
  • 网络self-limited disease;self-limiting disease;self limiting illness;self-limited disorder
  1. 结论PT不完全是对儿童生长潜能没有影响的自限性疾病;

    Conclusions PT is not completely a self-limited disease which has no effect on the growth potential .

  2. 目前病因尚不清楚。预后良好,为自限性疾病。

    SNL is a self-limited disease , with favourable prognosis .

  3. 戊型肝炎(HepatitisE)是由戊型肝炎病毒(HepatitisEvirusHEV)引起的急性自限性疾病。

    Hepatitis E is a self-limited acute illness which caused by Hepatitis E virus ( HEV ) .

  4. 急性胰腺炎(Acutepancreatitis,AP)是常见的消化系疾病急症之一,多数急性胰腺炎是自限性疾病。

    Acute pancreatitis ( AP ) is a common disease of digestive system , most of it is self - limited .

  5. NDV主要感染禽类致病,只在极少数的情况下感染人类,且为自限性疾病。

    NDV are pathogenic poultry viruses , only in rare cases of human infection , and for the self-limiting disease .

  6. SNL是自限性疾病,预后多良好,但也有复发。

    SNL is self - limited disorder with good prognoses .

  7. 绝大多数HFMD患者预后良好,一般可在5-7天痊愈,属于自限性疾病。

    Most of the patients of HFMD will generally recovered in 5 to 7 days , it is a self limiting diseases .

  8. 结果Kikuchi是多发于青年女性的原因不明的自限性疾病,病变淋巴结出现坏死区、交界区、周边区,免疫组化无明显特异性。

    Result Most Kikuchi lymphadenitis is a natural cure disease occured in young women , and there appear necrosis , junctional and peripheral area in diseased lymph node .

  9. 免疫球蛋白疗效明显高于激素,目前认为激素与一般治疗无差别,而激素在治疗GBS患者的效果,可能与GBS为自限性疾病的自然转归引起。

    Efficacy of immunoglobulin was significantly higher than hormones , hormones and general treatment now that the non-discrimination , and hormonal effects in the treatment of patients with GBS , GBS may be self-limiting disease caused by a natural outcome .

  10. 2例睾丸扭转坏死而行睾丸切除。结论睾丸附件扭转是一种自限性疾病。

    Orchidectomy was done in 2 cases of testicular torsion .

  11. 本病是一种自限性疾病,病变严重者可干预治疗。

    It is a self-limiting condition but the patients with severe Lesions may need intervention treatment .

  12. 结论儿童椎间盘钙化症属自限性疾病,预后良好。

    Conclusion Calcification of intervertebral disc in children is a self limiting condition with excellent prognosis .

  13. 猫抓病是一种以局限性淋巴结炎为主要特征的良性自限性疾病。

    Is a kind of cat-scratch disease lymphadenitis as the main features of the limitations of the benign self-limiting disease .

  14. 登革病毒感染引起的病变范围很广,从自限性疾病到严重危及生命的登革热、登革出血热以及登革休克综合征。

    Dengue virus infections disease range is very wide , from self-limited disease to dengue fever , dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock which are threaten the life .

  15. 此外,秋季腹泻是一种自限性疾病,即使不治疗,多数病孩在一周左右也会自然止泻。

    In addition , the autumn diarrhea is one kind from limits disease , even if does not treat , the most sickness children also meet the nature about one week to stop flow swiftly .

  16. [背景]急性胰腺炎分轻型和重型,轻型被认为是一种自限性疾病,病死率不及1%,重型占15%-20%。

    [ Background ] The acute pancreatitis varies from mild to severe . Mild pancreatitis presents as a self-limiting disease with low morbidity and mortality ( < 1 % ) . In about 15 % to 20 % of cases pancreatitis are severe pancreatitis .

  17. 坏死性涎腺化生是一种具有自限性的发炎疾病,主要侵犯小唾腺。

    Necrotizing sialometaplasia ( NS ) is a self-limited inflammatory disease mainly involving minor salivary glands .