
xù shì shī
  • narrative poem;epic;ballad;lay
叙事诗 [xù shì shī]
  • [narrative poem] 诗歌的一种,叙述一个完整的故事而又不采取戏剧形式,包括史诗、民谣和韵文传奇故事

  1. 论唐代作家的叙事诗文体意识

    On Style Consciousness of Narrative Poem in Tang Dynasty

  2. 不应被文学史家遗忘的一部长篇叙事诗&《奴隶王国的来客》

    A Long Narrative Poem Should Not Be Forgotten & A Vagrant Coming into a Slave Kindom ;

  3. 我放弃了写叙事诗,而写了这个小故事。

    I gave up my epic and wrote this little tale instead .

  4. 因而十七年叙事诗创作的中坚是新诗人。

    So the backbone of Seventeen-year narrative poems is new poets .

  5. 叙述一位英雄行为的长篇叙事诗。

    A long narrative poem telling of a hero 's deeds .

  6. 初唐时期是唐代叙事诗的雏形期。

    In the fiIfst period , it is in embryonic form .

  7. 论回族爱情叙事诗的悲剧美&以《马五哥与尕豆妹》为例

    On the Tragedy Beauty of Love Narrative Poem of the Huis

  8. 中国传统叙事诗不发达原因探析

    An Analysis of the Slackness of Traditional Chinese Narrative Poems

  9. 论中国古代叙事诗的亚叙事特征

    The Characteristic of " Sub-narrating " of the Ancient Chinese Narrative Poem

  10. 这几行诗是他那长篇叙事诗的序诗

    The line form a prelude to his long narrative poem

  11. 早期现代长篇叙事诗的民间情结

    The Folk Love of Early Modern Chinese Length Narrative Poetry

  12. 唐代叙事诗限知叙述视角转换模式试探

    On the Transformation Model of Knowledge-limited Narrative Perspective of Tang 's Ballade

  13. 他要是能开汽车就会写叙事诗啦。

    He could as soon write an epic as drive a car .

  14. 它依然是一篇家庭叙事诗的开端。

    It is still the beginning of the home epic .

  15. 西北民族叙事诗的产生与发展问题研究

    Study on Formation and Development Problems about Narrative Poem of Northwest Minority

  16. 民族叙事诗的形象塑造。

    The image molding of nationality epic poem . 5 .

  17. 哦,想起来了,这种属于叙事诗。

    Jerry : Oh , I see , it is part of epics .

  18. 浅论朱湘的现代叙事诗创作及理论

    Brief Analysis on Zhu Xiang 's Creation and Theory of Modern Narrative Poems

  19. 唐代小说与叙事诗

    On the Influence of the Fiction to the Narrative Poetry in Tang Dynasty

  20. 其作品包括154首十四行诗,两首叙事诗和38部剧。

    His works include 154 sonnets , 2 narrative poems and 38 plays .

  21. 现代价值取向与现代传达策略的结合成就了中国现代叙事诗的现代性品格。

    The combination of them generates the modern feature of modern Chinese ballads .

  22. 现代叙事诗:戏剧和抒情的渗透

    Modern Narrative Poetry : Integration of Drama and Lyricism

  23. 她把一个民间故事改写成了一首叙事诗。

    She shaped a folktale into a narrative poem .

  24. 中唐叙事诗研究

    The Research of the Narrative Poems of Mid-Tang Dynasty

  25. 中古桑林系列叙事诗主题的演变

    On the Changing of Narration Poems ' Subjects of Mid ancient Mulberry Woods Series

  26. 叙事诗中反抗的女性形象

    Female Images with Rebellious Spirit in Narrative Poems

  27. 吴梅村叙事诗的传奇色彩

    Legendary Flavor of Wu Mei-cun 's Narrative Poems

  28. 女书叙事诗与女性叙事

    Narrative Poems in Female Script and Female Narrative

  29. 清朝满汉双语民间叙事诗探析

    Studies of Folk Narrative Poem in Bi-language of Manchu and Chinese in Qing Dynasty

  30. 中国古典长篇叙事诗的戏剧化倾向

    The Tendency Towards Dramatization in Chinese Classical Long-Narrative-Poems