
  1. 补肾益气法、活血祛瘀法是治疗VD的常用中医治疗方法。

    The methods of replenishing kidney and benefiting qi and activating blood circulation to remove stasis are the common therapies in treatment of VD with Chinese medicine .

  2. 针灸是一种基于经验的古老的中医治疗方法。

    Acupuncture is an ancient traditional Chinese treatment with an empirical basis .

  3. 目的:综述中医治疗方法尤其是针灸对小儿脑性瘫痪的临床治疗现状。

    Object : To overview the clinical condition of Chinese therapy especially acupuncture therapy in the children CP.

  4. 人工性荨麻疹的中医治疗方法有哪些?

    What does the traditional Chinese medical science of artificial sex urticaria treat a method to have ?

  5. 中医治疗方法多种多样,临床疗效不一。

    The therapy of traditional Chinese medicine is multiformity , but the curative effect is not full unity .

  6. 中医治疗方法多种多样,外治及中药方面都已经取得了较好的临床疗效。

    Treatment of traditional Chinese medicine , and external therapy of traditional Chinese medicine and have made a better effect .

  7. 总之,乙肝肝硬化的辨证论治当以辨病与辨证相结合为准则,分期分阶段进行辨证用药,并结合其他多种中医治疗方法进行诊疗。

    So , the differentiation of Hepatitis B Cirrhosis should adopt the method of combination of Disease and Syndrome Differentiation , and select drugs by distinguishing stages , and then combined other treatment methods .

  8. 除此之外,我们还想谈谈中医的治疗方法。

    Beside the above contents , we want to talk about therapeutic methods of TCM .

  9. 因此中医药治疗方法越来越受到人们的重视。

    So the treatment method of traditional Chinese medicine is paid more and more attention to by people .

  10. 目的探讨小儿慢性再生障碍性贫血(简称再障)临床特点及中医中药治疗方法。

    Objective It is to discuss the clinical characteristics of children with chronic aplastic anemia and its treatment of traditional Chinese medicine with herbs .

  11. 在我国传统中医中药治疗方法中,应用活血祛瘀类药物促进骨折愈合已经有很长的历史。

    In traditional Chinese medicine , there is a long history of using traditional Chinese drug for promoting blood flow and removing blood stasis to promote healing of fracture .

  12. 因此,耳穴埋籽是一种安全、有效防治痔术后尿潴留的中医药治疗方法。

    Consequently , we draw a conclusion that the auricular-point-pressing therapy is a kind of safety and effective traditional Chinese medicine treatment to prevent and cure urinary retention on hemorrhoids after surgery .

  13. 只要在治疗的过程中有中药的应用或者有中医传统治疗方法如针灸等的应用即可认为是中医治疗,占总治疗病人数的比率即为中医参与治疗率。

    Patients were considered as treated by Chinese Medicine if Chinese herb was administered or traditional Chinese Medicine methods were applied such as acupuncture . The proportions of patients treated by Chinese Medicine occupying the total number of patients were defined as the Chinese Medicine treatment rate .

  14. 文中对血浆内毒素的产生途径及危害性、内毒素性疾病的中医药治疗方法及本项研究病例选择依据、观察时限确定等问题进行了讨论。

    In the paper , the authors discussed the way producing plasmic endotoxin , the harm to health caused by endotoxin and the methods of treating endotoxic diseases with TCM , as well as the basis for choosing cases and the determination of the observed time in this study .

  15. 因此,有必要对中医治疗DM的方法进行深入思考以及重新认识。

    Therefore , it is essential to rediscover and make further research on the method of the treatment of DM by Chinese medicine .

  16. 中医采用多种治疗方法,取得较满意的疗效。

    Chinese medicine uses a variety of treatment methods , to obtain a more satisfactory effect .

  17. 解毒、活血、补气应为中医治疗高血压基本方法。

    Detoxification , invigorating blood circulation maybe supplementing Qi are three basic methods in treating hypertension in TCM .

  18. 结论:中医药综合治疗方法是治疗神经根型颈椎病的有效方法。

    Conclusion : The traditional Chinese medicine and herbal drugs synthesis therapy is one of the effective methods to treat cervical spondy-lotic radiculopathy .

  19. 中医药治疗银屑病方法丰富,疗效较好且复发率低,但见效慢,近期疗效差。

    There are many methods of treating psoriasis with TCM therapy . It has better effect and low recurrence rate , but slow effect .

  20. 梳头疗法可以防病治病,健体美容,是卓有成效的中医非药物治疗方法。

    Combing therapy is a non-drug therapy in Chinese medicine , and has functions of preventing & treating diseases , and strengthening and beautifying the body .

  21. 对疾病名称、病因病机、中医证候、治疗方法等资料建立word文件、SPPS数据库,进行归纳整理、统计学分析。

    Word files and SPPS data base were established with the data of disease names , Etiological factors , pathogenesis , presentation , iatric and nonconforming therapeutics . It was coordinated and analyzed with statistics .

  22. 采用神经促进技术、感知觉功能训练、ADL训练、心理疏导及传统中医等综合康复治疗方法对46例颅脑损伤后运动障碍患者进行早期治疗,并于治疗前、治疗中期及出院时进行FIM评分。

    Early treatment of movement disturbance in 46 patients with craniocerebral injury was performed using promoting nerve unobstruction technique , perceptive function training , ADL training , psychological adjustment and traditional Chinese treatment , etc.

  23. 中医治疗文献质量评价方法及示范应用研究

    The Study on Quality Evaluation to TCM Treatment Literature and Model Application

  24. 中医基本概念和治疗方法原理

    Basic Concepts and Therapy Methodology of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  25. 中医心理治疗的主要方法及启示

    The Major Therapy of TCM Psychotherapy and Its Enlightenments

  26. 本研究是对传统中医肾主骨治疗方法的补充。

    This study is on the traditionalChinese " kidney dominating bone " complementary ways of treatment .

  27. 此理论在临床的应用可以弥补、丰富现今中医辨证治疗慢性荨麻疹方法,值得进一步研究。

    The clinical application of this theory can make up and enrich the current TCM treatment of chronic urticaria , it is worth to further study .

  28. 现有面瘫治疗多采用内科保守治疗、外科手术治疗、物理康复治疗和中医治疗等,这些方法都存在一定的局限性。目前尚无针对性的有效方法可以完全治愈面瘫。

    Current treatments for facial paralysis include conservative treatment , surgery , physical rehabilitation therapy and Chinese traditional treatment . However , all of them have limitations , and there is still no fully effective way to cure facial paralysis .

  29. 方法:1、文献研究方法:主要通过古今中外文献研究,系统了解失眠的病因病机,目前治疗最新进展以及中医心理认知行为治疗方法特点。

    Methods for literature research : to understand the etiology and pathogenesis of insomnia , and to be informed the current treatment of recent advances in TCM cognitive behavior therapy mainly through studies on the ancient and modern literature . 2 .

  30. 第二,通过对59份既往的临床住院病历进行的回顾性调查,归纳出糖尿病心肌病的常见中医证型、治疗方法及心脏彩超结果;

    The second part , have ; I retrospective study in clinical cases history from 59 in-patients , whom were diagnosed with diabetic cardiomyopathy , and have a evaluation of their main TCM disease-type , means of therapy and the results of echocardiogram ;