
  • 网络a jordanian
  1. 这名男孩的母亲是约旦人,她携带有莱氏综合症基因。

    The boy 's mother is a Jordanian who carries genes for Leigh syndrome .

  2. 一名48年的老约旦人偷偷这条埃及眼镜蛇放到周一从开罗到科威特的有90名乘客的航班上。

    A 48-year old Jordanian man snuck the Egyptian cobra onto the 90-passenger flight from Cairo to Kuwait on Monday .

  3. 一些约旦人已经开始在这个60岁的GhaziAl-Saadi建立的学校学习希伯来文了。

    a number of Jordanians have started learning Hebrew at this school founded by 60-years-old Ghazi Al-Saadi .

  4. 领跑的男选手是摩洛哥人与约旦人,他们从小就适应沙漠环境,尽管领跑的女选手是瑞典人伊丽莎白巴恩斯(ElisabetBarnes,她也是今年的摩洛哥撒哈拉沙漠地狱马拉松赛冠军)。

    The leading male runners are Moroccans and Jordanians , people used to the desert , though the women 's race is led by Swedish runner Elisabet Barnes ( who also won this year 's Marathon des Sables ) .

  5. 另一位留学生艾哈迈德•阿齐兹是约旦人。

    Ahmed Aziz , another international student , was from Jordan .

  6. 甚至更棒的是,约旦人看来迫不及待要欢迎外人。

    Even better , the Jordanian people seem eager to welcome outsiders .

  7. 因为有了巴勒斯坦裔的约旦人占据绝大部分,一些变化似乎是不可避免的。

    With most Jordanians of Palestinian origin , some change would seem inevitable .

  8. 他们中的大多数是南亚人,埃及人,巴勒斯坦人,约旦人和伊朗人。

    Most of them are South Asians , Egyptians , Palestinians , Jordanians , and Iranians .

  9. 该组织的第一任首领是臭名昭著的杀人狂约旦人阿布·穆萨布·阿尔·扎卡维。

    Erster Anf ü hrer war der f ü r seine Grausamkeit ber ü chtigte Jordanier Abu Mussab Al-Sarkawi .

  10. 而伊拉克,埃及和约旦人如果以前曾经成为别人嘲笑的对象,他们会避免再次出席类似的场合。

    But people in Iraq , Egypt and Jordan who feel they have been victims before may avoid such situations .

  11. 星期五,伊拉克官员通告逮捕,约旦人阿布·穆萨卜·扎卡维的三个高级助手。

    On Friday , Iraqi officials announced the arrests of three top aides to its Jordanian-born leader , Abu Musab al-Zarqawi .

  12. 过去的经济困难及愤怒加剧转变成对国王的直接挑战,约旦人寻求改变的呼声已经越来越高涨。

    Jordanians'demands for change have been growing stronger , fueled by economic hardship and boiling over at times into a direct challenge to the monarch .

  13. 包括那些为其他阿拉伯国家国民觉醒所激励着在内的大多数约旦人,都希望改革而非推翻国内体系。

    Most Jordanians , including those inspired by the Arab awakening elsewhere , want to keep the monarchy , preferring to reform the system rather than overthrow it .

  14. 那天傍晚,在这座山城的一个豪华的居民区,我去看比较富裕的约旦人到哪里购物,我遇到了类似的经历。

    I had a similar experience that evening when I went to see where wealthier Jordanians did their shopping , in one of the smart residential areas in this city of hills .

  15. 中东地球之友组织(FoEME)的约旦负责人MunqethMehyar说,一些产油的发展中国家出于“兑现”石油利润的原因而反对清洁能源。

    Munqeth Mehyar , Jordanian director of Friends of the Earth Middle East ( FoEME ), says that some oil-producing developing countries oppose clean energy for the sake of " cashing in " on oil profits .

  16. 这是一次可耻的暗杀行动,其目的就是杀害一个全心全意帮助约旦人民的人。

    The assassination of an individual whose sole mission was to assist the people of Jordan .

  17. 属于或关于约旦、约旦人的,或有其特点的。23流便人的境界就是约旦河与靠近约旦河的地。

    Of or relating to or characteristic of Jordan or its people . And the border of the children of Reuben was Jordan , and the border thereof .

  18. 我领你们到约旦河东亚摩利人所住之地。他们与你们争战,我将他们交在你们手中,你们便得了他们的地为业。我也在你们面前将他们灭绝。

    And I took you into the lands of the Amorites on the other side of jordan ; and they made war on you , and I gave them into your hands and you took their land ; and I sent destruction on them before you .

  19. 基列人安居在约旦河外。但人为何等在船上。

    Gilead abode beyond Jordan : and why did Dan remain in ships ?

  20. 我领你们到约旦河东亚摩利人所住之地。

    I brought you to the land of the Amorites who lived east of the Jordan .

  21. 从耶路撒冷、全犹太和整个约旦河谷来的人都去见他。

    People came to him from Jerusalem , from all Judea and from the whole Jordan valley .

  22. 耶路撒冷、犹太全境和约旦河谷一带的人都纷纷来找约翰,坦诚忏悔,在约旦河里接受他施洗。

    They flocked to him from Jerusalem , from all Judaea , and the whole Jordan valley , and were baptized by him in the River Jordan , confessing their sins .