
  1. 鹅湖是位于江西省景德镇市浮梁县东部的一个镇。

    E Hu is an eastern town in Fu Liang County , JingDeZhen JiangXi .

  2. 鹅湖较小,在我去茀灵特湖的中途;

    Goose Pond , of small extent , is on my way to Flint 's ;

  3. 本文分析了赣东北上侏罗统鹅湖岭组下界划分的现状及产生分歧的原因。

    This paper analyzes the existing state of the stratigraphic division of the lower group of Ehuling Formation and the reason resulting in difference .

  4. 石溪组以不整合覆盖在鹅湖岭组之上,其上为周家店组所覆盖的中生代火山岩地层上部。

    The Shixi Formation which rests unconformably on the Ehulin Formation and is unconformably overlain by the Zhoujiadian Formation is the upper part of the Mesozoic volcanic-sedimentary strata .