
é gān jiàng
  • goose liver sauce;foie gras;terrine;goose liver paste;pate de foie gras
  1. 鹅肝酱的制作需要给鹅和鸭子强行喂食,以使它们的肝胀大起来。

    Production of the foie gras p â t é involves force-feeding geese and ducks so that their livers swell .

  2. 美食:青蛙腿和鹅肝酱

    EAT / / Frogs Legs and Foie Gras

  3. 研究了运用高效液相法检测鹅肥肝和鹅肝酱中VA的方法。

    This is a method for determination of Vitamin A in goose fat liver and goose liver catsup by HPLC .

  4. 修葺一新的法国别墅里的餐厅LaBadiane,邦雅曼·拉斯卡鲁(BenjaminRascalou)推出了烤芒果片配鹅肝酱、以及用生姜油和当地芦笋做的蟹黄酱。

    At La Badiane , in a refurbished French villa , Benjamin Rascalou serves foie gras with roasted mango slices , and crab remoulade with ginger oil and local asparagus .

  5. 多年前,为了与DBBistro餐馆的汉堡抗衡,他设计了鹅肝酱包,里面塞满金叶和块菌。

    He devised the foie gras bao years ago as a riposte to the DB Bistro burger , stuffing it with gold leaf and truffles .

  6. 此地也有老字号,比如保罗伯特大街上的保罗伯特餐厅,供应的牛排加炸薯条值得信赖,而蔷薇街上的LeP’titLandais则供应美味的鹅肝酱和蔬菜沙拉。

    There are also the old-timers , like Caf é Paul Bert for a reliable steak frites on Rue Paul Bert , and Le P'tit Landais on Rue des Rosiers for a slab of foie gras and green salad .

  7. 鹅肝酱中脂肪酸检测方法的研究

    Methods for detecting the fatty acid in goose liver catsup

  8. 鹅肝酱」是用动物的哪一个部位做的?

    Foie gras is food made from which part of an animal ?

  9. 他的主食是自制甜甜圈,用鹅肝酱作馅。

    His food is homemade donuts with smashed-up goose livers injected into them .

  10. 高效液相法测定鹅肥肝和鹅肝酱中维生素A

    Determination of vitamin A in goose fat liver and goose liver catsup by HPLC

  11. 餐前和餐后甜点饮用,配鹅肝酱新鲜水果。

    Serve chilled as an aperitif or dessert wine with foie gras and fresh fruit .

  12. 鹅肝酱用芒果和肉桂增加了甜味,厚味韭菜千层派的内部则填装着扇贝。

    Foie gras terrine is sweetened with mango and cinnamon , while scallops are loaded into a dense leek mille-feuille .

  13. 这时,我们开始点菜了:克鲁格曼点了尼斯沙拉;我点了鹅肝酱;还有一瓶发泡矿泉水。

    At this point we order : salade nioise for Krugman ; foie gras terrine for me ; and a bottle of sparkling water .

  14. 当然饭店的美食也很高端,比如掺有鹅肝酱的餐桌黄油、搭配甜蜜无花果酱的奶油布丁和蜂蜜冰淇淋。

    The food is elevated too , from the foie gras-larded table butter to desserts like honey-soaked fig pur é e with panna cotta and honey ice cream .

  15. 对配制的鹅肝酱进行感官评价和低温贮藏试验,结果表明该鹅肝酱符合营养、美味和质量要求。

    According to the prescription , making sense evaluation and low temperature storage , the new goose liver catsup meet the demand of nutrition , daintiness , quality .

  16. 有上面几道大菜,195.67美元的鹅肝酱和326.12美元的神户牛肉便宜得如同儿戏。还没有提到酒单,酒品包含一瓶27720.20美元的曼尼·康帝,由罗曼尼·康帝酒庄出品。

    The dinner will be accompanied by an expensive selection of wine which included a $ 27720.20 bottle of La Romanee-Conti , Domaine de la Romanee-Conti , according to reports .

  17. 实验测定回收率为98.21%,鹅肥肝和鹅肝酱测定的变异系数分别为0.44%和1.14%。

    The recoveries for Vitamin A was 98.21 % and the coefficient of variation for determination of goose fat liver and goose liver catsup were 0.44 % and 1.14 % .

