
  • 网络Diwali;Diwali Festival;divali;Deepavali;Festival of Lights
  1. 总部位于德里、得到腾讯入股的通讯“独角兽企业”HikeMessenger,已开始提供用于庆祝胡里节和排灯节等节日的“蓝包”。

    Delhi-based Hike Messenger , a Tencent-backed messaging unicorn , has begun offering " blue packets " to celebrate festivals such as Holi and Diwali .

  2. 因为没太受纽约媒体连篇累牍的《去排灯节购物20天》(twentyshoppingdaystodiwali)的宣传影响,有些年份,如果知道了日期,我们就庆祝。

    As I was not being bombarded with " twenty shopping days to Diwali " by the New York media , some years I heard when it was and we celebrated .

  3. 印度排灯节(Diwali)期间的空气质量常常恶化,排灯节的庆祝活动包括燃放烟花爆竹直到深夜。

    Air quality often deteriorates during the Diwali festival , which is celebrated with intense launching of firecrackers late into the night .

  4. 该街区的许多人来自南亚,正在庆祝排灯节。店主VikramSantilal说,在每年的这个时间购买金条或金币是传统行为。

    Many in this neighborhood are from South Asia and are celebrating Diwali . Store manager Vikram Santilal says buying gold bars or coins is traditional at this time of year .

  5. 印度主要电商“店踪”(ShopClues)的拉迪卡·阿加瓦尔说,最近随着排灯节(Diwali)的到来,人们要在家中、工厂、或办公室里举行祈祷仪式,这使得牛粪饼的需求量激增。

    Radhika Agarwal of ShopClues , a major online retailer in India , said demand for the cow dung cakes spiked during the recent Diwali season , a time when Hindus conduct prayer ceremonies at their homes , factories and offices .

  6. SavjibhaiDholakia是繁荣的西海岸城市苏特拉的一名钻石出口商,他宣布公司将在周末的印度教排灯节来临前给员工提供1260辆汽车,400套公寓以及大量珠宝。

    Savjibhai Dholakia , who runs a diamond export firm in the booming west coast city of Surat , announced his company would give 1260 cars , 400 flats and pieces of jewellery to his employees ahead of the Hindu festival of Diwali which falls on the weekend .

  7. 排灯节是印度全国庆祝的节日。

    Diwali is one festival which is celebrated all across India .

  8. 传统意义上,排灯节标志着光明战胜了黑暗。

    Traditionally , Diwali marks the victory of light over darkness .

  9. 世界各地的印度人都带着极大的热情庆祝排灯节这一节日。

    Hindus all over the world celebrate Deepawali with great enthusiasm .

  10. 排灯节也是锡克教和耆那教的传统。

    Diwali is a tradition in the Sikh and Jain religions as well .

  11. 我希望你幸福和繁荣的排灯节。

    I wish you happy and prosperous DIWALI .

  12. 排灯节是一个充满热情与欢乐的节日。

    Diwali is celebrated with fervor and gaiety .

  13. 孩子们穿戴整齐后,我告诉他们排灯节的故事,然后开始烹饪。

    The children dressed up , I told them the Diwali story and we cooked .

  14. 作为排灯节奖励,印度老板给员工分发1260辆车,400套公寓和珠宝

    Indian boss gives 1260 cars , 400 flats and jewellery as Diwali bonus to staff

  15. 今天是我们伟大的节日排灯节。

    Today is our great Festival DIWALI .

  16. 排灯节会持续五天。

    Diwali lasts for five days .

  17. 新德里对今年排灯节和整个冬季清洁空气的希望能否实现,从很大程度上要取决于风力条件。

    The city 's hopes for clean air this Diwali and throughout winter depend largely on windy weather .

  18. 我做了他们爱吃的印度饭,这便成了我们的排灯节食物,现在依然没变。

    I cooked the Indian food they liked and that became , and still is , our Diwali food .

  19. 我对自己的孩子实际上也是这样,只要我记得排灯节的日子。

    I had actually done the same with my own children , whenever I could find out when Diwali was .

  20. 对印度教徒来说,排灯节标志着新年的来临。

    The Festival of Light , Diwali to the indigenous people , marks the commencement of the New Year for Hindus .

  21. 屠妖节,排灯节。一个印度教节日。非常重要的,就像我们的春节一样。

    Deeppavali , day of lights . A Hindu festival . A very important one , just like our spring festival .

  22. 他们在那里观看了亮烛仪式和为期五天的排灯节民族舞蹈表演。

    There they watched a candle-lighting ceremony and watched a folk dance performance for Diwali , the five-day Festival of Lights .

  23. 一个男孩安排在一家商店前,在海得拉巴,星期三,2009年10月14日印度排灯节手工灯罩。

    A boy arranges handmade lamp shades at a shop before the Diwali festival in Hyderabad , India on Wednesday , Oct.14,2009 .

  24. 听听一个男孩告诉我们为什么排灯节是他一年中最喜欢的时候。

    Listen to a boy telling us why Diwali is his favourite time of the year , and make your own firework display !

  25. 但是在印度,这种现象已经是个惯例,以至于成了个国家性笑话&特别是排灯节期间,警察们出门就是为了所要礼钱。

    But in India the process is so routine it 's a national joke-especially round Diwali when the cops were out for present money .

  26. 等我节假日回去看他们时,我得过两次印度排灯节。一人家里过一次。

    And when I get to see them for the holidays , I 'll get to celebrate Diwali twice -- one at each house .

  27. 霍拉基尔因在排灯节上给员工们送奢华礼物而闻名印度,其中包括在2016年仪式上送出的数百套公寓。

    Dholakia is famous across India for giving lavish gifts to his employees at Diwali , including hundreds of apartments in 2016 's ceremony .

  28. 排灯节在第三天,当天,所有灯和蜡烛都要点上,并且要燃放烟花。

    The third day is where the ' Festival of Light ' title has emerged as lamps and candles are lit , and fireworks are set off .

  29. 一部报告呼吁(政府)采取严厉的措施在印度节目“排灯节”时保护猫头鹰&因为数千只猫头鹰会被作为印度“吉庆场合”的祭品。

    A report suggested tough measures should be put in place to protect owls from a Hindu festival-Diwali-because thousands of owls are sacrificed on Hindu " auspicious occasions " .

  30. 印度人经常在排灯节前夕互赠礼物。排灯节是印度的一个重要的、为了庆祝善良战胜邪恶的节日,今年排灯节是11月7号。

    Indians often give each other gifts in the run-up to Diwali , a major Hindu festival celebrating the triumph of good over evil that this year falls on Nov. 7 .