
  1. 新疆天然草地面积辽阔,近年来,每年夏季的蝗灾发生面积都在230万hm2以上。

    There is wide natural grassland in Xinjiang . Acreage of locust disaster covers at least 2 , 300 , 000 hm2 in the summer during these years .

  2. 青藏高原退化草地面积约为4251万hm2,占全区可利用草地面积的33%,其中黑土型退化草地面积估计为703.19万hm2,占全区退化草地面积的16.54%。

    There were 42 510 000 hm 2 deteriorated grassland and 7 031 900 hm 2 ' Black Soil Type ' deteriorated grassland ( BSTDG ) in the Plateau , which accounted for 33.00 % and 16.54 % of the total grassland area respectively .

  3. 研究表明,我国草地面积总量增加约132×104hm2,其中高覆盖度与中覆盖度草地面积增多,但低覆盖度草地面积减少。

    The results indicate that the amount of grassland area is increasing about 13.2 × 10 4 hm 2 from 1995 to 2000 , with the high and middle cover grassland area increasing and that of low cover grassland decreasing .

  4. 草地面积持续减少,质量降低;

    The area of the grasslands has keeping decreasing , with the quality reduced ;

  5. 结果表明:14年来,草地面积减少25.60%,草地退化严重;

    The results showed that grassland area decreased by 25.6 % , grassland degradation is serious .

  6. 草地面积减少,质量下降,草地内生物多样性减少。

    Grassland area was reduced , the quality of the grass was decreased , the diversity reduced .

  7. 林草地面积之和占74%,农田面积约20%,水域面积最小,占0.10%左右。

    Forest and grassland area together occupied 74 % , farmland about 20 % , water area 0.10 % which is the smallest .

  8. 在自然景观中,林地面积增加,破碎度减小,斑块边界趋于平滑:草地面积减少,趋于破碎。

    In natural landscape , forest area increases , fragmentation decreases and boundary of patches becomes smooth . Grassland area decreases and becomes fragmented .

  9. 沙化现象得到了有效遏制,草地面积的增加,改善了研究区的生态环境。

    The desertification phenomenon has got an effective containment , and the increase of grassland has improved the ecological environment of the studying area .

  10. 土地利用结构不合理,要求必须减少耕地面积,扩大林地、草地面积。

    The structure of land use was not rational , and the main countermeasures were to increase area of forestland and grassland , and decrease cultivated area .

  11. 影响草地面积变化的主要因子是工业企业发展和人口以及大牲畜数。

    The main impact factors of changes in grassland are the population , the development of industrial enterprises , as well as a number of large livestock .

  12. 基于草地面积、草地生产力、家畜数量对典型草原地区村级社区的草畜平衡进行了分析,得出了克什克腾旗社区存在着草畜季节性不平衡问题。

    Based on grassland area , grassland primary productivity and animal number statistics , feed-animal balance status was analysed for a typical pastoral village in northern China 's pastoral region .

  13. 未来12年,耕地、林地、水域和草地面积将进一步减少,未利用地和建设用地面积增加,表明未来面临的生态问题仍然很严重。

    In the future 12 years , the areas of farmland , forest land , grass land and water land will keep decrease , and construction and unused land will increase .

  14. 人为因素中,总人口数和牧业人口数的正载荷高,而草地面积的负载荷高,表明这些因素对草原畜牧业生产的影响大。

    In man-made factors , the total population and number of livestock load are positive , the grass area load is negative , indicating that these factors have the impact to animal husbandry production .

  15. 按照工业区乔、灌、草地面积、绿地面积配置为1:6:21:29适宜比例,得出济钢各分厂植物种植结构的状况。

    According to tree , shrub and grass area , green area targeted for appropriate proportion 1:6:21:29 in industrial areas , concluded situation of plating structure in branches in Jinan steel and iron Company .

  16. 但不包括属于专业性桑园、茶园、果园、果木苗圃、林地、芦苇地、天然或人工草地面积。

    The land of mulberry fields , tea plantations , orchards , nurseries of young plants , forest land , reed land , natural and man-made grassland and other lan are not included in cultivated land .