  18. 这家菜品以当地特产和香料为主,设有六道菜的正餐也受到很多西方影响,比如里面包括鱼子酱、松露、鹅肝酱、龙虾这样的奢华美味。

    The menu features local produce and spices , alongside more Western influences in the six-course set dinner menu including such indulgent delights as caviar , truffles , foie gras and lobster .

  19. 艾尔佩林认为,比起那些有争议的食物(如鹅肝酱),吃鱼翅更罪过,因为这简直不是人吃的东西。

    Eating it , Ms Eilperin suggests , is even more reprehensible than eating other morally objectionable foods such as delicious foie gras , because there is " no gastronomic pay-off " .

  20. 我是说,我们是不是应该--赞叹--“喔,俄式莫斯科鸭肉和法国肥鹅肝酱!看,他们还有酥炸软壳蟹!”

    I mean , should we be extolling every - " Oh , the Muscovy Duck and foie gras ! Oh , I see they 've got crisp soft-shelled crabs here ! "

  21. 供应各种美食,包括鱼子酱、鹅肝酱、芝士堡、炸鱼和薯片,从周一到周日每天晚上开放营业,哪怕是跳蚤市场歇业的时候。

    The restaurant , which offers everything from caviar and foie gras to cheeseburgers and fish and chips , is open evenings during the week , even when the flea market is closed .

  22. 他们离开这些教会自己制作鹅肝酱和羊肚菌的奢华餐厅,开设店面餐厅,在这里他们可以用五花肉和柚子、蒸水蛋和齿叶菜随意烹饪。

    They left the luxurious places where they had mastered foie gras and morels to open storefront restaurants where they can mess around with pork belly and pomelo , steamed eggs and sawtooth herb .

  23. 庆幸这只是一个误解,乐尚是一个暂时离开中餐,用一点鹅肝酱和一点法国酒犒劳自己的地方。

    Glad to be proven wrong , I 've found Le5 Sens to be a welcome refuge from Chinese cuisine for anyone wanting to treat themselves to a bit of fois gras and some French wine .

  24. 有时候还能发现混搭产品,比如三合一鹅肝酱(与杏仁糖和粉状的帕马森奶酪掺在一起,做成抹酱的状态),以及搭配小蘑菇、覆盆子和甜菜的罕见鹿肉片。

    In between you might find a foie gras trifecta ( in glazed form , as nougat and mixed with powdery Parmesan cheese ) or slices of rare venison with tiny mushrooms , raspberries and beets .

  25. 开胃菜是热乎乎的熏鳗鱼、鹅肝酱和水果酸辣酱。主菜通常是地中海和中东特色,比如肥嫩多汁、口味香甜的烤羊腿,搭配月桂、孜然和其他中东香料。

    Appetizers include warm smoked eel and foie gras with fruit chutney , while main dishes offer a Mediterranean-Mideast touch , such as the succulent , smoky-sweet shank of lamb with cinnamon , cumin and other souk spices .

  26. 亚洲各地的月饼多达数百种,而类似香港和上海这种国际大都市,有钱人家甚至能享用黑松露、鱼子酱和鹅肝酱月饼。

    There are literally hundreds of varieties found throughout the region and in cosmopolitan areas such as Hong Kong and Shanghai , well-to-do folk can even munch on moon cakes of black truffle , caviar and foie gras .

  27. 以鹅肥肝为主要原料,研制了新型鹅肝酱的工艺流程和最佳工艺配方。研究了乳化剂对鹅肝的乳化作用,及搅拌时间、增稠剂、加水量对鹅肝酱品质的影响。

    The paper presented the new goose liver catsup 's technical process and the best technical prescription using goose fatty liver as raw material , studied the emulsification of using emulsifier to goose fatty liver and influence of mixing time , thickeners , water quantity .

  28. 这个不接受预订的餐馆也是杰森·阿瑟顿开设的。从2012年10月起,它以便宜的小分量菜肴吸引了很多赶时髦的人,比如鹅肝酱伊比利亚猪肉汉堡以及搭配曼彻格奶酪和黑松露的西班牙烤火腿。

    This no-reservations space also from Jason Atherton has been luring the hipster crowd since October 2012 with its spread of pocket-friendly small plates like Iberico pork burger with foie gras as well as a jam ó n " toastie " layered with Manchego cheese and black truffle .

  29. 以胡萝卜和鹅肝为原料,研究了胡萝卜鹅肝酱罐头的配方和生产工艺。

    Using carrot and goose ' liver as raw materials , the formula and processing technology of goose ' liver paste can with carrot were studied in this article .