emotional world .

  12. 在中国著名的古典小说《红楼梦》中,贾宝玉说女孩们是水做的。

    In the famous Chinese classical novel Dream of Red Mansions , Jia Baoyu says that girls are made of water .

  13. 曹雪芹或许把自己的生活经验加诸在贾宝玉身上,但是只有红学专家才会看穿这点。

    Cao Xueqin might have woven his own life experiences into Jia Baoyubut no one except the scholar would have noticed .

  14. 东西方封建社会两个叛逆形象之比较&哈姆雷特与贾宝玉

    The Comparison of the two rebellious figures against the feudal society in the East and West & Hamlet and Chia Pao-yu

  15. 《红楼梦》中的“宝玉受难”情节,隐藏着一个“死而复生”的原型,体现了贾宝玉的神性特征。

    The plot " Baoyu suffering " in Dreams of Red Mansions hides a resurrection stereotype which reveals Baoyu 's divine character .

  16. 由神话故事解读人物性格&贾宝玉性格浅析

    Getting a Deep Insight into the Characters ' Disposition from the Myth Story & A Brief Analysis of JIA Bao-yu 's Disposition

  17. 《红楼梦》中的甄宝玉和贾宝玉是一对思想性格原同后异的人物。

    Zhen Baoyu and Jia Baoyu in " A Dream of Red Mansions " are two figures with the same thought and character .

  18. 贾宝玉这一形象的塑造是人的生命与自然生命的对接与融合。

    Therefore , the creation of the image of Jia Bao-yu shows that the life of man blends well with the life of nature .

  19. 一是弃石夹带于神瑛侍者身上投胎历世时衔于贾宝玉口中成为与之形影不离的通灵宝玉。

    One is that Tongling Jade was brought about by Shenying 's attendant , and held in Jia Baoyu 's mouth when he was born .

  20. 本文通过比较分析霍尔顿与贾宝玉的精神世界,来探寻他们的精神本质:对人性真、善、美的追求。

    This essay will search for their similar spiritual essence that is , pursuing truth , beauty and goodness by the comparison of their spiritual worlds .

  21. 和弃儿汤姆大不相同,中国小说里的贾宝玉却是一个有钱、有势的贵族家庭中备受纵容和宠爱的娇儿。

    Unlike Tom , who was a foundling , Jia Baoyu in the Chinese novel was the pampered son of a wealthy , influential , aristocratic family .

  22. 现在,试从家庭悲剧、感情悲剧及造成这些悲剧的原因二个方面论述贾宝玉的悲剧。

    Now , try from a family tragedy , the tragedy and the feelings of the reasons for these tragedies Jia Baoyu discussed two aspects of the tragedy .

  23. 〔4〕贾宝玉是公元十八世纪中国著名小说《红楼梦》中的人物,大观园是贾宝玉家里的花园。

    Chia Pao-yu was a character in The Dream of the Red Chamber , an 18th century Chinese novel , and the Grand View Garden was his family garden .

  24. 请注意,这块变成美玉的石头是噙在贾宝玉的嘴里,小婴儿的嘴里来到人世的,它能有多大?

    Please note , this becomes the jade stone is held in Jia Baoyu 's mouth , the baby 's mouth to the world , it can have how old ?

  25. 《红楼梦》中曹雪芹的女性美学观主要见于前80回里贾宝玉对待女性的态度及所塑造的女性形象两方面。

    The female aesthetic attitude of Cao Xue-qin is mainly seen from the figures of female themselves in Dream of red chamber and the Jia Bao-yu 's attitude to them .

  26. 然而,从贾母为贾宝玉所定择偶标准来看,她的婚姻观是相当开明的,从未限制过某人的自由。

    However , Mother JIA 's views on marriage were quite liberal from the spouse standards she set for JIA Bao-yu , for she had never limited somebody 's freedom .

  27. 周汝昌对神瑛侍者与绛珠仙子转世人物贾宝玉与林黛玉关系的错解,造成了他以后研究《红楼梦》的步步错。

    The misunderstanding of the relationship between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu , reincarnated from Deity Shenying and Fairy Crimson Pearl , made his later researches mistake step by step .

  28. 薛宝钗是与贾宝玉、林黛玉鼎足而三的重要人物,也是红学研究中争议最多的复杂人物。

    Xue Baochai is as important as Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu , the three of whom form a relationship triangle and a complicated figure in A Dream of Red Mansions .

  29. 围绕贾宝玉性格的这一基点,《红楼梦》集中描写了这一人物身上所体现出来的自由意识和“意淫意识”,并以这种描写实现了对封建意识的批判和人文精神的追求。

    About this basic character of Jia Baoyu , The Story of Stone had concentrated on describing the consciousness of freedom and consciousness of fraternity , which were embodied on Jia Baoyu .

  30. 《红楼梦》中贾宝玉的人物形象,融入了作者太多的思想观点,所以这一人物形象从他诞生之日起就一直是人们关注的话题。

    Jia Baoyu 's artistic image has been blended too much author 's ideologies in 《 The Dream of Red Mansion 》, the figure was always a topic attented by people from his birth .