
pái xiè
  • excrete;excretion;drain;evacuate;defecate;pass;let off
排泄 [pái xiè]
  • (1) [excrete;defecate]∶生物把体内的废物排出体外

  • 不消化的食物都被排泄了

  • (2) [drain]∶使多余的水排出

  • 排泄不畅

排泄[pái xiè]
  1. 轮箍位置,符号和开孔程序应该遵守MSS旁路和排泄连接标准SP45。

    Boss locations and symbols and tapping procedures are in accordance with MSS By-Pass and Drain Connection Standard SP45 .

  2. 安全阀必须配置通向适当排泄口的排泄管道。

    Relief valve must be piped to a suitable drain .

  3. 寄生虫传播的一种方式是通过排泄物。

    One of the ways the parasite spreads is through fecal matter .

  4. 锻炼能促进消化和排泄系统的活动。

    Exercise stimulates the digestive and excretory systems

  5. 汗是一种排泄物。

    Sweat is an excretion .

  6. 皮肤通过毛孔排泄汗液。

    Sweat is excreted through the pores of the skin .

  7. 但是从厕所中收集的未处理的人类排泄物经常会被送到农场并作为肥料喷洒。

    But frequently untreated human waste harvested from lavatories is delivered to farms and spread as fertilizer .

  8. 在大多数情况下,人类排泄物是用在最终被烹调的谷类作物上的。这些作物会减少因水所传染的疾病的风险。

    In most cases , the human waste is used on grain crops , which are eventually cooked , minimizing the risk of transmitting water-borne diseases .

  9. 随着去年某些地区肥料价格每公吨上涨了近50%后,人类排泄物成为一个有吸引力的且必要的替代品。

    With fertilizer prices jumping nearly 50 % per metric ton over the last year in some places , human waste is an attractive , and often necessary , alternative .

  10. 他说,这些风险可以通过教育农民和消费者解决,而人类排泄的免费水资源和营养物可以帮助发展中国家的城市农民摆脱贫困。

    Those dangers can be addressed with farmer and consumer education , he said , while the free water and nutrients from human waste can help urban farmers in developing countries to escape poverty .

  11. 为了减轻你的恐惧,任何密室逃脱游戏都不会把你和一个装满人类排泄物的便盆关在同一个房间。

    And just to ease your fears , no escape prison game will put you in a room with a bucket full of human waste .

  12. 西瓜所含的纤维素不多,每杯份西瓜含有约1克纤维,但是西瓜所含的大量水分可以推动排泄物下行,从而改善消化。

    Watermelon doesn 't contain much fiber -- about one gram per cup -- but its high water content can help improve digestion by moving along waste .

  13. 名词来自古英语scitte,意为“净化、腹泻。”只不过是从古英语scitte起源的基本排泄物形式。

    The noun nods to Old English scitte , meaning " purging3 , diarrhea . " And just the basic form of excrement4 stems from Old English scytel .

  14. 研究人员发现,这些样本中所包含的排泄物、口腔和皮肤细菌要少于大多数人类家庭床上的细菌,尽管猩猩是在它们的巢边上厕所。

    The researchers found that they contained fewer faecal , oral or skin bacteria than beds in most human households even though the chimps1 go to the toilet over the sides of their nests .

  15. 卫生专家丽莎·阿克利博士说:“这项研究很重要,因为未经清洗的地毯可能成为细菌和致病菌的家园,尤其是尘螨,这可能使一些人更容易患尘螨排泄物过敏引起的哮喘、湿疹和常年过敏性鼻炎。”

    Hygiene9 expert Dr Lisa Ackerley said : ' This research is of concern as unwashed carpets can become homes to bacteria and germs and in particular dust mites , which can put some people at greater risk of asthma10 , eczema and perennial11 allergic12 rhinitis caused by allergies13 to dust mite6 faecal matter .

  16. 慢性肾脏疾病患者尿SOD排泄变化

    Urinary SOD Excretion in Patients with Chronic Renal Disease

  17. 高血压组患者尿β2微球蛋白排泄量显著高于对照组,且与血、尿CⅢ水平呈显著正相关关系。

    The excretion of urine β 2-microglobin in hypertension group also increased significantly and had a positive correlation respectively with the serum and urine C - ⅲ .

  18. 螺旋CT鉴别透明细胞癌与非透明细胞癌的准确性在皮髓质期、肾实质期、排泄期分别为93.5%、86.9%、81.5%。

    Accuracy of CT for differentiating clear cell and non-clear cell carcinoma in three enhanced phases was 93.5 % , 86.9 % and 81.5 % , respectively .

  19. 氨甲酰胆碱引起促钠排泄的中枢(PVN,LC)和外周(RENALEPITHELIUM)的胆碱能机制

    The Role of Central ( PVN , LC ) and Peripheric ( RENAL EPITHELIUM ) Carbachol-Induced Natriuresis

  20. 24h尿药累积排泄量为(41±20)%。

    The 24 h accumulative urinary drug excretion rate was ( 41 ± 20 ) % .

  21. 膜性肾病(MGN)患者血清VEGF与24h尿蛋白排泄量呈正相关。

    In membranous glomerulonephritis serum VEGF correlated positively with 24-hour proteinuria excretion .

  22. 同时会分泌和排泄大量DOC到水体中。

    At the same time the phytoplankton exudation will increase the concentration of DOC in sea water .

  23. NIDDM者尿白蛋白排泄率与动态血压及胰岛素抵抗的关系

    The relationship of urinary albumin excretion rate to ambulatory blood pressure and insulin resistnace in NIDDM

  24. 目的观察砖茶氟在大鼠体内24h吸收、分布及排泄的动态变化。

    Objective To investigate the change of 24 h absorption , distribution and excretion of brick-tea fluoride in rats .

  25. NIDDM患者244、时血压、尿白蛋白排泄率的早期改变

    The early changes of 24 hour blood pressure and urine albumin excretion rate in patients with NIDDM

  26. 目的:研究醋己氨酸锌(zincacexamate,ZA)在大鼠体内的吸收、组织分布、排泄等药代动力学特点。

    AIM : To study the pharmacokinetic character of zinc acexamate ( ZA ) in rats .

  27. 中等强度的急性运动负荷对糖尿病患者尿NAG及白蛋白排泄率的影响

    Effect of acute moderate exercise load on urinary NAG and albumin excretion rate in diabetic patients

  28. 但尿THP排泄量增加,可视为肾小管损害的标志

    But urinary increase of excretion of THP may be an indicator of renal tubular damage

  29. 对95例糖尿病患者尿液中不同电荷和(或)不同分子大小的蛋白(白蛋白、IgG4、总IgG)排泄进行了临定研究。

    The clearance of proteins differing in charge and / or size ( IgG4 , total IgG and albumin ) was evaluated in 95 diabetic patients .

  30. IgA肾病20例。结果表明,慢性肾炎患者尿RBP排泄量增加,血压增高的慢性肾炎患者尤甚。

    The results showed that urinary RBP excretion was increased in glomerulonephritis patients , especially in glomerulonephritis with hypertension .