
jiǎo zhuó
  • anklet;ankle bangle
脚镯 [jiǎo zhuó]
  • [anklet] 精美环状、套在脚腕上的装饰物

  1. 占士邦:它(名字)在你的脚镯上。

    James bond : it 's on the bracelet on your ankle .

  2. 脚镯套在踝部的装饰物全部装饰很有艺术性。

    An ornament worn around the ankle .

  3. 手镯、脚镯的叮当声

    The sound of jingling bracelets and bangles

  4. 是我自己的脚镯越走越响使我羞怯。

    It is my own anklets that grow loud at every step and I am ashamed .

  5. 您想看看这里的金手链和银脚镯吗?

    Would you like to have a look at the gold chain and silver anklet here ?

  6. 呵,我不小心,它打到你的丁当的脚镯上而引起悲愁。

    Alas , I was not careful , and it struck your ringing anklets and came to grief .

  7. 小心不要让你的脚镯响出声音,在迎接他的时候你的脚步不要太急。

    See that your anklets make no loud noise , and that your step is not overhurried at meeting him .

  8. 脚镯是唯一能够看到且听到的;别的手镯、带、环以及护身符都只能通过声音来表示它们的存在。

    Anklets are both seen and heard ; but bracelets , belts , earrings , and amulets only sound their presence .

  9. 她冲他羞怯地微微笑了一下。是我自己的脚镯越走越响使我羞怯。

    She gave him a timid little smile . It is my own anklets that grow loud at every step and I am ashamed .

  10. 我送给她一对新脚镯和手镯,也开始在村里盖新房,她现在特别开心。

    I gifted her new pair of anklets and bangles too also I have started construction of new house in my village . She is super happy now .

  11. 我们在一家泰姬陵酒店入住500美元一晚的套房,身旁萦绕着油灯和戴着手镯脚镯的舞者,房间里小镜子璀璨发亮,而这时我们距离外面日均生活费仅有1美元的“真实的印度”再遥远不过了。

    When we settle into our $ 500-a-night suite in a Taj hotel , surrounded by oil lamps and bangled dancers , the room glittering with tiny mirrors , we couldn 't be further from the " real India " " outside , which struggles to get by on $ 1 a day .