
  • 网络CITIC;Citic Pacific;cpcnet
  1. 上月的一份指令明确表示,将不再容忍纯属投机的活动,此类活动曾使中信泰富(citicpacific)和中国各航空公司大量亏损。

    A diktat last month made it clear that purely speculative activity of the kind that sprung leaks at CITIC Pacific and various Chinese airlines would not be tolerated any more .

  2. 中信泰富在昨日发布的“持股声明”中表示,“正与母公司商谈贷款安排”,并补充道,“该等安排可能涉及发行股份事宜”。

    In a " holding announcement " released yesterday , CITIC Pacific said it " is in the process of negotiating " the loan facility with its parent , adding that the " arrangements may involve an equity issue " .

  3. 中信泰富(CiticPacific)是中国最大投资集团旗下的香港上市公司,也是众多在对冲交易中遭受巨额亏损的公司之一。

    Citic Pacific , the Hong Kong-listed arm of China 's largest investment conglomerate , is one of many companies where hedging went spectacularly wrong .

  4. 根据彭博(Bloomberg)的数据,只有9名分析师跟踪中信泰富的股票,是恒生成分股企业平均水平的三分之一。

    According to Bloomberg , just nine analysts follow Citic Pacific , a third of the average for Hang Seng companies .

  5. 常振明还表示,中信泰富将整合自己及国有母公司中信集团(citicgroup)的房地产业务。

    Chang Zhenming , who became chairman and managing director in April , also said CITIC Pacific would integrate its real estate operations with that of CITIC Group , its Chinese state-owned parent .

  6. 中信泰富(citicpacific)昨日表示,已经收购了一家中国煤矿30%的股权。

    CITIC Pacific , the state-backed conglomerate with significant steel businesses , said yesterday it had acquired a 30 per cent stake in a Chinese coal mine .

  7. 法庭裁决称,如果这座大厦的员工需要在紧急情况下离开大楼,这些路障可能会带来危险。这座大厦是中信泰富(CiticPacific)驻香港总部。

    The barricades were ruled to be a possible hazard should employees in the tower , the Hong Kong headquarters of Citic Pacific , be required to leave the building in an emergency .

  8. 中信泰富称,截至去年年底,目标集团中信股份(CiticLimited)及其附属公司未经审计的资产约为人民币2250亿元(362亿美元)。

    Citic Pacific said unaudited assets at the company it is in talks to acquire , Citic Limited , were worth about 225 billion yuan ( US $ 36.2 billion ) at the end of last year .

  9. 本月,当澳元兑美元汇率大跌近25%时,荣智健(larryyung)和中信泰富(citicpacific)高管团队惊恐地关注着这一情况。

    This month , as the Australian dollar plummeted almost 25 per cent against its US counterpart , Larry Yung and his senior management team at CITIC Pacific watched with alarm .

  10. 在这种交锋中,有一点几乎被忽视,即帕尔默这样做的最初动机:他是在回答一些与中国国有企业中信泰富(CiticPacific)的官司有关的问题。

    Nearly overlooked in the back-and-forth has been what set Mr. Palmer off in the first place : He was responding to questions about a court case against him by a Chinese state-owned enterprise , Citic Pacific .

  11. 荣智健的女儿荣明方(FrancesYung)因其在丑闻中所扮演的角色而被降级。当时她被列为中信泰富的集团财务部董事。

    Mr Yung 's daughter , Frances , then listed as the company 's director , group finance , was demoted for her role in the scandal .

  12. 此项与中信泰富(CiticPacific)进行的交易完成后,国航在国泰的持股比例将从17.5%提高至29.99%,略低于触发收购要约的门槛。中信泰富是中国最大投资集团的香港子公司。

    The transaction with Citic Pacific , the Hong Kong arm of China 's largest investment group , will boost Air China 's stake in Cathay Pacific from 17.5 per cent to 29.99 percent , just below the takeover threshold .

  13. 荣智健表示,中信泰富集团财务董事张立宪(LeslieChang)和集团财务总监周志贤已引咎辞职,并补充称:事件相关的其他人员将受到纪律处分。

    Mr Yung said Citic Pacific 's group finance director , Leslie Chang , and group financial controller , Chau Chi-yin , had resigned over the losses , adding that disciplinary action will be taken against other staff members associated with this event .

  14. 新一年的来临也不会让中信泰富的问题消失。

    Nor will its problems end with the new year .

  15. 中信泰富股东将在周五投票决定是否接受该笔协议。

    CITIC Pacific shareholders will vote whether to accept the agreement on Friday .

  16. 中信泰富广场工程桩设计与施工

    Bored Pile Design And Construction of CITIC Square

  17. 中信泰富并未透露有哪些董事受到警方审问。

    CITIC Pacific has not said which of its directors were questioned by the police .

  18. 中信泰富并没有透露哪位董事已被警方讯问。

    Citic Pacific did not say which of its directors had been questioned by police .

  19. 中信泰富拒绝置评。

    CITIC Pacific declined to comment .

  20. 鉴于荣智健对中信泰富的严密控制,一些人认为这令人难以置信。

    Some found that hard to believe , given the tight control exercised by Mr Yung .

  21. 周二早些时候,分析师们仍在继续炮轰中信泰富对这项外汇投资巨亏事件的处理。

    Earlier Tuesday , analysts continued to blast the company for its handling of the currency debacle .

  22. 在一份公告中,中信泰富赞扬两位高管为其发展奠定了基础。

    In an announcement , CITIC Pacific praised the two executives for setting the foundation for its growth .

  23. 不管价格如何,这肯定会彻底改变中信泰富,其规模会扩大6倍左右。

    Whatever the price , it will certainly transform Citic Pacific , making it about six times larger .

  24. 这样可显示中信泰富决心告别过去,迈向未来。

    By doing so it can demonstrate its determination to say goodbye to yesterday and move towards tomorrow .

  25. 但中信泰富不会透露增资多少或者何时增资,也不会透露生产成本。

    But Citic Pacific will not say how much or when , nor will it lay out production costs .

  26. 但一名接近中信泰富交易的人士表示:这些操作和投资活动是正常的。

    But a person close to the Citic Pacific transaction said : These are normal operating and investment activities .

  27. 常振明表示,重组后,中信泰富的经营重点将为钢铁、铁矿石和房地产业务。

    Following the reorganisation , Mr Chang said CITIC Pacific would focus on steel , iron ore and real estate .

  28. 中信泰富称,将通过现金和向母公司发行新股的方式来收购母公司的资产。

    Citic Pacific said it would pay for its parent 's assets with cash and new shares issued to its parent .

  29. 中信泰富杠杆式外汇期权巨亏事件再一次说明金融衍生品风险管理的重要性。

    The CITIC Pacific 's huge loss of leveraged foreign exchange options shows once again the importance of financial derivatives risk management .

  30. 不过,美元重新走低带给中信泰富的潜在利得受到合约条款的限制。

    However , any potential gains from a renewed slide in the US dollar are limited by the terms of the contracts .