
  • foie gras;goose liver;D'OIE
  1. 鹅肝酱的制作需要给鹅和鸭子强行喂食,以使它们的肝胀大起来。

    Production of the foie gras p â t é involves force-feeding geese and ducks so that their livers swell .

  2. 陈修洪表示,他得到了法国鹅肝生产商lecanarddumidi公司的技术援助。

    Mr Chen says he received technical assistance from a French foie gras producer , Le canard du Midi .

  3. 此外,还确定了鹅肝mtDNA的复制起点与方向。

    The position of D-loop and the direction of replication of the mtDNA were also determined .

  4. 研究了运用高效液相法检测鹅肥肝和鹅肝酱中VA的方法。

    This is a method for determination of Vitamin A in goose fat liver and goose liver catsup by HPLC .

  5. foiegras:鹅肝rich:浓厚的是的,还有鹅肝有点太腻了。

    Lily : Yeah , the foie gras is a bit rich . -

  6. 修葺一新的法国别墅里的餐厅LaBadiane,邦雅曼·拉斯卡鲁(BenjaminRascalou)推出了烤芒果片配鹅肝酱、以及用生姜油和当地芦笋做的蟹黄酱。

    At La Badiane , in a refurbished French villa , Benjamin Rascalou serves foie gras with roasted mango slices , and crab remoulade with ginger oil and local asparagus .

  7. 多年前,为了与DBBistro餐馆的汉堡抗衡,他设计了鹅肝酱包,里面塞满金叶和块菌。

    He devised the foie gras bao years ago as a riposte to the DB Bistro burger , stuffing it with gold leaf and truffles .

  8. 最早的天价汉堡源自2001年,一个名叫DanielBoulud的厨师将鹅肝和排骨融入了汉堡的制作。

    But the truck is closed until May.The original expensive burger was created by chef Daniel Boulud in 2001 , when he combined foie gras and ground short ribs at db Bistro Moderne .

  9. 我甚至参考了《venusinthekitchen》和其他催人情欲的烹饪书,但是尽管这些书生动讲述了牡蛎和鹅肝的浪漫功能,关于蔬菜的章节却很少。

    I even consulted Venus in the kitchen and other aphrodisiac cookbooks but , although they were eloquent on the romantic possibilities of oysters and foie gras , their vegetable chapters were a little thin .

  10. 此地也有老字号,比如保罗伯特大街上的保罗伯特餐厅,供应的牛排加炸薯条值得信赖,而蔷薇街上的LeP’titLandais则供应美味的鹅肝酱和蔬菜沙拉。

    There are also the old-timers , like Caf é Paul Bert for a reliable steak frites on Rue Paul Bert , and Le P'tit Landais on Rue des Rosiers for a slab of foie gras and green salad .

  11. 据美国主要鹅肝生产商哈德逊鹅肝公司(HudsonValleyFoieGras)一位发言人称,美国鹅肝市场每年涉及的动物不到60万只。

    according to a spokesman at Hudson Valley Foie Gras , one of the country 's main producers , the market in the United States involves just under 600000 animals per year .

  12. 由四季饭店提供的此种天价汉堡包的主要“成分”包括日本神户的牛肉、肥鹅肝、Portobello蘑菇以及韩国梨和炸薯条等。

    The $ 110 ( 57 pound ) hamburger offered by the Four Seasonss is made of Kobe beef with foie gras , Portobello mushrooms and Korean pears & served with french fries , of course .

  13. 鹅肝酱中脂肪酸检测方法的研究

    Methods for detecting the fatty acid in goose liver catsup

  14. 鹅肝酱」是用动物的哪一个部位做的?

    Foie gras is food made from which part of an animal ?

  15. 我们拿掉肥鹅肝后很好吃。

    Pretty good once we took the foie gras off .

  16. 我太太的鹅肝烤得不够�

    My wife 's foie gras hasn 't been cooked long enough .

  17. 女招待告诉我们鹅肝没有了。

    The waitress tells us the foie gras is off .

  18. 美味沙拉配鹅肝,鲜虾,火腿,洋蓟和蘑菇。

    Gourmet salad with goose liver and shrimps shaves of Parma ham .

  19. 酒体清新,带着类似鹅肝浆果的香味。

    The aroma is fresh and clean with well-defined gooseberry-like varietal characters .

  20. 我宁愿去吃一个发臭的鹅肝!

    I would rather eat the foie gras of a substandard goose .

  21. 五龙鹅肝和腹脂生长的配合力分析

    Combining Ability Analysis in Growth of Liver and Abdomen Fat For Wulong Goose

  22. 他的主食是自制甜甜圈,用鹅肝酱作馅。

    His food is homemade donuts with smashed-up goose livers injected into them .

  23. 鹅肝本身真的不那么重要。

    Foie gras itself just isn 't that important .

  24. 加州在2012年发布了鹅肝的销售和生产禁令。

    The sale and production of foie gras was prohibited in California in 2012 .

  25. 高效液相法测定鹅肥肝和鹅肝酱中维生素A

    Determination of vitamin A in goose fat liver and goose liver catsup by HPLC

  26. 以白兰地等烈酒,提炼上等鹅肝的鲜美滑顺口感。

    Plump goose liver soaks in brandy and other liquor to get coated aspic .

  27. 美食:青蛙腿和鹅肝酱

    EAT / / Frogs Legs and Foie Gras

  28. 香蕉鹅肝又是怎样的?

    And the banana and foie gras ?

  29. 统计数据上看,鹅肝是微不足道的;

    Statistically , foie gras is insignificant ;

  30. 套用一句广告语:自制肥鹅肝,绝对新时尚。

    Apply mechanically an ad saying : Abstain fat goose liver , absolutely new style .