
cǎo lǜ sè
  • grass green color;greens
  1. 天际蓝、玉米黄、淡草绿色只是这一色系内的3种亮色。

    Horizon Blue , Corn Yellow and Pistachio Green are just three of the vibrant colours in this range

  2. 人行道上逛商店的人摩肩接踵,身着草绿色和海军蓝军装的军人比比皆是

    Shoppers thronged the sidewalks . Olivedrab and navy-blue uniforms abounded .

  3. 红色或者草绿色,就是huntergreen。

    Peter : Like navy blue , red , or hunter green ?

  4. 胆汁在牛黄发生器中反应约20小时后,颜色由反应前的草绿色变为橙黄色,胆汁黏度和PH值呈下降趋势。

    The colour of bile changed from grass green to yellow colour after reacting about 20 hours in the generator , and the viscosity and PH value went slowly .

  5. 这么一来,熊猫们的尾巴会不会由泥巴黄变成草绿色呢?

    So , will the pandas get grass-stained tails instead of muddy ones ?

  6. 她的衣服是草绿色的。

    Her dress is the color of grass .

  7. 新鲜草绿色与深色木纹,时尚混搭永不落伍。

    The mix & match of green and dark wood grain is always in .

  8. 葫芦是一种藤状植物的草绿色果实,又被称为瓠子或者长瓜。

    A calabash is a light-green vine fruit , also known as opo squash or long melon .

  9. 同时,黄色和新草绿色是主要色调:比如剑桥公爵夫人;

    Meanwhile , yellow and new grass green were the dominant colors : on the Duchess of Cambridge ;

  10. 品鉴:淡草绿色,有果味和辣味,余味有水果的清香。

    Traits : She has light glass green , fruit and piquancy , aftertaste is the clear fruit .

  11. 我却把曾经的黑色双肩包改成了现在的草绿色小挎包,每天早上如果不化妆就觉得不好意思出门。

    But I change my black satchel to a grass-green reticule , felt embarrassed to go off without making up every morning .

  12. 绵羊血平皿,可见大而灰白显示草绿色的菌落,直径为2.55mm;

    The colony of the bacterium shows large , gray and grass green colours . The diameter of the colony is 2.55 mm .

  13. 服装不在是灰色的,一律是草绿色的,和春天田野里的色彩一样,娇嫩美观。

    The uniforms were no longer of grey cloth but were grass green through-out , as delicately and attractively colored as the fields .

  14. 穿上它:善于混搭亮色:火红的包包搭配铁蓝色,或亮黄色,或者草绿色。

    Wear It : Mix and match your brights : wear a hot-pink bag with electric blue or bright yellow with grass green .

  15. 此刻,映入我眼帘的是草绿色廊舍秋千椅、白桦木腿的桌子、姐姐睡的单人床,还有那熏黑了。

    I take in the dock-green porch swing , the birch-leg table , the twin BED where my sister sleeps , the smoky glass of the kerosene lantern .

  16. 所得的产品呈草绿色,基本无腥味,颗粒细小均匀,水分含量低,利用保存,可以直接食用或作为配料成分添加到其它食品中。

    Products are grass green , almost no smell , small uniform particles , low moisture content , use of preservation , can add food or as ingredients to other food .

  17. 雨水充足时草是绿色的。

    When there has been plenty of rain , the grass is green .

  18. 什么是绿色?草就是绿色。

    What is en ? The grass is en .

  19. 这个季节还使草保持绿色真是不容易。

    It is hard work keeping the grass green at this time of year .

  20. 天是蓝色,草是绿色,齐来庆祝万圣节前夜。

    The sky is blue , the grass is green , may we have our Halloween .

  21. 我感谢他们全部和其他人,因为他们以自己的方式帮助并保持三叶草的绿色!

    My thanks to all of them and others for assisting in their own way to keep Cloverleaf green !

  22. 有人认为,如果“温布尔登的草是绿色的,那么网球不可能是绿色的”,但这没有说服另外一些人。

    Despite one person 's protests that if " the grass at Wimbledon is green , the balls cannot also be green , " others remained unconvinced .

  23. 当草变成绿色的公园广场,以及在圣三一教堂回来丁香对冲推出它的开花,他被一个渴望折磨逃跑。

    When the grass turned green in Park Place , and the lilac hedge at the back of Trinity churchyard put out its blossoms , he was tormented by a longing to run away .

  24. 欧洲草,黄绿色花类似并和延龄草关系密切;被认为有毒。

    European herb with yelow-green flowers resembling and closely related to the trilliums ; reputed to be poisonous .

  25. 草在春天变成绿色。

    The grass turns green in spring .

  26. 最近一直在下雨,墓地的草发出耀眼的绿色。

    It had been raining recently , and the grass in the cemetery was dazzlingly green .

  27. 软的泥绿色的草,明亮的绿色,在河上波动根据;

    The soft mud 's green grasses , Bright green , waving on the river bottom ;

  28. 草原上的草才是真正的草绿色。

    Grass on the grassland is truly emerald .