
  • 网络self-regulating system
  1. 盖亚理论认为,地球是一个自我调节系统。

    The Gaia theory proposes that the planet earth is a self-regulating system .

  2. 它们最后还是会被排出去的。戈德法布博士指出,人体有一套精密的自我调节系统,能够自动排除它不需要的任何东西。

    They 're in the toilet , 'he says , noting that the body has an exquisite system of self-regulation , excreting anything it doesn 't need .

  3. 由于这两样零件独特的统合性,最新研发出的系统能运用自我调节系统,精准的调适人体在睡眠状态中,由头部到脚趾的各种动作姿势。

    Thanks to the unique unity between the two components , the newly developed system adapts precisely to movements from head to foot during sleep using a system of self-regulation .

  4. 应采取的对策是:(1)针对网络虚拟世界产生的负面影响,帮助青少年建立心理健康的自我调节系统;

    Therefore we should try to realize two points : First , we should build up a self-adjusting system of psychology for young people so as to be against negative influence ;

  5. 其中有一类“自”字真实地反映出诗人的自我心理调节系统。

    The word " ego " has abundant connotations and various usages , one of which reflects vividly the poem ′ s self-adaptability .

  6. 城市绿地是城市复合生态系统中唯一具有生产能力和自我调节能力的子系统。

    Urban green space is a subsystem of urban compound ecological system & the only subsystem capable of production and self-adjustment .

  7. 现在东平湖的富营养化进程变缓,营养化状态比较稳定,但被破坏的生态系统要恢复到具有自我调节自我修复的系统还差很远。

    The state of eutrophication is comparatively stable . But the destroyed ecosystem to recover with self regulation and self repair system still needs a very long time .

  8. 在对前馈神经网络的训练中,使用参数自适应方法实现了学习率、惯性因子的自我调节,以避免系统误差陷入局部最小,加快网络的收敛速度;

    In training of Back-Propagation neural network , parameter adaptable method which can automatically adjust learning rate and inertia factor is employed in order to avoiding systemic error immersed in a local minimum and accelerating the network 's convergence ;

  9. 其本质问题是水生生物多样性的破坏,由此造成系统丧失自我维持、自我调节的能力与系统平衡的稳定性,并最终导致水生生态系统的破坏和环境问题的进一步加剧。

    Therefore , its essence is damaging creature diversity , which leads to the system loss of self-maintenance , self-accommodation ability and system balance stability , finally results in the destruction of water eco-system and farther intensification of environmental issues .

  10. 个体在自我调节的过程中会出现某种特定倾向,即调节定向。调节定向理论认为人类存在两种不同的自我调节系统&促进定向和预防定向。

    One will appears certain tendencies in the process of self regulation , which is termed Regulatory Focus ( RF ). Regulatory Focus Theory distinguished two kinds of regulatory systems-promotion focus and prevention focus .