
  • 网络China University Students Career Guide
  1. 中国大学生就业与经济增长关系的研究

    Research on Relation between Graduate Employment and Economic Development in China

  2. 中国大学生就业难点与对策研究

    The Study of the Difficulty and Countermeasures of Chinese Academician Employment

  3. 20世纪30年代中国大学生就业问题研究

    The Study of Graduate Employment Problem of China in the 1930 's

  4. 变革中的就业环境与中国大学生就业

    Job Seeking of College Graduates in Employment Environment under Transition

  5. 中国大学生就业问题日趋严重。

    Employment of College Students in China is worsening .

  6. 中国大学生就业难的局面已经突显,这是值得关注的。

    The difficult situation has been already conspicuous that Chinese university students obtain employment .

  7. 本文从目前中国大学生就业形势这个背景出发,引申出建设网络实验室的必要性。

    This article comes from the background of employment now , then tell the necessary to build the net lab .

  8. 我从最近一期《中国大学生就业》杂志上得知你们要招聘两名服装设计人员。

    I learned from the latest issue of Chinese College Students Employment that your company is in need of two Fashion Designers .

  9. 当今中国大学生就业难已经是一个严峻的社会问题,将成为一个长期态势。

    In China , the low employment rate of university-graduated students has been a serious social problem and will become a long-term trend .

  10. 本文通过对当前中国大学生就业状况分析,尤其是就业难的原因分析,深入研究找出解决大学生就业难的对策。

    Through an analysis on the employment of current graduates , especially the cause of employment difficulty , the paper took a In-depth study and found ways to cope with it .

  11. 来自2010年中国大学生就业报告显示,38%的大学毕业生在工作半年内离职,其中近九成属于主动离职,人数达到了228万。

    As the Chinese Undergraduates Employment Report 2010 says , there are 38 percent of university graduates leaving office in half a year , among whom nearly 90 percent or 2.28 million undergraduates belonging to voluntary turnover .

  12. 中医药高校学生就业问题是伴随中国大学生就业问题产生的,高等教育改革滞后、全社会总体就业形势严峻等都在客观上影响了学生的就业。

    The employment problem of TCM university students has been produced along with the employment problems of national college students . The lagging of higher education reformation , the general sever employment situation objectively influence the employments of TCM graduates .

  13. 最新的《中国大学生就业报告》显示,2016届大学毕业生的就业率为91.6%,与2015届的91.7%基本持平,但略低于2014届的92.2%。

    The latest Chinese College Graduates ' Employment Report put the employment rate of college graduates for 2016 at 91.6 % - about the same as the 91.7 % for the class of 2015 , but a fraction lower than the 92.2 % for the class of 2014 .

  14. 教育咨询公司麦可思近日发布的《2016年中国大学生就业报告》显示,中小学教育行业的社会需求量增加最多,就业的2015届毕业生中,就职于中小学教育行业的比例为8.7%,比2014届增加了2.2%。

    Primary and secondary education sectors see the biggest rise in job opportunities as they provided 8.7 % of total job opportunities for graduates in 2015 , an increase of 2.2 % over 2014 , according to a report on employment of Chinese college graduates in 2016 released by education consulting company MyCOS .

  15. 在这种特殊的社会和经济背景之下,中国大学生的就业问题显得格外棘手。

    With the special social and economic backgrounds , the issues on Chinese college graduates become particularly urgent .

  16. 从效果看,中国大学生的就业率在下降、高等教育资金的使用效率不高。

    On the result , the employment rate of Chinese university graduates is descending , and the use of the higher education funds is inefficient .

  17. 中国大学生市场化就业模式研究

    Study of the Market-oriented Job Seeking Model of College Graduates in China

  18. 中国与韩国大学生就业问题比较

    Comparison of the Chinese-Korean University Students ' Employment Problem

  19. 美媒称,对今年毕业的727万中国大学生来说,就业市场可能十分严峻:薪水低,工时长,数百万其他人随时等着顶替你。

    For the 7.27 million Chinese students who graduated from college last year a number roughly 2.5 times the US figure the job market can be brutal : low salaries , long hours and the knowledge that there are millions of other people just waiting to replace you .

  20. 框架理论下大学生就业的媒介呈现&以《中国青年报》大学生就业报道为例晨报报道纽约发生了一场大火灾。

    On the Media Presentation of Graduates Employment with the Theory of Framing & Taking the Graduates Employment Reporting of China Youth Daily for Example The morning paper says that there was a big fire in New York .

  21. 中国目前所面临的就业压力是空前巨大的,中国现今的失业人口与失业率是当今世界最多和最高的,中国当前大学生的就业问题又是极端严峻和刻不容缓的。

    It is enormous that China facing unprecedented employment pressure , with China 's current unemployment rate is the highest and the largest in the world .