
  • 网络available water resources
  1. 进行了水资源及可利用水资源评价。

    Water resources and available water resources have been evaluated .

  2. 环境变化对河北省可利用水资源的影响

    Environmental Variations on Available Water Resources in Hebei Province

  3. 因此,与CODMn相比,NH+4N对黄河可利用水资源总量的影响更大。

    Therefore , the influence of NH ~ + _4-N on the total quantity of available water resources was more than that of COD_ ( Mn ) .

  4. 黑龙江省云水资源比较丰富,据专家分析,每年通过人工影响天气作业平均增水约为5×108m3左右,仅占空中可利用水资源的0.2%,空中云水资源的开发潜力十分巨大。

    The cloud-water resource is comparative rich . According to the experts ' analyses , the average water that gain from artificial rainfall is about five hundred million stere in one year . It is less than 0.2 % of air available water resource .

  5. 利用人工降雨手段化汛期特大暴雨灾害为可利用水资源

    Transforming Potential Disastrous Heavy Rainfall into Utilizable Water Resources by Weather Modification

  6. 长春市城市用水需求与可利用水资源潜力分析

    Analysis of Municipal Water Demand and Utilizable Water Resource Potential in Changchun City

  7. 水源污染和可利用水资源的日益短缺问题为保障供水安全提出了挑战。

    The insurance of water supply security has in face of challenge because of water shortage and pollution .

  8. 全球变化条件下可利用水资源日益贫乏,地下水利用强度在不断增大。

    Available water resource is getting more and more scarce under global change , while groundwater is being intensive used .

  9. 洪水具有双重性,若其来量不对人类生存和发展构成危害时,是可利用水资源的一部分;

    Flood has dual nature , if flood don 't harm human , it is the usable part of water resources .

  10. 随着水体污染的日益严重和可利用水资源的减少,人们越来越重视生活污水处理及回用技术的应用。

    With the pollution and reduction of water resource , more and more attention was paid to the application of sewage treatment technology .

  11. 作为可利用水资源的重要部分,地下水资源已成为制约半干旱农牧交错地区农业发展的主要自然因素。

    As the main proportion of water resources available , underground water is the main natural factor restricting the development of agriculture in the ecotone of agriculture and animal husbandry .

  12. 目前我国可利用水资源约1.1亿米~3,人均占有水资源2700米~3,低于世界多数国家。

    At present , water resources available in China are about 110 million m3 or 2700 m3 per Ca - bita , less than most of the countries in world ;

  13. 中水处理系统的应用是减少污染排放,增加可利用水资源,缓解水资源不足的重要途径。

    The application of equipments and facilities of reclaimed water is very important to reduce the discharge of wastewater , increase water resource and release the shortage of water resource .

  14. 在可利用水资源不足的兰州市,干旱地区植被恢复和重建中适宜以灌木树种为主。

    In the Lanzhou City & a city with shortage of water resources , the bush as the main tree species should be utilized to the rehabilitation and reconstruction in arid areas .

  15. 北京市水资源状况更是每况愈下,降水量、地表水、地下水、可利用水资源总量等都在减少,问题十分突出。

    Water situation in Beijing is showing the deterioration of the situation , the reduction of precipitation , surface water on the decline , underground floods reduced , the reduction of available water resources and so on is very conspicuous .

  16. 本文利用黄河流域1951-1990年期间逐月降水、径流量及地面气温资料,作该地区蒸发和地下潜流量的估计,提出关于该地区可利用水资源的估计,并定义水资源指标。

    The estimation of the evaporation and underflow in the Huanghe River valley are made using monthly precipitations , temperatures and runoff data during the period of 1951 ~ 1980 . Further the utilizable water resources are estimated from them and proposed in this paper .

  17. 选择人口密度、可利用水资源、适宜农田面积和现有荒漠化土地面积作为地质环境容量的4个分量,对河西走廊各环境地质单元进行综合分析和地质环境容量的比较。

    Four factors have been selected for geological environmental capacity assessment , they are population density , the suitable farmland areas , the utilized water resources and present desertification land . The analysis and evaluation to each area in Hexi corridor have been made in the paper .

  18. 在分析水资源现状基础上,详细探讨了长春市21世纪用水需求及可利用水资源潜力,并提出长春市水资源可持续利用的可行性建议。

    Based on analysis of existing state of water resource , the demand of municipal water and the potential of the utilizable water resource in 21st century in Changchun are analyzed in detailed , and put forward available proposals about sustainable development of water resource in Changchun .

  19. 在筛选出抗旱性强的品种资源的基础上,探索新的可利用的水资源,无疑是另一种有效的措施。

    Basing on high drought-resistant variety resources , exploring new available water resources is another effective measure without fail .

  20. 在可利用的水资源中,地下水是宝贵的自然资源又是环境的基本要素。

    Groundwater is a valuable natural resource and the basic elements of the environment in the available water resources .

  21. 近年来,由于经济社会发展对水资源需求的增加,水污染日益加剧,可利用的水资源已经极其有限。

    In recent years , in consequent of economic and social development , the demand on water resources and water pollution are increasing rapidly .

  22. 而雨水作为一种自然的天然资源,以其处理成本低廉,处理方法简单等优点,逐步成为一种新的可利用可再生水资源。

    And as a natural of natural resources , its dealing with low-cost and simple approach , rain gradually become a new use of renewable water resources .

  23. 采油废水的资源化就是将原本废弃或排放的水经过相应处理成为可利用的水资源。

    When we talk about recycle and reuse of oil extraction wastewater , we mean to make the original disusing or discharging wastewater become useful water resource after treated by some process .

  24. 至少有9个国家(包括中国和印度)已被正式认定为“缺水国”,因为它们每人每年可利用的水资源不到1700立方米。

    At least nine countries , including India and China , are officially regarded as " water stressed " because they have access to less than 1700 cubic metres per person per year .

  25. 鄂尔多斯高原属于典型的温带大陆性气候,可利用的水资源十分有限,全市供用水矛盾非常突出。

    The climate of Ordos plateau is belonging to typical temperate zoon continental climate , and the available water was limited . Agriculture was much water consuming , and dependent for water intensely .

  26. 然而,水资源短缺、水污染、水资源浪费使得可利用的水资源越来越少,用水供给难以满足不断增长的需求,供需矛盾日益突出。

    But the availability of water resource become less and less by water resource scarcity , pollution and consumption . The water supply is difficult to meet the growing demand . The contradiction between supply and demand have become increasingly prominent .

  27. 随着世界人口的增长和社会经济的发展,人类的用水量剧增,原有清洁水资源受到人类活动的污染,地球上可利用的水资源日趋紧缺。

    With the growth of world population and the development of social economy , the water consumption leaps , the original clean water is polluted by human activities , the available water resources on the earth are more and more shortage .

  28. 总之在全球变化和人类活动的双重作用下,水资源供需矛盾日益突出,水环境不断恶化,人类可利用的水资源将会进一步减少,所以有必要加强水资源水环境的相关研究。

    In all , under the influences of global change and human activities , the contradiction between supply and demand of water will be increasingly prominent , water environment will be worsening , and water resources available for human will further decrease .

  29. 环境对降雨的调蓄能力差,水资源环境恶化,可有效利用的水资源减少;

    The environment has low ability of to modulate the rainfall ;

  30. 为缓解区域水资源矛盾,减少洪涝灾害损失,将洪水转化为可供利用的水资源将是一个重要的治水举措。

    In order to lessen the contradiction on water resources and reduce the disaster on flood and drought , turning flood water into usable water resources will be a quite important measure .