
xìng mìng
  • life
性命 [xìng mìng]
  • [life] 指生物的生命

  • 苟全性命于乱世。--诸葛亮《出师表》

  • 偷性命。--明. 刘基《诚意伯刘文成公文集》

  • 身心性命。--清. 刘开《问说》

性命[xìng mìng]
  1. 他白浪费了性命,死得毫无意义。

    His death was a senseless waste of life .

  2. 谁会拿朋友的性命作赌注?

    Who wants to gamble with the life of a friend ?

  3. 如果她再患病,就会有性命之忧。

    If she gets ill again it could prove fatal .

  4. 你疯了吗?你会丢了性命的!

    Are you out of your senses ? You 'll be killed !

  5. 他赤手空拳就能取人性命。

    He was capable of killing a man with his bare hands .

  6. 数百条性命在大楼垮塌时受到了威胁。

    Hundreds of lives were threatened when the building collapsed .

  7. 他们干起活来好像性命攸关似的。

    They went at the job as if their lives depended on it .

  8. 我们差点丢了性命。

    We came near to being killed .

  9. 他的大胆营救保住了那些年轻人的性命。

    His daring rescue saved the lives of the youngsters .

  10. 很多人是孤儿,他们的父母在垃圾中找吃的时丢了性命。

    Many are orphans , their parents killed as they scavenged for food

  11. 子弹穿过动脉,他失血过多几乎性命不保。

    He almost bled to death after the bullet severed an artery .

  12. 有时候他们因自己的轻率而搭上性命。

    Occasionally they paid for their indiscretion with their lives .

  13. 没有人知道他究竟是如何或在何处丢掉性命的。

    No one knows exactly how or where he met his end .

  14. 他们企图逃走的时候全都丢掉了性命。

    They died , to a man , when they tried to break out

  15. 他的冒险可能让他断送了性命。

    His daring may have cost him his life .

  16. 我们已经失去了一切,不过谢天谢地,总算是保住了性命。

    We have lost everything , but thank God , our lives have been spared

  17. 所有人在身处险境时都会努力地要保住性命。

    All of us will struggle fairly hard to survive if we are in danger

  18. 让人担心的是,使用武力可能会使联合国维和人员性命难保。

    The worry is that the use of force could make life impossible for the UN peacekeepers

  19. 他宁肯在比赛中丢了性命也不愿在医院里苟延残喘。

    He would rather be killed in a race than die a lingering death in hospital .

  20. 高级法院裁决应强制她进食以挽救她的性命,她对此提起上诉。

    She appealed against a High Court ruling that she should be forcibly fed to save her life .

  21. 然而,通常此类袭击只是为了造成破坏,并非要人性命。

    As a rule , however , such attacks have been aimed at causing damage rather than taking life .

  22. 孩子患了不治之症的一对夫妻想要培育一个设计婴儿来挽救儿子的性命。

    A couple with a terminally ill child want to create a designer baby that could save the boy 's life .

  23. 在这场战争中无数无辜的人丧失了性命。

    In the war countless innocent people lost their lives .

  24. 他差点儿丢了性命。

    He came very near to losing his life .

  25. 机关算尽太聪明,反误了卿卿性命!(《红楼梦》)

    All your clever calculations and intrigues brought nothing but your doom .

  26. 狂犬病病毒的确挽救了许多人的性命。

    The identification of rabies virus has saved many lives .

  27. 他为自己的性命担忧,所以走了。

    He went in fear of his life .

  28. 性命攸关。

    This is a vital matter .

  29. 世人见了功名,便舍着性命去求他,及至到手之后,味同嚼蜡。(《儒林外史》)

    Men will risk their lives in search of success and fame ; yet once they have them , the taste is no better than chewed tallow .

  30. 这帮助人们在地震发生后保全性命。

    This helps people to stay alive after an earthquake .