
  • 网络Syrian Desert;SYRIA
  1. 穿过叙利亚沙漠,终点是大马斯革。

    And across the sands of Syria to damascus .

  2. 当时这里还是叙利亚沙漠上的绿洲和集散地。

    Kingdom of Palmyra , Syria , an oasis and trade crossroads in the Syrian desert .

  3. 大规模杀伤性武器(2003)布什所说的大规模杀伤性武器在伊拉克或叙利亚沙漠并未发现。

    Weapons of Mass Destruction ( 2003 ) Bush 's WMDs never found in Iraq or the Syrian desert .

  4. 巴拉迪说,人们怀疑以色列去年轰炸的叙利亚沙漠地区的设施原是一个核反应堆,叙利亚也没能排除这方面的怀疑。

    ElBaradei said also Syria has failed to clear suspicion that a desert site bombed by Israel last year was a nuclear reactor .

  5. 这里是旅行者穿越叙利亚沙漠的必经之地,因其名沙漠新娘而著称。

    It has long been a vital caravan city for travellers crossing the Syrian desert and was known as the Bride of the Desert .

  6. 但是历史学家永远不明白巴尔米拉的十万居民是如何在叙利亚沙漠的中部生存下来的,或者说,他们一开始为什么要选择在那里生活。

    But historians could never understand how Palmyra 's 100,000 residents were able to thrive in the middle of the Syrian desert & or why they would live there in the first place .

  7. 帕尔米拉堪称叙利亚沙漠中的一片绿洲,它位于大马士革的东北方,是古代最重要的文化中心之一,城内现仍保存有当时的许多纪念性建筑。

    An oasis in the Syrian desert , north-east of Damascus , Palmyra contains the monumental ruins of a great city that was one of the most important cultural centres of the ancient world .

  8. 为什么巴尔米拉坐落于叙利亚的沙漠之中

    Why Palmyra Was Located In The Syrian Desert

  9. 在靠近叙利亚的沙漠地区,曾经生活着一种鸵鸟亚种,但是它们已经在1941年灭绝,人们尝试着从中东地区重新引进鸵鸟。

    There was a subspecies of ostrich that roamed near the Syrian desert , but they have become extinct since 1941 , but some humans have tried to reintroduce the ostrich populations in the Middle East .

  10. 美国官方也表示了自己的担心,担心叙利亚曾在偏远沙漠地带有一处由朝鲜制作的核反应堆,直到2007年被以色列喷气机炸毁。

    U.S. officials have also expressed concern that Syria had a secret North Korea-designed nuclear reactor in a remote desert , until it was bombed by Israeli jets in 2007 .