
  • China Unicom;WCDMA;China United Telecommunications
  1. 收购计划中,李泽楷的合作伙伴为电讯盈科第二大股东、国有的中国联通(ChinaUnicom)。

    His partner in the proposed takeover was the second-largest shareholder , state-owned China Unicom .

  2. 中国联通IP电话业务试验网工程

    China Unicom VOIP Network Trying Project

  3. 目前,中国联通(ChinaUnicom)是苹果iPhone4在中国的独家经销商。

    In China , apple currently sells its iPhone 4 only through China Unicom .

  4. 中国联通己经推出CD瞅手机了。

    China Unicom has put forward CDMA handsets .

  5. 中国联通CDMA营销战略研究

    The Research into Marketing Strategy of CDMA for China Unicom

  6. 中国联通的3G技术及业务发展战略

    3G Technology and Services Development Strategy in China Unicom

  7. 中国联通CS分公司发展战略研究

    Research on the Development Strategy of China Unicom CS Branch

  8. 中国联通拿到WCDMA牌照后,投入大量资金用于3G基站的建设。

    China unicom get WCDMA , huge funds licences for3G base construction .

  9. 蛟龙入海&中国联通引领CDMA产业价值链

    China Unicom Dominates CDMA Value-chain in China

  10. 基于EVA的中国联通业绩诊断及管理改进建议

    The Performance Diagnosis and Management Proposal for Improvement of China Unicom Based on EVA

  11. 目前中国联通已经开展了网上营业厅和3G网站的渠道销售受理工作。

    China Unicom has started channel sales of " online business hall " and 3G website .

  12. 大覆盖起步、规模推进中国联通CDMA网络建设

    Construct China Unicom CDMA Network

  13. 第一部分介绍中国联通、四川联通以及CDMA的相关背景材料。

    The first section briefs the related background information about China Unicom , Sichuan Unicom and CDMA .

  14. 另外两家规模较小的运营商,即中国联通和中国电信,则因为拥有“世界标准”的3G网络而受益。

    The smaller carriers China Unicom and China Telecom have benefited via having " world standard " 3G networks .

  15. 2009年1月7日,中国联通获得基于WCDMA技术制式的3G业务经营许可。

    January 7,2009 , China Unicom was based on WCDMA technology , the 3G standard business license .

  16. 随着以IP为主的数据业务的迅猛发展,如何满足不断增长的对传输容量和带宽的需求,是中国联通公司急需解决的问题。

    With fast increasing of IP-based data services , the exigent problem for China Unicom is how to satisfy the requirement of transmission capacity and bandwidth .

  17. 如何在尽可能短的时间内快速部署一张优质的3G网络,是对中国联通的严峻考验。

    How to construct a high quality 3G network in short time is really a severe challenge for China Unicom .

  18. 作为竞争对手之一的中国联通(chinaunicom)下跌7.3%,收于12.24港元,因为投资者担心其资本支出计划可能过于激进。

    One of those competitors , China Unicom fell 7.3 per cent to HK $ 12.24 as investors feared that its capital spending plans might be too aggressive .

  19. 根据实际案例,深入分析了中国联通内蒙古分公司ERP系统总体规划、各子系统的功能结构。

    Based on actual cases , in-depth analysis of China Unicom Inner Mongolia Branch ERP system master plan , all subsystems functional structures .

  20. 为满足中国联通的战略转型支撑多业务融合的预付费计费模式,在线计费系统(OnlineChargingSystem)的建设已经提上日程。

    In order to meet the strategic transformation of China Unicom and support multi service converged prepaid billing model . The construction of Online charging system has been put on the agenda .

  21. 中国联通在线计费系统(OCS)设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Online Charging System for China Unicom

  22. 本文基于CORBA技术研究实现了中国联通北向接口的性能模块。

    In this thesis , China Uniform north interface Performance module of TMN is studied and realized based on CORBA technology .

  23. 本文正是介绍了面对这一大好形势,中国联通进行CDMA网络建设的策略、原则及其具体建设计划。

    To face such a good situation , this paper introduced the principle policy and plans of constructing China Unicom CDMA network .

  24. 8月底,中国联通(ChinaUnicom(HongKong)Ltd.)宣布了与苹果公司为期三年的协议,将于今年晚些时候在中国大陆销售iPhone。

    In late August , China Unicom ( Hong Kong ) Ltd. announced a three-year deal with Apple to sell the iPhone in China later this year .

  25. 这一举动可能需要它们向该手机提供高额补贴,就像目前唯一营销iPhone的中国联通(ChinaUnicom)那样。

    Such a move might entail their making heavy subsidies for the device , as seen at China Unicom , the only Chinese operator which currently distributes it .

  26. 中国联通经过大力发展和建设3G网络,现在高速移动数据业务已经成为公司业务发展的新重点。

    China Unicom develop and build through the 3G network , high-speed mobile data services has now become our new focus on business development .

  27. 战略选择部分,在战略分析的基础上运用SWOT工具对中国联通的优势、劣势、机会、威胁进行综合分析,确定出适合中国联通的差异化3G业务战略。

    Based on the analysis of the strategic we use SWOT to analyze the strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats for China Unicom .

  28. 鉴于中国联通和中国电信使用的是成熟的3g技术,它们应该能够提供更多手机供客户挑选。

    Given that they are using mature 3G technologies , China Unicom and China Telecom should be able to offer their customers many more handsets .

  29. 借助中国联通企业品牌,大力重塑沃品牌新形象,以品牌提高企业在3G市场的竞争力。

    Vigorously reconstruction new image of brand " Wo " with China Unicom brand to improve enterprise competitiveness for the brand in the 3G market .

  30. 当中国联通(ChinaUnicom)下个月推出第三代移动通信(3G)服务时,它希望能与苹果公司(Apple)达成协议,3年内在中国独家销售iPhone手机,以此为贺。

    When China Unicom launches third-generation telecommunications next month , it hopes to celebrate with a deal to sell Apple 's iPhone exclusively in the country for three years .