
  • Johannesburg;Johannesburg,South Africa;JNB
  1. 喷气式飞机提前两分钟到达了约翰内斯堡。

    The jet arrived in Johannesburg two minutes ahead of schedule

  2. 我在约翰内斯堡一家大酒店的休息大厅跟她打过招呼,她当时在那里参加一个工会会议。

    I spoke to her in the lounge of a big Johannesburg hotel where she was attending a union meeting .

  3. 北京时间今日晚22点,世界杯C组在约翰内斯堡的埃利斯公园球场进行了一场比赛,对阵双方是斯洛文尼亚和美国。

    Beijing late today , 22 points , group C World Cup in Johannesburg 's Ellis Park stadium for a game against both Slovenia and the United States .

  4. 周四在约翰内斯堡取得这场胜利过后,斯洛伐克在首轮比赛中积4分,取得F组小组第二名的战绩。

    Thursday 's win in Johannesburg gave Slovakia four points in the opening round and propelled the team to a second-place finish in Group F.

  5. 南非总统雅各布·祖马(JacobZuma)于周日在约翰内斯堡发起了该检测运动。

    President Jacob Zuma ed the testing campaign on Sunday in Johannesburg .

  6. 2013年初次发现后,由60名科学家组成的一个国际团队一直在致力于表征从距离约翰内斯堡50公里的“新星洞”(RisingStar)发掘出的15具骸骨。

    An international team of 60 scientists has worked on characterising the bones of 15 individuals removed from the Rising Star cave 50km from Johannesburg since the initial discovery in 2013 .

  7. 旅居约翰内斯堡的荷兰作家弗雷德•德弗里斯(FreddeVries)对这些人后来的经历产生了好奇。

    Fred de Vries , a Dutch writer living in Johannesburg , wondered what had become of them .

  8. MaiMai市场是约翰内斯堡最为古老的市场,这里是人们寻求一些传统偏方良药的好去处。

    The Mai Mai Market is the oldest market in Johannesburg and is a great place to discover traditional remedies .

  9. NPR新闻,杰森·波比安约翰内斯堡报道。

    Jason Beaubien , NPR News , Johannesburg .

  10. NPR新闻,奥非比·奎斯特·阿克顿约翰内斯堡报道。

    Ofeibea Quist-Arcton , NPR News , Johannesburg .

  11. NPR新闻,阿里·夏皮罗约翰内斯堡报道。

    Ari Shapiro , NPR News , Johannesburg .

  12. NPR新闻,格雷戈里·华纳约翰内斯堡报道。

    Gregory Warner , NPR News , Johannesburg .

  13. 在约翰内斯堡大街上卖水果的FortuneGora相信这次事故是由反对权利共享协议的民族联盟分子计划的。

    Fortune Gora , who sells fruit on the streets of Johannesburg , believes the accident was planned by elements of ZANU-PF who oppose the power sharing accord .

  14. 在约翰内斯堡,南非机场公司(AirportsCompanySouthAfrica,ACSA)发言人UnathiBatyashe-Fillis表示,该公司还完全不能确认导致飞机坠毁的原因。

    In Johannesburg , a spokeswoman for the Airports Company South Africa , Unathi Batyashe-Fillis , said the company had no confirmation on what caused the crash .

  15. 在南非仍处于种族隔离时,格拉森伯格在约翰内斯堡的金山大学(WitwatersrandUniversity)攻读会计学本科学位,期间他修了一门大宗商品方面的课程。

    As an undergraduate studying accountancy at Witwatersrand University in Johannesburg , in apartheid-era South Africa , he took a course in commodities .

  16. 约翰内斯堡高级法院下达该中期济助令,以允许瓦提兄弟将两只孟加拉虎继续留存于自由邦菲利普利斯的TigerMoon野生动物保护区。

    The Johannesburg High Court granted the Vartys an interim order for the release of their two Bengal tigers on the Tiger Moon Wildlife Sanctuary outside Philippolis in the Free State .

