
jiǎo lì
  • Footwork;strength of one's legs;porter;payment to a porter;backer
脚力 [jiǎo lì]
  • (1) [strength of one's legs]∶走路的能力;两腿的力气

  • 他一天能走八、九十里,脚力很好

  • (2) [porter]∶旧称传递文书的差役或搬运货物的人

  • (3) [payment to a porter]∶脚钱或给送礼的仆役的赏钱

  • (4) [backer] 〈方〉∶靠山;门路

  • 人家见他有此脚力,没有一个不巴结他的

脚力[jiǎo lì]
  1. 他一天能走50公里,脚力真好。

    He 's really got strong legs to be able to walk 50 kilometres a day .

  2. 这头驴平时帮他们种地拉磨,赶集时还要作脚力。

    The donkey helped them pull the field plow during and carry them to the market .

  3. 二足步行机器人的新型脚力传感器的研究

    A study on a new type of FOOT-FORCE sensors for a biped robot

  4. 基于CAN总线的机器人脚力传感器的设计及其应用

    Design and Application on Foot Sensor of Biped Humanoid Robot Based on CAN Bus

  5. 如果你不抬轿,你连偶尔的脚力钱也没戏了。

    Sedan Chair If you do not , you are even occasionally the money gone .

  6. 当然,如果脚力不够,可以单车助力。

    Of course , if walking is not enough , then a bicycle can help you out .

  7. 医生在比尔的手术以后继续给他做放射治疗和特别体疗,以增强他的脚力。

    The doctor followed up Bill 's operation with X-rays and special exercises to make his foot stronger .

  8. 跳绳不仅是一项有助于心血管健康的锻炼,还可以提高协调性,灵活性和十分重要的脚力。

    Not only is jumping rope a good cardiovascular workout , it improves coordination , agility , and the all-important footwork .

  9. 如果遇上心善的坐轿机构或大户,还会赚俩脚力钱,如果碰上蛇蝎心肠的坐轿机构或大户,弄不好反咬你一口,连本都搭上。

    The case of heart good institutions or large , will make two money , if the snake hit the heart or major , fix a you even have to catch this .

  10. 而此刻,家乡有了新的高科技&汽车,这样一来,即使再远的路,也丝毫不费脚力,也不用担忧任何事情的发生。

    And now , home has a new high-tech-car , this way , even if the long way again , it does not charge leg muscles , but also not worry about anything happening .

  11. 我主请在仆人前面过去吧;我呢、要量着在我前面的群畜的脚力、和孩子们的脚力,轻步地一站一站前行,直走到西珥我主那里。

    So let my lord go on ahead of his servant , while I move along slowly at the pace of the droves before me and that of the children , until I come to my lord in Seir .