
wǎnɡ luò fú wù qì
  • network server;host
  1. 在Windowsserver2003中虚拟专业网络服务器的安装与配置

    Installation and Configuration for Virtual Private Network Server in Windows Server 2003

  2. 线程池技术在现代网络服务器应用程序中,尤其是在Web应用程序中被大量应用。

    Today , the Thread pool is applied in network server application ( especial Web applications ) largely .

  3. 随着Internet在世界各地的飞速普及和发展,网络服务器的负载越来越重。

    With the rapid popularization and development of Internet , the load of network servers is becoming higher .

  4. 高性能网络服务器Linux网络接口驱动程序设计

    Design of a High Performance Network Interface Driver Based on Linux

  5. 本文介绍了使用终端服务对基于Windows的网络服务器进行远程管理的方法。

    A way of distance management using windows terminal service is introduced in this paper .

  6. 随后,简化了HTTP协议(超文本传输协议),实现了嵌入式网络服务器,完成了油田生产信息的网络传输。

    Simplified the HTTP protocol , the Embedded Web Server is implemented .

  7. 注意:您也可以在port属性中修改网络服务器所侦听的端口。

    Note : You can also modify the port that the network server listens on , in the port property .

  8. 网络服务器提供的服务包括邮件服务,文件服务,Web服务,动态主机配置服务,代理服务,域名服务,流量控制等。

    Network dedicated server provide mail service , file service , Web service , dynamic host configuration protocol service , proxy service , domain name service , etc.

  9. 面对Internet访问者数量的快速增加,网络服务器(特别是Web服务器)需要具备提供大量并发访问服务的能力。

    Internet server ( especial Web server ) should deal with a lot of concurrent request from user because of the sharply increasing number of Internet visiters .

  10. 主机内部硬件RAID广泛应用于高端网络服务器中。

    Host-based RAID is widely applied to high-end network server .

  11. 网络服务器选购UPS的策略

    Strategies on Purchasing UPS of Network Server

  12. NETWeb应用程序的多重安全水平,是横跨三个网络服务器(使用循环负载平衡)什么是最好的方法,在保持登录状态为用户?

    NET web application is spanned across three web-servers ( using round-robin load balancing ) what would be the best approach to maintain login-in state for the users ?

  13. 软件设计采用ASP技术和数据库技术,建立动态的、交互的、高效的网络服务器应用程序。

    ASP and database technology are used in designing software to create dynamic , alternate and high-efficiency network server application program .

  14. 随着Internet数据中心的快速发展,基于传统PCI总线的网络服务器越来越难以胜任数据密集型应用的要求。

    With the rapid development of the Internet data centers , network servers with traditional PCI bus can no longer meet the requirement of data-intensive applications .

  15. 本文介绍了服务器的一些基本管理,并结合实例阐述了基于Java和大型数据库的网络服务器管理系统的设计思想、体系结构和模块实现。

    This paper introduced the basic management of server , and discussed thc design idea , structure implementation and functions which is based on JAVA and large DB .

  16. 这样嵌入式系统能接入Internet从而具有网络服务器功能,用户可以在任何时间、任何地点,对系统进行监控、管理。

    So the embedded systems can access the internet and own the function of network server , which can make users to monitor and management the systems at any time and at any place .

  17. 企业网络服务器工作于互联网信息服务器(IIS)之上。

    The Enterprise Server runs on top of Internet Information Server ( IIS ) .

  18. 采用基于Linux操作系统,以Apache为网络服务器,利用Mysql系统数据库和PHP网络服务器语一言搭建基于网络的农业机械装备管理信息系统平台。

    ( 3 ) Describe setting up the management information system on Linux with PHP , Mysql , Apache Web Server in detail .

  19. 启动Derby网络服务器并运行ij

    Starting the Derby network server and running ij

  20. 要找到这样的网络服务器,这本书建议使用下面的条件:“—intitle:'indexof'site:krpassword”(-标题中:“指向”网址:kr密码)。

    To find them , it suggest search : " - intitle : ' index of ' site : kr password .

  21. 描述了利用该MCU和ZTP构建嵌入式网络服务器WebServer的工作原理。

    It describes how to develop an embedded web server using the web server capabilities offered by the MCU in conjunction with ZTP software .

  22. 随着人们对Linux服务器依赖的加深,用Linux集群技术构建网络服务器就成为了未来网络服务器的发展方向。

    With the more dependence on Linux servers , to build web servers using the technology of server cluster based on Linux is the orientation of future web server .

  23. 目前没有可用于SQLite的网络服务器。

    There is currently no network server available for SQLite .

  24. 另外,上位机端采用VB语言编写管理软件界面,结合Access数据库,负责对升降机操作过程进行记录,便于查询管理,还可以将数据库上传给网络服务器,实现对多个体育场升降机的统一管理。

    Moreover , there is a management software interface designed by VB language . It combines with an Access database to record the elevators operation process , which make the query management easy .

  25. 软件部分包括:uClinux的移植、uClinux驱动程序设计、嵌入式网络服务器的实现。

    Software is included by transplantation of uClinux , uClinux driver design , implementation of embedded network server .

  26. 最后添加了将uclinux作为网络服务器运行的应用程序的实现原理以及其实现代码。

    Lastly the paper added application program implement mechanism and implement code which use uclinux as network server .

  27. 基于嵌入式uIP的网络服务器的实现

    A WEB Server Based on Embedded TCP / IP Protocol - uIP

  28. 通过ISP在网络服务器上获得一个特定的帐户,你便可以在网络上发布你自己的网页,以供其他人浏览。

    By getting a special account on a Web server through your ISP , you can publish your own Web pages for others to view .

  29. KVM技术又称多电脑共享器,其在网络服务器的管理上的应用具有广阔的发展前景。

    KVM , also named multicomputer sharing device , its application in the management of internet server proved vast development prospect .

  30. 而且,如果Web应用程序开发人员想要从Eclipse中启动Derby网络服务器,那么目前来说使用Derby插件是惟一的方法。

    Also , if existing Web application developers want a way to start the Derby network server from within Eclipse , currently using the Derby plug-ins is the only way to achieve this .