  • goose
  • 家禽,比鸭子大,颈长,喙扁阔,尾短,体白色或灰色,额部有肉质突起,雄的突起较大,颈长,脚大有蹼,善游水:白~。~毛。~卵石。~毛大雪。


(家禽) goose:

  • 一群鹅

    a drove [flock] of geese

  1. 那只鹅扇着沉重的翅膀飞走了。

    The goose flapped heavily away .

  2. 鹅被认为是愚笨的动物。

    The goose is thought to be stupid animal .

  3. 犯罪率的上升可能会扼杀旅游业这只产金蛋的鹅。

    An increase in crime could kill the golden goose of tourism .

  4. 他们喂肥了鹅鸭。

    They fattened up ducks and geese

  5. 鹅肝酱的制作需要给鹅和鸭子强行喂食,以使它们的肝胀大起来。

    Production of the foie gras p â t é involves force-feeding geese and ducks so that their livers swell .

  6. 这种V形能带给鹅能量。

    This V shape allows geese to energy .

  7. 呈V形队列飞行的鹅可以比单独飞行时要飞得更远70%的距离。

    Geese flying in a V shape can fly 70 percent farther without than birds flying alone .

  8. 例如,鹅(雁)给我们上了很好的一课。

    Geese , for example , teach a very good lesson about .

  9. 我们从这些可爱的鹅身上学到了什么?

    What have we learned from the lovely geese 's experience and skills ?

  10. 秋天时,加拿大鹅会飞到温暖的南方去,以躲避加拿大寒冷的冬天。

    In the fall , Canada geese fly to the warm south to get away from Canada 's cold winter .

  11. 和羊住在一起的母鹅也是。

    So did the geese , who lived with the sheep .

  12. 母鹅为这场历险中有自己的功劳而骄傲。

    The goose was proud of her share in the adventure .

  13. 威伯现在能看清几步远的母鹅了。

    Wilbur could see the goose a few feet away .

  14. 一直听着这场对话的母鹅嘎嘎自语。

    The goose had been listening to this conversation and chuckling to herself .

  15. 该项目由现代化养猪场,现代化养鹅场,以及沼气发电厂组成

    The project is consisted of a modern hoggery , goose house and methane plant .

  16. 甚至那只母鹅也很安静。

    Even the goose was quiet .

  17. 然而,他们把鹅开膛破肚之后,却发现和其他鹅没有什么两样。

    But when they cut it open they found it was just like any other goose .

  18. 所以没有一个人,甚至那只母鹅也没有注意到她在工作。

    None of the others , not even the goose , noticed that she was at work .

  19. 如果可以逃脱惩罚,他就会杀死小鹅的——母鹅深知这一点。

    He would kill a gosling if he could get away with it -- the goose knew that .

  20. 他偷看了芬一眼,然后贴着墙小心地朝母鹅这边溜过来。

    He glanced at Fern , then crept cautiously toward the goose , keeping close to the wall .

  21. 绵羊们向小路走去,后面跟着摇摇摆摆的公鹅。

    The sheep moved off down the lane , the gander waddled along behind them , pulling grass .

  22. 威伯走到栅栏旁,发现母鹅说得对——真的有一块木板松了。

    Wilbur walked up to the fence and saw that the goose was right -- one board was loose .

  23. 母鹅对离她最近的母牛嚷道,威伯自由了,不久所有的母牛都知道了这个新闻。

    The goose shouted to the nearest cow that Wilbur was free , and soon all the cows knew .

  24. 除了母鹅之外,夏洛是第一个得知小鹅出世的消息的。

    Except for the goose herself , Charlotte was the first to know that the goslings had at last arrived .

  25. 一天早晨,一位农夫发现自家的鹅窝中有一只金灿灿的蛋。

    One morning a countryman went to his goose 's nest , and saw a yellow and glittering egg there .

  26. 有一对夫妇非常幸运,他们有一只每天下一枚金蛋的鹅。

    A man and his Wife had the good fortune to possess a goose which laid a golden egg every day .

  27. 当第一只小鹅从鹅妈妈的羽毛里探出灰绿的小脑袋,开始四处观望时,夏洛第一个瞥见了他,并发布了一个声明。

    When the first gosling poked its grey-green head through the goose 's feathers and looked around , Charlotte spied it and made the announcement .

  28. 他虽然既结实又勇猛,但事实上,母鹅和公鹅还是有对坦普尔曼担心的充分理由。

    He was strong and brave , but the truth is , both the goose and the gander were worried about Templeton . And with good reason .

  29. 母鹅用她扁扁的嘴巴把那只没有孵出来的蛋推到了她的巢外,全体的伙伴都带着憎恶的表情看着耗子把它搬走。

    With her broad bill the goose pushed the unhatched egg out of the nest , and the entire company watched in disgust while the rat rolled it away .

  30. 那天早上晚些时候,动物们都从草场那边走回来了——绵羊,羊羔,公鹅,母鹅,七只小鹅。

    Later on that morning , the animals came up from the pasture — the sheep , the lambs , the gander , the goose , and the seven goslings .