
é luǎn shí
  • cobblestone;cobble;oval-shaped pebble;grail
鹅卵石 [é luǎn shí]
  • [oval-shaped pebble] 小圆石,尤指被流水磨圆了的石头

鹅卵石[é luǎn shí]
  1. 在曲折蜿蜒的鹅卵石街道的两边,一把把阳伞为露天咖啡馆遮阴挡阳。

    Umbrellas shade outdoor cafes along winding cobblestone streets .

  2. 她拾起一块鹅卵石猛地掷去,石子打穿了玻璃。

    She picked up a cobblestone and dashed it through the glass .

  3. 他们穿过拱门走进铺着鹅卵石的院子。

    They walked through the arch and into the cobbled courtyard .

  4. 往池塘里扔块鹅卵石就会激起一片涟漪。

    You throw a pebble in a pool and it ripples

  5. 他们发现翠茜坐在场院的鹅卵石地上。

    They found Trish sitting on the cobbles of the stable yard .

  6. 在罐子里铺一层鹅卵石,以确保排水良好。

    Line the pots with pebbles to ensure good drainage

  7. 一段石阶从鹅卵石路上一直向上直通城墙。

    A number of staircases ascend from the cobbled streets onto the ramparts .

  8. 科特雷尔穿过铺着鹅卵石的院子大步走出来。

    Cottrell strode out across the cobbled courtyard .

  9. 广场上挤满了人,鹅卵石铺就的街道上满是五颜六色的花朵。

    The square was packed , and the cobbled streets flowed with coloured petals .

  10. 它们有着流畅的弧线、冰凉的屏幕,光滑而陌生,像一块鹅卵石。

    The rounded edges , cool glass , smooth and unknowable as a pebble .

  11. 你会在身边发现这样一个愉悦的时刻:一轮美丽的夕阳,或是一个正在鹅卵石路边的水洼里玩耍的小孩子。

    You 'll find the enjoyable moments happening all around you : a wonderful sunset or a small child playing in the puddlesof a cobbleroad .

  12. 我们会面的地点在Neal'sYard那鹅卵石铺就的院子里。

    We meet in the cobbled Neal 's Yard courtyard .

  13. 珠光金色的双C图案位于星罗棋布鹅卵石般铺开的小圆点中央,而这种暖色调单色被很巧妙地烘托出来。

    Pearl gold double C logo in the spread of small cobblestone-like roll out the central dot , and this warm color is very cleverly set off out .

  14. 1969年在皇家汇演上听过TomJones(威尔士传奇歌唱艺术家)的演唱后,他问:你都拿什么东西漱口的?鹅卵石吗!?

    What do you gargle with pebbles ? To Tom Jones , after the Royal Variety Performance , 1969 .

  15. 若想换个放松休闲一些的地方,不妨到铺着鹅卵石地面的RuedesTeinturiers去逛逛。

    To go casual , stroll the cobbled Rue des Teinturiers .

  16. 这里是旧城区,瑞典语叫做Gamlastan,小巷子里都铺着鹅卵石。

    This is the Old Town , Gamla stan , you know , with the cobbled little alleys .

  17. 鹅卵石铺路的灯塔山(BeaconHill)是美国建国初期地产投机商开发的,其设计堪称居住区的典范。我们全家曾在灯塔山住过一段时间,住所就在金顶的州议会大厦(StateHouse)正下方。

    cobblestoned Beacon Hill , built by land speculators in the earliest years of the Republic , where we lived for a while right below the golden domed State House , one of the most perfect expressions of residential neighbourhood ever designed .

  18. 炉膛石板、瓷砖、砖面或鹅卵石都可以点缀EXCALIBUR外观并成为家中的摆设焦点。

    Furnace slate , brick or cobble can be used to decorate the EXCALIBUR 'S appearance , and become the focal point .

  19. 伊利斯卡的客人们通常要求在充满商店和艺术画廊的玛莱区(Marais)的鹅卵石街道上来个私人向导游览。

    Mr. Ilisca 's guests often request a personal tour of the cobblestone streets of the shopping and art-packed Marais .

  20. 附近还有著名的洛肯·奥尼尔画廊(GalleriaLorcanO’Neill),它去年才搬到这个宽敞的所在,入口的一侧是鹅卵石庭院,另一侧是雕石喷泉。

    And nearby , a cobblestone courtyard and carved-stone fountain flank the entrance to the prestigious Galleria Lorcan O'Neill , which moved to this spacious location last year ;

  21. 鲍伊会乘电梯从他的顶层公寓下来,离开大楼,横穿拉法叶特街,再穿过一条叫做泽西街(Jersey)的小胡同,顺着鹅卵石铺就的街道,一直走到工作室那没有标记的金属门前。

    Mr. Bowie would have ridden the elevator down from his penthouse , exited his building , crossed Lafayette Street , slipped through the little alley called Jersey Street and walked on cobblestones until he came to the studio 's unmarked metal doors .

  22. 主要研究成果如下:(1)本文通过静态吸附实验考察了粉煤灰、鹅卵石和砂土三种基质对制革废水中COD、氨氮、氯化物、六价铬和总铬的吸附性能。

    The main conclusions of this dissertation were as follows : ( 1 ) Contaminant adsorption characteristics of fly ash , cobble and sand were studied through isotherm batch-experiments to the COD 、 NH4 + - N 、 Chloride 、 Cr6 + and total chromium in tanning wastewater .

  23. 你可以选择参加船上的岸上游览活动前往Delos,也可以选择自由活动,在这座美丽小岛的鹅卵石路上悠闲漫步。

    Take part in the optional tour to Delos or enjoy your afternoon , walking along the quaint cobbled streets of this beautiful island .

  24. 途中逗留的地点,包括一般游客不会留意的小镇,譬如建于9世纪的龙达(Ronda),这是西班牙历史上的商业中心,镇内可见鹅卵石铺就的大路以及年代久远的教堂,现代的斗牛运动就发源于此。

    Stops include tiny towns the typical tourist doesn 't see , like ninth-century Ronda , the historic trading center with cobblestone roads and ancient churches that is modern bullfighting 's birthplace .

  25. 穿过拉丁区弯弯曲曲的鹅卵石小巷,或者在圣日耳曼德佩区的梧桐树大道上漫步,你会不止一次感觉自己置身于罗伯特·杜瓦诺(RobertDoisneau)的黑白照片中。

    Walk through the Latin Quarter 's crooked cobblestone corridors or down the grand plane-tree-lined boulevards of St. - Germain-des-Pr é s and , more than once , you 'll think you 're inside a black-and-white Robert Doisneau photo .

  26. 声纳揭示出在我们潜水器的周围是一片几英亩大的鹅卵石地。

    The sonar reveals acres of cobblestone fields surrounding our craft .

  27. 普通的领导人却把路上的鹅卵石变成巨石。

    The ordinary leader turns pebbles in the road into boulders .

  28. 我们将用鹅卵石铺公园里的走道。

    We are going to pebble the walks in the park .

  29. 细胞融合后,呈典型的鹅卵石状上皮细胞形态。

    The cells were in typical cobblestone appearance after cell conjugation .

  30. 万圣节时还能他把打扮成一颗鹅卵石。

    For Halloween , we can dress him as a cobblestone .