  17. 最近我读了马克•格维瑟(MarkGevisser)新出的有关约翰内斯堡的杰作《调度员》(Dispatcher)之后,才了解他们大多数人并不想终结种族隔离。

    I grasped only recently ( after reading Mark Gevisser 's excellent new book Dispatcher , about Johannesburg ) that most of them didn 't want to end apartheid .

  18. MTN创新中心,菲尔兰德,约翰内斯堡,南非

    MTN innovation centre , fairland , johannesburg , South Africa

  19. 在南非约翰内斯堡,富有的桑顿(Sandton)地区和主要是黑人居民的贫穷的亚历山德拉(Alexandra)地区现在相当靠近了。

    In Johannesburg , rich Sandton and poor black Alexandra are now neighbours .

  20. 据约翰内斯堡科技研究公司WorldWideWorx估计,2014年推向非洲市场的微信,在南非拥有大约600万注册用户,相比之下WhatsApp拥有大约1400万活跃用户。

    World Wide Worx , a Johannesburg-based technology research company , estimates that WeChat , launched in the African market in 2014 , has about 6m registered users in South Africa , compared with about 14m active WhatsApp users .

  21. 这是我在约翰内斯堡(Johannesburg)淘到的,当地人说我们人类的始祖来自非洲,她可以代表整个人类的母亲。

    I picked it up in Johannesburg . They say we all come from Africa and she could be the mother of all humanity .

  22. 国际艾滋病疫苗项目约翰内斯堡办公室的JimSherwood说疫苗缺乏进展是一个“糟糕的情况”。

    Jim Sherwood , of the Johannesburg offices of the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative ( IAVI ), said the lack of progress was a " sad state " .

  23. 当地时间今天上午刚刚获得第五个NBA总冠军的科比来到约翰内斯堡市索韦托内的足球训练营,参加了当地一个慈善活动,帮助当地少年儿童远离艾滋病。

    Local time this morning just won a fifth NBA championship Bryant came to Soweto in Johannesburg City football training camp , participated in a local charity to help local children from AIDS .

  24. 新闻发布会将于9月7(星期四)下午12:30在会议地点举行:SunnysideParkHotel,Parktown,约翰内斯堡。

    A news conference will be held at12.30pm , Thursday , 7 September , at the conference venue : Sunnyside Park Hotel , Parktown , Johannesburg .

  25. 令她身为职业外交官的父亲深感高兴的是,她当时获得了西班牙马德里工商会(madridchamberofcommerce)授予的国际奖学金,还作为商务顾问为西班牙驻约翰内斯堡大使馆工作。

    To the delight of her father , a career diplomat , she then won an international scholarship run by the Madrid chamber of Commerce , and worked as a commercial adviser attached to the Spanish Embassy in Johannesburg .

  26. 在约翰内斯堡上市的metorex证实,淡水河谷希望退出竞购。

    Johannesburg-listed metorex confirmed that Vale wished to terminate its offer .

  27. 这种新人种被称为“纳莱迪人”(Homonaledi),研究者在约翰内斯堡金山大学(WitwatersrandUniversity)和在英国举行的新闻发布会上宣布了这种新人种的发现。

    The discovery of Homo naledi , as the new species is called , was announced at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg and press briefings in the UK .

  28. MobileActive希望7月在约翰内斯堡举行它的下一次会议。

    MobileActive hopes to hold its next meeting in July in Johannesburg .

  29. 约翰内斯堡的威特沃特斯兰德大学教授LeeBerger,带领的研究团队经初步研究发现,新物种是化石史上最接近猿人谱系(Homolineage)的祖先。

    Initial research , led by Lee Berger of the University of the Witwatersrand , in Johannesburg , concluded that the species came too late in the fossil record to be the ancestor of the Homo lineage .

  30. 在约翰内斯堡的Sandton区的销售点,警方关闭了通往销票点的大门。

    At one point , they closed the doors to a ticketing office in the city 's Sandton district .