
  • 网络Availability;accessibility;Access;Accessible
  1. 布达佩斯开放获取先导计划(BOAI)认为开放存取提高了学术信息的可获得性,实现了学术信息资源共享,是一种有效可行的新型学术出版模式。

    Budapest Open Access Initiative ( BOAI ) pointed out that the Open Acess improving the availability of the academic information , realizing academic information resource sharing and it is a new effective and feasible public model .

  2. 发展中国家电脑的可获得性已经有所改善,但是与发达国家相比仍然有限。

    Availability has improved in developing countries , but still remains limited industrialized nations .

  3. 一定要让中小微企业贷款可获得性明显提高,一定要让综合融资成本明显下降

    Ensure that micro , small , and medium businesses have significantly better access to loans and that overall financing costs drop markedly .

  4. AIM是Accessible,InteractiveandMobile(可获得性,互动性和移动性)的缩写。

    AIM Accessible , Interactive and Mobile .

  5. 同时,基于云计算的架构模型具有良好的可获得性,用户可以通过web或其他灵活的终端去访问存放在云中的服务应用。

    Meanwhile , the structure of the cloud-based model has good availability , users can access to the service applications in the cloud by web or other flexible apps to .

  6. 性问题往往由多种因素造成,如情绪、恋爱关系的质量、伴侣的可获得性(partneravailability)等,现在我们知道还有一条:睡眠健康。

    Sexual problems often have multiple contributing factors , including mood , relationship quality , partner availability and , now we know , sleep health .

  7. 本文以图书情报学科6种有代表性的核心期刊为样本,从中随机抽取了300篇web引文,从可获得性、语种、来源网站三个不同的角度研究了其可查证性。

    Based on the six representative samples in the library science and information science , the paper draws 300 web citations randomly and explores their availability from three different aspects & availability , language , original web site .

  8. 她说,H1N1流感病毒的大规模流行对公共卫生体系的可获得性提出了更高的要求,尤其是贫困国家。

    She says the H1N1 pandemic s the need for greater access to public health systems , especially in poorer nations .

  9. ARV药物的价格已经明显下降,采购体制也得到了改善,生物药品的可获得性也有所改善。

    ARV prices have dropped significantly and procurement systems have improved , as has generic drug availability .

  10. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)全球信贷研究主管格雷格彼得斯(GregPeters)表示:证券市场一致押注资金可获得性将继续明显改善。

    Equity markets are uniformly betting that capital access will continue to dramatically improve , said Greg Peters , global head of credit research at Morgan Stanley .

  11. 首先,商业银行EVA计算模型在考量了数据的可获得性等方面因素后,简化后去掉了大量的调整事项,可能导致EVA计算结果出现偏差。

    First , the EVA calculation model of commercial banks in consideration of the data availability and other factors , simplify out a lot of adjusting events may lead to the deviation of the EVA calculation .

  12. 增加VCT的可获得性和提高VCT服务质量以满足不同人群的需求非常重要。

    It is important to improve the availability of VCT and service quality in order to meet the different demands of different population groups .

  13. CNKI-DL模型:可获得性论理论预言的一个实证

    The Model CNKI-DL : a Living Proof of the Procurability Theory Prophecy

  14. JimMcCarthy:“但是该事件却严重扰乱了食用玉米的可获得性。所以,我们这次影响可能也会非常严重。我们敦促先正达公司深思熟虑。”

    JIM McCARTHY : " But it did cause major s in the availability of food-grade corn . So we do think this will have a major impact . And we 're urging Syngenta to rethink this . "

  15. 根据病理生理学知识及临床信息的可获得性确立病人生理状态稳定性的分类标准,并借鉴网络搜索思想尝试进行ICU病人生理状态稳定性的判断与预测。

    The standards of patients ' physiological state are established , according to the basic pathophysiology knowledge and the availability of clinical information , and we try to predict physiological stable states in ICU patients , drawing lessons from internet search principle .

  16. 此外,通过超薄切片、分区域扫描和计算机软件分析等技术,本研究初步解决了AFM在细胞生物学应用中的两大难题&样品内部结构的不可获得性和样品扫描范围的限制性。

    Furthermore , with the help of ultra thin section technology , zoning scan and computer software analysis , this study has preliminarily solved two difficult problems during applied AFM in cell biological researches & the unobtaining of inner structure and the restriction of scanning range .

  17. 结合我国主要城市的空气污染综合指数,燃煤指示污染物TSP、SO2浓度、能源结构以及历史资料的可获得性,调查比较沈阳市目前污染状况与历史污染状况,分析其发展变化规律。

    In accordant with general indices of air pollution in major domestic cities , TSP , SO2 concentration , energy structure and the acquirability of history records , present pollution status in Shenyang was compared with historical corresponding status and developmental and changing rules were deduced . 2 .

  18. 澳大利亚央行(RBA)副行长菲利普罗伊(PhilipLowe)本周表示,用于对冲人民币汇率风险的工具的可获得性和定价,是阻碍在双边贸易中采用人民币作为结算货币的最重要因素。

    Reserve Bank of Australia deputy governor Philip Lowe said this week that the availability and pricing of instruments to hedge renminbi currency risk was the most important factor that was slowing the uptake of renminbi invoicing in bilateral trade .

  19. 在研究中小企业的信贷可获得性的宏观经济因素研究方面,有许多理论框架,本研究是基于Berger和Udell(2006)的理论框架。

    There are a few theoretical frameworks in researching the macroeconomic factors that influence SMEs ' credit availability . This study was based on the theoretical framework by Berger and Udell ( 2006 ) on SMEs ' credit issues .

  20. 为了提高数据的可获得性和数据访问的有效性,CCOP充分利用数据局部性原理和用户兴趣公共性原理,通过利用协作区域、关键节点和hop-by-hop策略以最小化通信成本来发现数据源。

    To improve data availability and access efficiency , CCOP effectively make use of data locality and the commonality in users ' interests . Mobile node discovers data sources which induce less communication overhead by utilizing cooperation zones , key node , and hop-by-hop resolution .

  21. 我国城市社区福利服务的弱可获得性及其发展

    Urban Community Welfare Services in China : Low Availability and Development

  22. 犯罪记录范围、用途和可获得性的扩张

    The Expanding Scope , Use , and Availability of Criminal Records

  23. 但比设计师的流动更重要的是奢饰品的可获得性与折扣。

    But more important than buzz is availability and discounting .

  24. 促进社区卫生服务机构基本药物可获得性策略研究

    Research on Strategies of Essential Medicines Availability in Community Health Service Facilities

  25. 农村金融服务可获得性:监管问题与制度创新

    Accessibility of Financial Service : Regulatory Issues and Institutional Innovation

  26. 可获得性论:从图书馆学原理到图书馆原理

    The Procurability View : The Principles of Library Science to the Library Principle

  27. 改善农村地区基本药物可获得性策略研究

    Study on Strategies of Improving Access to Essential Medicines in Rural of China

  28. 公司类型和公司规则的可获得性是评估危机后果的手段。

    The styles and regulations of companies are means to evaluate crisis consequence .

  29. 他说,农业生产的问题限制了健康食品的可获得性。

    He says problems with agriculture production limit the availability of healthier foods .

  30. 信用卡公司称,这些变革只会减少信用卡的可获得性。

    Credit card companies say the changes will only reduce the of credit .