
  • 网络discharge permit system (DPS)
  1. SO2排放指标的合理分配是实施总量控制、排污许可证制度和排污权交易的重要基础。

    Rational allocation of SO_2 emission allowance provides important foundation for implementation of total emission control ( TEC ), permitting system , and emission trading .

  2. 海安县执行排污许可证制度经验初探

    Experiences of Carrying out Discharge Permit System of Hai'an County

  3. 沈阳市实施总量控制与排污许可证制度的探讨

    Discussion on Practice of Total Quantity Control and Pollutants Emission License System

  4. 实施大气排污许可证制度,推进污染总量控制战略

    Implementing Atmospheric Emissions Permit System , Pushing Pollutant Total Amount Control Strategy

  5. 沈阳市推行大气排污许可证制度的技术路线

    Technical Route for Implementation of Air Pollutant Emission Permit system in Shenyang City

  6. 可转让排污许可证制度立法研究

    Legislation Study of Transferable Pollution Discharge License System

  7. 其中,排污许可证制度与水污染物的排放许可关系最为紧密。

    Among them , the permit system and water pollution discharge permits is most closely .

  8. 排污许可证制度的法理探析

    Jurisprudential Analysis of Discharge Permit System

  9. 实施排污许可证制度的经济手段&环境补偿在太原市的实行

    Economic Instruments to Implement Pollutant Emission Permit System : Application of Environmental Compensation in Taiyuan City

  10. 各地区排污许可证制度执行情况

    Discharge Permit System by Region

  11. 中国排污许可证制度的产生、发展及现状

    The Introduction , Development and State of the Licence System for the Water Pollutant Discharge in China

  12. 与此同时,市政府正在建立排污许可证制度,以便将工业排放量限制在预先规定的范围内。

    The government is also preparing a new Discharge Permit System that will limit industrial discharges to pre-specified volumes .

  13. 本文就如何重新整合、构建排污许可证制度作全面分析并提出立法设想。

    This essay makes a thorough analysis on how to reconstruct and build EPS and presents a legislative idea on legislation .

  14. 其次通过典型的地方实例来分析,揭示运行中的排污许可证制度存在的问题及原因。

    Secondly , it discloses the problems and its causes existed during the practice of pollutant discharging Permit System through analysis of typical local cases .

  15. 本文结合近年来云南省排污许可证制度实施的经验,对推进排污许可证制度提出探索意见。

    The suggestions on implement of permit system of pollutant discharged in Yunnan are put forward based on the experiences from the practical work in Yunnan province .

  16. 排污许可证制度作为一项环境管制措施,在污染物控制和行政管制等方面的价值已被各国广泛认可。

    As an environment control measure , values of Pollutant Discharge Permit System have been acknowledged by every country on the aspects of control of pollution and administrative regulation .

  17. 论文还提出应以排污许可证制度为基础、与排污收费制度并存、科学确定环境容量和健全的环境保护法律法规作为我国建立科学的水污染物排放权有偿分配和交易的保障措施。

    The paper also proposed to permit system , based on co-existence with the sewage charging system , determined the environmental capacity and sound environmental protection laws and regulations in science .

  18. 通过对国内外实施排污许可证制度情况的分析;阐述了该项制度在我国大气环境管理中的地位和作用;

    This paper shows the position and function of pollutant discharge permit system in China 's air environment management through the analysis of the domestic and overseas implementation of this system .

  19. 当前有必要以《行政许可法》为法律依据,由国务院统一制定一部全面整合排污许可证制度的行政法规&《排污许可证条例》。

    At present , it is necessary for the State Council to formulate an administrative regulation named Regulation on Emission Permit to reconstruct EPS completely by taking Administrative Permit Law as its legal basis .

  20. 在工程治理的基础上尚需加强管理,推行总量控制排污许可证制度,使库区各河流满足中线工程提出的水质标准。

    Strengthening management on the base of engineering treatment , promoting the licence system of total amount disharge control , to ameliorate the water quality in this region for which to meet the national water quality standards .

  21. 文章分析了实施污染物排放总量控制和排污许可证制度是控制水污染的必然趋势,提出了重点水污染源的监测方案和加强污染源监督监测切实可行的办法和关键性问题。

    Practise total amout control of water pollutants and discharge licence system are the inevitable tendency for controlling water pollution . This article suggested that emphasis should be put on monitoring of pollution sources , and strengthened feasible method for supervisory monitoring of pollution sources and other critical issues .

  22. 论排污许可证交易制度的理论基础及其必要性&从经济学和比较法的角度考察

    A Review on Theoretical Basis and Significance of System of Tradable Emissions Permits From the Views of Economics and Comparative Law

  23. 排污许可证交易制度是一项灵活、高效的环境经济政策,将市场机制运用于环境管理,从而实现环境资源的有效配置。

    Emission permits trading system is a flexible and efficient environmental economic policy , which applies the market mechanisms in environmental management , in order to achieve efficient allocation of environmental resources .

  24. 为了促使企业变被动治污为主动减排,把企业的社会责任和经济利益联系在一起,兼顾环境效益和经济效益,学者们研究提出了排污许可证交易制度。

    In order to encourage enterprises to change from passive emissions to active pollution reduction , connect social responsibility and economic interests and link to both environmental and economic benefits , the scholars proposed emission permits trading system .

  25. 本文针对小城镇的环境污染问题,对现行的排污收费制度、许可证制度、三同时制度、限期治理制度存在的问题和调整内容进行了探讨。

    The problems of payment of pollution system , permit system , system of environment protection equipment and project designing , construction and using at the same time , and system of governance at limit time are discussed in the text .

  26. 排污权中的排污许可证制度能有效协调环保部门、排污者和公众的环境权力、权益。

    The pollution discharge permission system of the emission right is effective to harmonize the power and benefits of environmental protection administration , polluters and the public environment .

  27. 构建我国生态税费体系的政策建议:开征新的专门的环保税,改革和完善现行的具有生态目的的税收制度,建立健全排污收费(排污许可证)制度。

    To construct our country 's eco-taxation system , our policy suggestions are : levy new special environmental tax , reform and improve present taxation which aiming at eco-protection , improve institution of pollution charging ( pollutant discharge permit ) .