
yī bān xiàn zài shí
  • Present tense;present simple;present indefinite
  1. 用括号里的动词的一般现在时形式。

    Use the simple present tense of the verbs in brackets .

  2. 我拒绝听任何人唱流行歌曲。(通常的状态,用一般现在时)

    I refuse to listen to anyone who sings pop songs .

  3. 表示将来的一般现在时与现在进行时

    The Simple Present and the Present Continuous as Future Expressions

  4. 用一般现在时谈论将来。

    To use the simple present tense to talk about the future .

  5. 我一到那儿就给你来信。(一般现在时)

    I " ll write you as soon as I get there .

  6. 条件状语从句,一般现在时表示将来时。

    If she comes , she will get a surprise .

  7. 一般现在时的原型研究

    A Prototypical Study of the Simple Present Tense

  8. 我们从名词性的发音学到一般现在时。

    We progressed from pronunciation to the gender of nouns to the present tense .

  9. 这里我们用到了一般现在时。

    Here we should use the present tense .

  10. 一般现在时对于描述自己的情况非常有用。

    Kim 's Note : Present tense is very useful for giving information about yourself .

  11. 复习一般现在时。

    To revise the simple present tense .

  12. 一般现在时中0时间现象的归属问题探讨

    A Preliminary Study of the Categorization of 0 Time Phenomenon in the Simple Present Tense

  13. 英语一般现在时的人际意义

    Interpersonal Function of English Present Tense

  14. 在上学期里,我们学习了一般现在时和现在进行时。

    We have learned both the simple present tense and the present continuous tense last semester .

  15. 同时,用语言的主观性这一理论对一般现在时的非现在时用法进行了解释。

    Meanwhile , the subjectivity is adopted to explain the non-present use of the simple present tense .

  16. 中国英语学习者一般现在时误用的研究&一个基于语料库的分析

    On the misuse of simple present tense by the English learners in China & A corpus-based study

  17. 记住一般现在时的简单用法时表示定期的或者频繁的活动。

    Remember the simple use of the present tense to indicate a regular or frequent activity , e.g.

  18. 本文中,笔者对一般现在时的这一多义现象进行了原型分析。

    In the present thesis , the writer applies the prototype theory to the analysis of this phenomenon .

  19. 时态和语态方面,中国英语专业学习者过度使用一般现在时和主动语态。

    On sentence tenses and voices , Chinese English major students significantly overuse simple present tense and active voice .

  20. 我想一般现在时是所有时态中最容易的,你知道它的含义吗?

    I think the present indefinite tense is the easiest tense of all . Do you know what it means ?

  21. 一般现在时的肯定陈述句在句中占绝对比例,用以提供信息。

    The positive declaratives in simple present tense are the absolute majority of all the clauses , being employed to give information .

  22. 在句法上,多使用被动语态,一般现在时,非人称主语,名物化以及长句。

    Syntactically , passive voice , simple present tense , impersonal subject , nominalization and long sentences are frequently used in EST texts .

  23. 传统语法在分析0时间概念的客观事实时,只是把这种现象罗列在一般现在时内,忽视了对其归类。

    The available analysis of 0-time " objective phenomenon ", which falls into the simple present tense , focuses on facts listing instead of categorization .

  24. 在这一范畴中,一般现在时的状态用法是其中心成员(原型),而其它用法则是其边缘成员。

    In this category , the state use of the simple present tense is the central member ( prototype ), while other uses are peripheral members .

  25. 但是,一般现在时不仅可以表示现在正在发生的动作或存在的状态,而且还可以表示过去已经发生或是将来要发生的事。

    However , the simple present tense can refer to not only happening events or existing states , but also events that already happened or will happen .

  26. 然而,实际应用中我们知道一般现在时也可用来表示过去和将来,而一般过去时也可用来表示现在和过去。

    However , present tense can be used to refer to the past and the future and past tense can be adopted to denote present and the past .

  27. 第三,一般现在时在两类新闻中占主导,这体现了新闻的时效性。

    Thirdly , simple present tense mostly used in both kinds of news , which is in accordance with the up to date and quick character of news .

  28. 本文通过跟踪和横断面研究探讨了中国英语学习者对一般现在时第三人称单数标记-s和系动词/助动词is的习得。

    This article reports on a study that investigates how Chinese-speaking learners of English acquire the English third person singular agreement marker - s and the copular / auxiliary is .

  29. 本文用典型理论分析了一般现在时的五种普遍用法,从而找出其家族相似性,也即一般现在多种用法之间的本质内涵。

    The writer analyzes the general five uses of the simple present tense within the prototype theory to find out its family resemblance , i.e. its essence among its different uses .

  30. 关于喜好或厌恶的表达方法就学到这里,下面我们一起来学习一下有关一般现在时的相关知识。

    That 's all for our study about the ways to express our likes and dislikes . Let 's come to the grammar in this unit , the Simple Present Tense .