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  • 网络Empress Jia Nanfeng
  1. 晋惠帝皇后贾南风,是西晋历史上一位颇受非议的人物,史家和后人均将其作为女人干政、扰乱西晋政治和开启八王之乱的罪魁而大加贬斥。

    Jia Nanfeng , the empress of Emperor Hui of the Western Jin Dynasty , was a person who often brought blame from others in the history of the Western Jin Dynasty .

  2. 惠帝于公元267年被封为太子,272年与贾充之女贾南风成婚。贾充曾帮助司马家族在争夺王位时打败曹髦。

    Sima Zhong had been appointed Heir Apparent in 267 , and in 272 he married the Lady Jia Nanfeng , daughter of the minister Jia Chong , an old supporter of the Sima family and had played a leading role in the fighting against Cao Mao in 260 .