
  • anklet;ankle bracelet;foot chain;ankle chain
  1. 这脚链都是手工制作,非常好。

    This Anklet is all Hand Crafted and very well made .

  2. 脚链上留有微量的血迹

    The anklet had trace amounts of blood still on it --

  3. 羊线:羊线部分设备:羊V型输送,羊平行预剥,羊线用凉肉钩、吊钩、叉挡、扣脚链。

    Sheep Slaughtering and Processing Line : V-type Conveyor , Parallel Pre-Dehiding , Meat Cooling hook , Hanger , Fork Block , Shackle Chain and so on .

  4. 脚踝处佩戴一条细细的脚链,炫出你的双腿。

    Add a thin ankle bracelet and show off your legs .

  5. 我觉得那条脚链说明不了什么

    I don 't think that that anklet proves anything .

  6. 运动鞋,脚链,还有没有跟的鞋是不允许的。

    No athletic shoes , clogs , and backless shoes will be permitted .

  7. 金属或亮塑料手镯和脚链,链子上要镶有彩色宝石。

    Jewellery : cuff bracelets and slave bangles in metallics and bright plastic .

  8. 但你和杰森却找到了脚链

    But you and Jason managed to find it .

  9. 你知道那个上交给警察的脚链么

    Okay , you know that anklet that was turned in to the police ?

  10. 而脚链上的血迹

    And since the blood on that anklet

  11. 斯宾塞两年来警方一直在找那个脚链

    Now , Spence , the police have been looking for that anklet for two years .

  12. 有了这些皮脚链简单的步骤是一件乐事穿很长一段时间。

    With these simple steps a leather anklet with be a joy to wear for a long time .

  13. 珠宝首饰。金属或亮塑料手镯和脚链,链子上要镶有彩色宝石。

    Jewellery : cuff bracelets and slave bangles in metallics and bright plastic . Chains with coloured gemstones ..

  14. 听好你的脚链有追踪设置所以你只能在方圆两英里范围内活动

    Listen , your tracking ankletis set up.So that you can go anywhere within 2 miles of this place .

  15. 皮革脚链的另一个好处是他们提供优质的珠宝价格为一个伟大的一块。

    Another benefit of leather anklets is that they offer a piece of quality jewelry for a great price .

  16. 这个性小店卖韩版的衣服,还有亮闪闪的饰品,比如戒指、项链、脚链等。

    The boutique sells clothes in the style of Korea and glittering ornaments such as rings , necklaces , anklets .

  17. 戴耳环,手镯,脚链,项链和戒指来点缀一下。

    Jazz it up with dangling earrings , bold bracelets , sparkly bangles , chained necklaces , and big cocktail rings .

  18. 无论真假,只要你的手镯、脚链、鞋和眼镜都够大、够亮就行。

    Real or not , it makes no difference as long as your bracelets and bangles and shoes and specs are larger and brighter than ever .

  19. 他花了2000卢比买了一部手机、为7岁的女儿买了一根银脚链,剩下的钱全部用来买酒了。

    He then bought a mobile phone for Rs 2000 and a silver anklet for his seven-year-old daughter . He spent the rest of the money on alcohol .

  20. 在1966年6月29日,他与其他六个囚犯设法挣脱了手铐和脚链,并抢来了一个卫兵的武器。

    On June 29 , 1966 , he and six other prisoners managed to escape from their hand and foot restraints and get a hold of the guard 's weapons .

  21. 他或她可能会告诉你他们不喜欢你的香水或须后水,或者他们不喜欢你每天戴的手镯和脚链。

    He or she may tell you that they don 't like your perfume or aftershave , or they may not like your bangles and bracelets that you wear every day .