
  • 网络CENTRAL PARK;Center Park
  1. 他们住在俯瞰中心公园的高级公寓里。

    They live in a posh apartment overlooking Central park .

  2. 2014年6月25日,在纽约中心公园的船屋酒店里,数百名宾客参加了午宴。

    Boathouse in New York 's Central Park June 25 , 2014 .

  3. 漂浮旅馆是艺术家MikaelGenburg的心血结晶,他以自己独特的旅馆体验而知名,包括在城市中心公园的树上旅馆,以及今年夏天开业的“ooops”旅馆,离梅拉伦湖上的阿特旅馆不远。

    The ' floatel " is the brainchild of artist Mikael Genburg , known for his unique hotel experiences including one in a tree in a city centre park , and ' Ooops ' , the sunken villa which opened this summer not far from Utter Inn by Lake Malaren .

  4. 中心公园是一个娱乐的好地方。

    Center Park is a good place to have fun .

  5. 南京的中心公园是纪念孙中山先生的。

    The central park in Nanjing is dedicated to Dr. Sun Yet Sung .

  6. 绯闻女孩第2季第10集你没去过,中心公园的老木偶剧院吧?

    Have you ever been to the old puppet theatre in central park ?

  7. 中心公园的沃尔曼滑冰场给人以一种独特的视角来观察纽约的摩天大楼。

    Wollman Skating Rink in Central Park provides a striking view of New York 's skyscrapers .

  8. 高尔夫球场和中心公园是汽车城规划的亮点之一。

    Golf Course and the center car park is one of the bright spots in the city planning .

  9. 原住民日这天,人们在城市中心公园举行庆祝,使之俨然已经成为了年度重大事件。

    The day that is celebrated at the city 's Civic Center Park has become an important annual event .

  10. 这些楼宇拥有宽大而开阔的窗户,西面直对中心公园,风光无限。

    These mansions have great , expansive windows directly facing Central Park to the west , providing a gorgeous view .

  11. 范围最大的是一只野猫,达到了1351英亩,要知道,纽约中心公园也只占了843英亩。

    One feral cat 's range topped out at 1351 acres . New York 's Central Park covers 843 acres .

  12. 我曾计划好早上要到中心公园去骑自行车,但是现在我开始犹豫了。

    I had planned on going for an early bike ride in Central Park but now I wasn 't so sure .

  13. 无数的植物在有些生态学家甚至称之为中心公园效应,因为他们对在城市中央的这一小块绿色中竟然能发现很多植物和动物类别。

    Some ecologists even call that the Central Park Effect , because of the surprising density of plants and animals found in that patch .

  14. 已经瘫痪的道路,刺骨的寒风,另一场暴风雪已经让纽约中心公园有一英尺多深的积雪。

    Paralyzing roads and bringing bone-chilling winds , another winter storm has dumped more than a foot of snow in New York 's Central Park .

  15. 到2008年2月为止,黄金展都会在纽约离中心公园西侧不远的美国自然历史博物馆中展出。

    The " Gold " exhibition is on display in New York at the American Museum of Natural History near Central Park West through February 2008 .

  16. 大约凌晨4点,大雪终于停了下来,官方测量的中心公园的雪有19英尺,打破了1925年的记录。

    When the snow stopped falling at about 4 a.m. , the official reading in Central Park was 19 inches , breaking a record last set in 1925 .

  17. 设计师通过对项目周边环境及现状分析,提出环境整治的规划策略,并将有机更新作为拉萨城市中心公园的规划理念。

    Through the analysis of the surrounding area and status quo , the architects propose environmental renovation plan strategies and put forward organic renovation as the plan concept for Lhasa Central Park .

  18. 主啊,保佑他们吧,我也会在那里,在精神上与那些勇敢的人们一起,他们将签名一年一度的翡翠坚果半夜长跑,要在中心公园跑四英里。

    Bless them . I will be there , in spirit , with the hardy souls who sign up for the annual Emerald Nuts Midnight Run , a four-mile race in Central Park .

  19. 本文以城市中心区公园边界空间为研究对象。

    This article takes boundary space of urban center park as research object .

  20. 土耳其政府官员称示威者聚集在伊斯坦布尔中心盖奇公园。

    Turkish government officials say , demonstrators to gather in Istanbul Central Gezi Park .

  21. 这类公园就是本文要着重探讨的山地城市中心区公园。

    This type of park is focused on the mountain to the city center park .

  22. 最后对公园改造研究结果进行归纳总结,展望山地城市中心区公园改造的发展方向。

    Finally , the transformation of Park summarized the findings and looking mountain park city center transformation development .

  23. 庆祝活动上周五晚间在悉尼亚洲社区的中心贝尔摩公园拉开帷幕。

    The celebrations kick off on Friday evening at Belmore Park in the heart of Sydney 's Asian community .

  24. 探索创新与时俱进&浅谈上海中心城区公园绿地特色

    Exploring for Innovation and Keeping up with the Time & Discussion on the Features of Shanghai City Park Green Land

  25. 城市开放空间风景园林设计与城市记忆研究&深圳中心区公园设计案例

    Landscape Design of City Open Space and Study of City Memory & Case Study of the Design of Shenzhen Central Park

  26. 我在繁忙的或喧闹的环境中经常感到难以禁受或不知所措,例如在购物中心、公园或者教室里。

    I found myself often feeling overwhelmed when in busy or loud environments , such as shopping centers , parks or classrooms .

  27. 在对国内外相关文献进行收集和整理的基础上,对城市中心区公园边界空间的概念进行了进一步理解和诠释。

    On the basis of collecting and fixing concerned literatures at home and abroad , the conception of boundary space of urban center park is comprehended and interpreted further .

  28. 作者赞赏美国公园管理机构提出的公园用户概念,并由此分析了以游客为中心的公园用户在100多年来如何影响公园区域内的地貌景观、植被景观和野生动物栖息地;

    By appreciating the " park user " concept proposed by park agencies in USA , the author analyzed how the landscapes were changed by park users over the past 100 years by the dimensions of landform , vegetation and wildlife habitats .

  29. 农场包括保护区、教育中心和动物公园。

    The farm is part conservation area , part educational center and part animal park .

  30. 泉州中心城区主要公园乔木树种多样性分析

    Analysis of the diversity of arbors in major parks of Quanzhou City