  17. 接近三分之一的牧户不满意和不赞成退牧还草工程及惠农补贴政策,主要是由于这部分牧户本身拥有的承包草地面积较少,劳动力缺乏等原因。5、问题与建议。

    Close to one-third of herders surveyed were not satisfied and not in favor of subsidies . It is mainly due to the smaller grassland areas and shortage of Labor . 5 、 Problems and suggestions .

  18. 温性草原类、温性草甸草原类、低地草甸类、沼泽类及改良草地面积占草地总面积的比例分别为85.11%、1.23%、12.19%、1.19%和0.28%;

    The area percentages of temperate steppe type , temperate meadow steppe type , lowland meadow type , marsh type and temperate forage improved grassland are separately 85.11 % , 1.23 % , 12.19 % , 1.19 % and 0.28 % .

  19. 草地面积在三种情景下,也在增加,且水资源总量越大,草地面积增加的越多,增加量没有林地大,但与水资源总量也呈正相关。

    Grassland also increases in three scenarios , and the more available water resource , the more the increasing area , although the increasing area is less than woodland , the increasing area and available water resource still are in positive correlation .

  20. 由此带来的天然草地面积大幅缩减、草地荒漠化严重、草地生产力下降、草地生态平衡遭到破坏等问题,已经严重影响到了农牧民的生产生活。

    The resulting issues which include reduction of natural grassland area , serious desertification of grassland , decreased of grassland productivity and the destruction of grassland ecological balance , that have seriously affected the production and living of the farmers and herdsmen .

  21. 结果表明,在现有土地利用方式下,草地面积增加13%,工业区面积减少30%,未开发面积比例增加了28%,总的污染负荷量四种污染物分别减少21.6%,23.2%,23.1%,22.3%。

    When the grassland area and undeveloped area increase 13 % , 28 % , and the industrial area decreases 30 % , the pollution load of SS , TP , TN and COD decrease 21.6 % , 23.2 % , 23.1 % , 22.3 % .

  22. 对未来土地利用/覆被变化趋势的模拟表明:三峡库区(重庆)的耕地和草地面积减少,林地、水体和建设用地面积增加。

    We use the model to predict the trend of the land use and land cover change in the future . The cultivated land and the grass land will be reduced , and the wood land , water body and built-up area will increased in the future .

  23. 研究表明,1990-2004年间流域内林地和水域面积显著减少,城镇沿公路大量向外扩张,耕地和未利用土地面积有所增加,草地面积相对持平。

    The study shows that , from 1990 to 2004 , in this river watershed , the woodlands and water areas decreased sharply , town areas expanded along roads in large quantity , farmlands and unused lands enlarged , and the amount of lawn areas was not changed so much .

  24. 草地是面积最大、连结性和完整性最好的景观组分;

    The grassland had the biggest area and its connectivity and integrality were the best .

  25. 科学家说,由于荒漠化,中国北方90%以上的草地大面积减少。

    Scientists say more than ninety percent of grasslands in northern China have decreased in quality as a result of desertification .

  26. 草地的面积总体增加,主要源自于林地和旱地的变化;

    The area of the grassland was increased , which came mainly from the conversion of the woodland and the arid land ;

  27. 由于不合理的利用,草原生态系统遭到了严重破坏,草地退化面积不断扩大。

    Due to the unreasonable utilization , the eco-system of the grasslands has been damaged seriously and the deterioration area is keeping expanding .

  28. 近几十年来,由于诸多不合理因素,我区出现草地大面积裸露,沙尘暴频繁发生的现象。

    In recent decades , due to many irrational factors , Inner Mongolia appears a large area of bare grass and frequent dust storms .

  29. 结果表明:随着累计原煤产量的增加,草地破坏面积和草地沙化面积在逐年扩大;

    The result shows that with the increase of coal output , the area of destruction and desertification of grassland keep enlarging year by year .

  30. 气候变化引起持续干旱,造成禾本科牧草植株矮小,草地裸露面积扩大,草原动植物的生物多样性受到威胁;

    Climate change caused continuous drought , low gramineous grass and large exposed soil in grassland , which has threatened significantly the biodiversity in grassland .