
  • 网络plexiform layer;reticular layer
  1. 真皮乳头层较疏松,染色较淡,其下为网织层,较增生性瘢痕和瘢痕疙瘩薄,较致密,见粗大的胶原,染色深,较不规则,并可见毛细血管闭锁。

    The dermal papilla is looser ; the reticular layer is thinner and denser than that in hypertrophic scar and keloid , dark stained collagen and atretic capillary could be seen .

  2. 真皮网织层内神经多位于小血管附近和汗腺周围,神经分支呈串珠状或波纹状。

    Cutaneous nerves were located in the small blood vessels nearby or surrounded the sweat glands in the reticular layer of dermis . Branches of the cutaneous nerves appeared like strings of beads or ripple shape .