
  • 网络Jia Dao;Unguja
  1. 贾岛诗选择物象的特点

    The Characteristic of Jia Dao ′ s Poetry in Choosing Substantive Phenomena

  2. 晚唐五代贾岛接受史研究

    The Acceptance History of Jia Dao from Late Tang to Wu Dai

  3. 贾岛送别诗的艺术特色研究

    A Study to the Artistic Characteristics the on Jia Daos Send-off Poems

  4. 摘要贾岛无疑是一位创作个性十分鲜明的诗人。

    Undoubtedly , Jia Dao was a poet with distinct individual character .

  5. 贾岛现象与晚唐体

    Phenomenon of Jia Dao and the Late Tang Style

  6. 历代学习贾岛苦吟,不仅学习其苦吟诗歌创作的范式与方法,更多的是向一种苦吟精神的回归。

    People learnt from Jia Dao not only the method of creating poetry , but the spirit of the poetry .

  7. 虫吟草间再审视&论贾岛诗歌中的生命体悟

    Review of sound of insects chirping in the grass & On the feeling of life in JiaDao ` s poems

  8. 他们身世凄苦,仕途坎坷,他们学习贾岛,苦吟为诗。

    Their miserable life experience , rough careers , learning poetry from Jia Dao , assiduously writing poetry are known to us .

  9. 桑给巴尔岛与坦桑尼亚内陆相隔35公里,由温古贾岛和奔巴岛两个主要岛屿及数不清的较小岛屿组成。

    Located about 35 kilometers from mainland Tanzania , Zanzibar consists of two main islands – Unguja and Pemba – plus numerous smaller islands .

  10. 从寒士精神到隐逸情怀&晚唐五代学贾岛一派诗人思想境况的变迁

    From Spirit of Poor Poets to Secluded Feeling : on the Feeling Vicissitude of Poets Followed Jia Dao in the Late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties

  11. 北宋时期,诗歌史上第一次有了姚武功和贾岛体、浪仙体这样的称谓。

    Northern Song period was the first time in the history of poetry that appeared the word " Yao Wugong "," Jiadao style ," " Langxian style " .

  12. 这种诗风虽然以贾岛、姚合为主要代表,但它的源头却可以追溯到中唐诗人张籍。

    The Style can be traced back to Zhang Ji , the poet in the Middle Tang Dynasty though it was represented by Jia Dao and Yao He .

  13. 中唐时代的贾岛、姚合两位诗人因交谊密切、诗风类似而被后世并称为“姚贾”。

    Mid-Tang-Dynasty poets Jia Dao and Yao He are mentioned together by later generations as Yao and Jia on account of their closeness of friendship and similarity of poetic styles .

  14. 在对贾岛的研究中,其独特诗风历来是学界关注焦点,研究成果斐然。

    In the research of Jia Dao , his unique poetry style has always been the focus that everybody has paid close attention to and the achievement is very good .

  15. 其所指晚唐诗人是以孟郊、贾岛、姚合为代表的一些有隐逸倾向、写清苦生活、刻意琢磨诗歌艺术技巧的诗人。

    They mainly referred to the poetry with re-emitting tendency , written in an ornate style and concentrating on bitter lives by three representative poets Meng Jiao , Jia Dao , Yao He .

  16. 谢翱是在努力学习屈原、李贺、张籍、贾岛、姚合等诗人诗歌的过程中努力建立自己诗歌风格,并结合了自己所独有的个性气质与身世遭遇。

    Xie Ao poetry style is an effort to learn Qu Yuan , Li , Zhang Ji , Jia Dao , Yao and other poems established poets , combined with its own unique personality and the life experience encountered .

  17. 本文从贾岛对晚唐诗坛影响巨大的现象出发,认为人格精神构建与诗歌审美视角的独特性是其诗倾晚唐的两大重要因素。

    The essay advances that the construction of personality spirit and the unique aesthetics in poem appreciation are the two main reasons for his popularity in the late Dang Dynasty after the study of Jia dao 's great influence on the poetry .

  18. 这些诗人当中比较著名的是盛唐时期的高适、岑参;中唐时期的白居易、元稹、刘禹锡;晚唐时期的贾岛、李商隐、韦庄。

    In the middle of what these poets is quite famous is glorious age of Tang poetry time Gao Shi , the Cen shen ; Tang time Bai Juyi , Yuan Zhen , Liu Yuxi ; Late Tang time Jia Dao , Li Shangyin , Wei Zhuang .