
yī zhì xínɡ dònɡ
  • concerted action;act in a concert
  1. 该报道的作者马丁·帕里宣称是世界各国的首脑采取一致行动的时候了。

    Martin Parry , author of the report , says it 's time for concerted action by world leaders .

  2. 委员会决定敦促其成员采取一致行动要求提高工资。

    The committee decided to press for concerted action for higher wages .

  3. 他想和其他国家采取一致行动。

    He wants to act in concert with other nations .

  4. 这些国家的政府一致行动对付恐怖主义。

    The governments acted in unison to combat terrorism .

  5. 英国财政大臣阿里斯泰尔达林(alistairdarling)昨天呼吁,在英国、法国和美国对银行业开征新税之后,世界各国还应达成一致行动协议,“以防范未来银行倒闭的可能性”。

    Alistair Darling , British Chancellor of the exchequer , yesterday called for a global deal " to insure against the possibility of banking failure in future " , in addition to the levies on the banking industry already announced in Britain , France and the US .

  6. 思想认识统一了,大家就一致行动。

    If we reach a consensus , we can make concerted efforts .

  7. 人们将采取一致行动反对这些提议。

    There has been a concerted campaign against the proposals .

  8. 他们在这件事上和我们采取一致行动。

    They acted in concert with us over this matter .

  9. 默克尔敦促消费者采取一致行动来保护环境。

    Ms Merkel urged consumers to take concrete steps to protect the environment .

  10. 采取一致行动提高资本金标准,必须是他们的最重要目标之一。

    Raising capital standards in unison must be one of their most important goals .

  11. 要解决跨国银行带来的问题,各方同样有必要采取一致行动。

    Concerted action is equally necessary to address the problems posed by cross-border banks .

  12. 气候变化是国际社会普遍关注的全球性问题,应对气候变化需要世界各国的共同努力和一致行动。

    Climate change is a global issue that is greatly concerned by the international community .

  13. 手下的骑士也跟他一致行动。

    His knights did the same .

  14. 如果官员们能协同一致行动(在印尼从未实现),汽车市场会继续欣欣向荣。

    If the bureaucrats get their act together-never guaranteed in Indonesia-the car market should keep revving up .

  15. 问题的关键是当说服无效时,其他大国拒绝配合,采取一致行动进行制裁,对(不听话的国家)施加压力。

    The trouble is that when persuasion has failed the other big powers have refused to apply pressure .

  16. 但北京方面迄今几乎丝毫没有展现出与美国一致行动的意愿,对美国的动机也不信任。

    But Beijing has shown almost no willingness to act in unison with a US whose motives it mistrusts .

  17. 面对如此前景,有些人辩称美国应强制其他拖后腿的国家采取一致行动。

    Faced with that prospect , some argue that the United States should force collective action on foreign foot-draggers .

  18. 她说世界上富裕国家应采取一致行动帮助贫困国家。

    She said that the richer countries of the world should take concerted action to help the poorer countries .

  19. 上市公司收购中一致行动法律制度研究

    A Study on the Legal System of Regulating Act in Concert in the Course of Acquisition of the Listed Company

  20. 一致行动人的比较法考察具体表现为:肉体感受性是人行动的最初原因;

    Comparative Survey of Coordinated Actors It specifically demonstrated that body sensitivity is the initial reason for man to behave .

  21. 大家一致行动的原因是复杂多样的,但其中的一个因素是普遍考虑的空间问题。

    The reasons for this confluence of activity are complex , but one factor is a consideration everywhere & space .

  22. 全球级、各区域和国家内的协调一致行动必须立即开始,以便应对这一危机。

    Coordinated action to address this crisis at the global level , in regions and within countries must begin now .

  23. 我赞同禽流感和大流行性流感国际伙伴关系,它是采取一致行动的一个极为重要的机制。

    I applaud the International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza , which is a hugely important mechanism for concerted action .

  24. 实际控制人不同于控股股东、经营者、关联方、一致行动人等其他法律概念。

    Actual controller is different from controlling shareholders , operators , affiliates , persons acting in concert and other legal concepts .

  25. 因为,如果不能集会进行讨论、采取一致行动或组建政党,我们如何能践行民主呢?

    For how can we practice democracy if people cannot assemble to discuss , take collective action or form political parties ?

  26. 黑手党中一旦有人面临法律制裁的威胁,其余的人就会一致行动,聚集起来支援他。

    As soon as one of their members was threatened by the law , the Mafia closed ranks and gathered round him .

  27. 对于莱茵河和多瑙河等国际河流,现已设立国际河流委员会以确保采取一致行动。

    On international rivers , such as the Rhine and Danube , international river commissions have been established to ensure concerted action .

  28. 八路军将和其他中国部队一致行动,坚持山西的抗战局面;

    The Eighth Route Army will co-ordinate its actions with those of other Chinese troops in order to maintain the resistance in Shansi ;

  29. 他说,危机增加了中国经济的不稳定。必须要采取一致行动,增强各国互相依赖的经济。

    He said the crisis was increasing instability in China 's economy and that concerted efforts were needed to shore-up their interdependent economies .

  30. 关键问题不是任何精确的清盘形式,而是监管机构是否有信心一致行动。

    The vital thing is not the precise form of any resolution , but whether regulators have the confidence to act in concert .