
wǎnɡ zhàn
  • website
  1. 你可以在网站上查一下开放的时间吗?

    Can you look up the opening times on the website ?

  2. 我们网站的访问人次一年内翻了一番。

    Visits to our website have doubled in a year .

  3. 这个网站给新手提供了向专家学习的机会。

    The site gives neophytes the chance to learn from experts .

  4. 这个网站为你提供大学面试的窍门。

    The website gives you tips on interviewing for colleges .

  5. 我们如何才能吸引更多人访问我们的网站呢?

    How can we attract more visitors to our website ?

  6. 我们的网站上有大量的爵士音乐。

    There 's jazz a gogo on our website .

  7. 阅读一下我们的建立网站便捷指南。

    Read our quick-and-dirty guide to creating a website .

  8. 我在他们的网站上发现了这一信息。

    I found this information on their website .

  9. 有关目前的价格,请访问我们的网站。

    For current prices please visit our website .

  10. 这家公司在其网站的商店定位系统部分列出了5000家商店。

    The company lists 5 000 stores on the store locator part of its website .

  11. 要访问与这个网站类似的网站,点击网页底部的链接。

    To visit similar websites to this one , click on the links at the bottom of the page .

  12. 欲知详情,请访问我们的网站。

    For details visit our website at .

  13. 请登录我们的网站查看。

    Check out our website at .

  14. 网站并不妨碍目前的销售。

    A website need not cannibalise existing sales .

  15. 大多数维基网站属于协同工作网站。

    Most wikis are collaborative websites .

  16. 登录哈默网络联盟,就会找到另外12个专门播放恐怖电影的网站。

    Log on to the Hammer Web ring , with 12 more sites devoted to macabre movies .

  17. 还有5兆的网络空间,你可以建立你的个人网站。

    There 's also 5Mb of webspace so that you can create your own personal web site .

  18. 这是一个虚拟的购物中心,访问者在此就可以浏览很多著名的网上零售店铺,而无需分别访问它们各自的网站。

    This is a virtual shopping centre offering visitors entry to a clutch of well-known etailers without going to their different websites .

  19. 每个月有600多人访问他们的网站。

    Over 600 people visit their website every month .

  20. 他得到了一份网站设计工作。

    He has a job desiging websites .

  21. 网站首页有一个版块是介绍公司简况的。

    There is a brief introduction column about the company on the homepage .

  22. 不过这个指南网站实提供了一些不同寻常的经验之谈,比如在法国驾车出游的窍门。

    The guide does , however , contain unconventional wisdom , such as tips on French driving .

  23. 将近一半的网站没有通过,只有18%的网站获得了A或B的评级。

    Almost half of the sites didn 't get a passing grade and only 18 percent got an A or B.

  24. 它与DIY网站iFixit合作,教消费者如何在家修补衣服,比如防水外套。

    It has partnered with DIY website iFixit to teach consumers how to repair their clothing , such as waterproof outerwear , at home .

  25. 自上世纪90年代Expedia、Travelocity和其他假日预订网站推出以来,旅游网站就一直存在,旅行者可以通过点击鼠标来比较航班和酒店的价格。

    Travel websites have been around since the 1990s , when Expedia , Travelocity , and other holiday booking sites were launched , allowing travelers to compare flight and hotel prices with the click of a mouse .

  26. 克雷格列表网站很快就取代了报纸分类广告,使报纸经济发生了天翻地覆的变化。

    Craigslist quickly overtook newspaper classified ads and turned newspaper economics upside down .

  27. 另外,从24小时杂货店到从不关门的在线购物网站,我们生活在一种迎合深夜文化的氛围中。

    Plus , we live in a culture that caters to the late-nighter , from 24-hour grocery stores to online shopping sites that never close .

  28. 不断有类似的标题谴责网络及其衍生软件、社交媒体网站和网络游戏分散我们的精力。

    A steady stream of similar headlines accuse the Net and its offspring apps , social media sites and online games of addicting us to distraction .

  29. 亚戴尔在美国“生命科学网站上说道:“如果你是基于某人的种族来做出临床预测,那么你大部分时候都会是错的。”

    " If you make clinical predictions based on somebody 's race , you 're going to be wrong a good chunk of the time , Yudell told Live Science .

  30. 据该公司创始人理查德·阿兹克介绍,去年参加囯际奥数大赛的美国6支团队队员们在该课程网站的学习课程总计超过40门。

    According to Richard Rusczyk , the company founder , the six U.S. team members who competed at the IMO last year collectively took more than 40 courses on the site .