
  • 网络Network Transport Protocol;tcp/ip;communications protocol
  1. 介绍系统硬件组成及网络传输协议的软件设计

    Hardware components and software design of network transport protocols are separately introduced .

  2. P2P网络传输协议浅析

    Brief Introduction of P2P Network Transmission Protocols

  3. Web服务使用成熟的网络传输协议,定义平台无关的消息模型和形式化的服务描述,保证了用户与服务之间松散耦合的调用方式。

    Web Services utilize the mature internet protocols and define the platform-independent message model and formal service description to guarantee the loose-coupling invoking way between service consumers and providers .

  4. 本文研究了网络传输协议、数字电视传送流及业务信息,设计并实现了SI引擎。

    Studing the transfer protocol , DTV transport stream ( TS ) and SI , a SI Engine is designed and implemented .

  5. SIP是一个应用层协议,SIP独立工作于底层网络传输协议和媒体。

    SIP is an application layer protocol , it works independently in underlying network transmission protocols and media .

  6. 这里介绍了基于Delphi技术平台和安全网络传输协议开发的分布式互连的工商电子档案管理系统。

    This paper introduces a distributed management system for industrial & commercial electronic archives , which based on Delphi technology platform and secure network transmission protocol .

  7. 目前众多网络传输协议是基于C或C++开发,许多视频监控系统都是采用VC开发,而基于Java开发的远程监控系统并不多见。

    Currently , most network transitional protocol is based on C or C + + , with most video monitoring system developed by VC , there is very little long-distance monitoring system based on JAVA .

  8. 在FCS系统设计中,对网络传输协议的了解和掌握就显得异常重要。

    In the design of the FCS system , to understand the network transport protocols and master it is extremely important .

  9. 本文以视频压缩编码、算法和网络传输协议为基础,立足于基于终端的解决方案,研讨了其中的两种主要应用层QoS控制技术&TCP友好速率控制和前向纠错。

    Based on digital video compression and network protocols , this paper focuses on the end-based scheme to research two kinds of QoS control technology that applied in application layer : TFRC and FEC .

  10. Web服务(WEBService)是近年来出现的一种分布式计算技术,它允许客户端通过标准网络传输协议HTTP调用远程的Web服务,调用请求和返回结果都用XML进行编码,从而实现了平台无关性。

    Web Service is a new distributed computing technology , it allows the clients access the distant Web Service via . standard network transfer protocol ( HTTP ) . The messages of request and response are all encoded in XML format . All these make Web Service platform-independent .

  11. TCP/IP是目前世界上使用最广的计算机网络传输协议,为了对基于TCP/IP的互联网进行有效的管理,IAB(InternetActivitiesBoard)制定了TCP/IP网络的管理协议&SNMP。

    TCP / IP protocol family is the most widely used computer network protocol family in the world . Recommended by IAB ( Internet Activities Board ), SNMP ( Simple Network Management Protocol ) is a standard management protocol for TCP / IP-based networks .

  12. 受限应用协议CoAP是由IETF借鉴互联网中的REST架构思想,结合物联网的特点而提出来的网络传输协议。

    Constrained Application Protocol ( CoAP ), a new network transport protocol which combined the idea of REST architecture of the Internet and the features of IoT , is proposed by the IETF recently .

  13. 围绕ANDON系统的显示调度软件、显示数据网络传输协议、嵌入式以太网络构建等几个组成部分展开论述。

    Constituent parts of ANDON system , display scheduling software , communication protocol , the construction of embed ethernet network interface are illuminated .

  14. 同时,针对系统中涉及到的音频压缩算法、混音算法、RTP/RTCP网络传输协议、组播技术、NAT穿透技术、网络安全等方面的技术进行了理论分析和应用设计。

    Meanwhile , the author has made a deeply theory study and application design in speech encoding , audio mix arithmetic , RTP / RTCP protocol , multicast technology , NAT passing through technology , network security and so on , which are referred to in the system .

  15. FastNBD&改进网络传输协议提高网络存储系统性能

    FastNBD & Improving Network Storage System by Enhancing Network Storage Transfer Protocol

  16. 自主开发的安全网络传输协议保证了不同网络环境下的大流量档案数据传输。

    Secure network transmission assures data can be transferred in different network condition .

  17. 空间信息的网络传输协议与智能空间信息代理

    Network protocol and intelligent information agent of spatial information

  18. 网络传输协议:传输控制协议/网际协议(TCP/IP);

    Internet transmission principle : TCP / IP ;

  19. 三,将新型的网络传输协议&虚拟现实传输协议组件整合到系统的网络通讯模块中;

    Conforming the new transport protocol-vrtp to the networking communication module of the system .

  20. 并对网络传输协议TCP/IP进行了分析、定制。

    By the way , I analyze and modify the protocol of the TCP / IP .

  21. 定义了软件系统框架,确立了包括视音频采集技术,压缩技术,网络传输协议的选取,系统立足于低带宽下的传输,压缩方案符合H。

    We establish the software architecture include video / audio capture methods , Codec technology , network transmission technology .

  22. 使用TCP/IP网络传输协议进行数据传输和交换的全求性的计算机网络。

    Worldwide network of computer computer networks that use the TCP / IP network protocols to facilitate data transmission and exchange .

  23. 本文从流媒体的概念、流媒体关键技术、网络传输协议、流媒体应用等方面对流媒体系统进行了全面的介绍。

    This article introduces the Streaming Media technology frcm the aspect of concept , main technology , network transferring protocol and application .

  24. 本文深入研究了数字电视系统的相关标准,包括视频采集标准、视频压缩标准和视频网络传输协议。

    This thesis researches the relative standards of digital TV system such as video capture , data code and multimedia real-time transport protocol .

  25. 当从一端到另一端直到整个应用程序栈都需要安全性的时,或者当安全性必须独立于网络传输协议时,就必须考虑其他的方法。

    When security is needed from end to end up through the application stack , or when security must be independent of the networking protocol , then other means must be considered .

  26. 根据现有的比较成熟的网络传输协议、音视频压缩/解压技术,分析比较并选择了其中较为典型的技术作为平台开发的技术基础。

    Analyze and choose several main technologies which are used as a standard , such as RTP / RTCP network transmission protocol , H.263 video compression technology , they are basic of development .

  27. 论文首先从理论的角度,剖析了流媒体的内在属性特征及流媒体网络传输协议,指出了缓存策略对流媒体缓存性能的重要性;

    Firstly , from the viewpoint of system theory , we analyze the inherent characteristics of streaming media and related network transmission protocols , point out the significance of cache strategy to cache performance .

  28. 通过对压缩编码技术和网络传输协议的研究,结合军事训练可视化系统中网络传输的实时性要求,在这两个部分中分别采用了不同的通信协议。

    By studying the compression techniques and network transmission protocols , two different communication protocols are used for the two parts according to the real-time requirement of network transmission in the military training visualization system .

  29. 基础服务提供者执行网络传输协议(比如TCP/IP)的具体细节,其中包括在网络上收发数据之类的核心网络协议功能。

    The foundation service promoter performs the network delivering the concrete detail of agreement ( for example TCP / IP ), among them including the core network agreement function that receives and dispatches the data on the network .

  30. 在该类系统的实现中,涉及编码标准、传输控制等多个方面,尤其是网络传输协议的实现及终端质量控制是整个系统的重要环节之一。

    In the implementation of this kind of systems , it involves to encoding standards , transport control and so on , especially , the internet transport protocol and QoS ( Quality of Service ) of terminal are important parts of the VOD system .