
  • 网络west china city daily
  1. 《华西都市报》和《成都商报》为实现市场分割,在同一城市开展了异质化竞争。

    In order to segment the newspaper market , West China City Daily and Chengdu Commercial News have launched a competition for diversified quality in Chengdu City .

  2. 林森浩的父亲林尊耀周三告诉华西都市报的记者,“得知这一消息(死刑),我一整晚都没睡。”他补充说道:“这个案子还有很多疑点。”

    Lin Zunyao , Lin 's father , told the West China City Daily on Wednesday that " after I received notice ( of the death sentence ) , I did not slept for the whole night . " " There are lots of questions about the case , " he added .

  3. 都市报体育报道的外延化与人文化&以华西都市报实践经验为例

    Extension and Humanism of the Report in Metropolis Newspaper

  4. 据《华西都市报》报道,张艺谋筹备了四年的新片《金陵十三钗》的男主角已锁定莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥。

    Zhang Yimou 's new film " Thirteen Girls in Jinling City ," which has been in production for4 years , features Leonardo DiCaprio as the star , the West China City Daily reported .

  5. 周二,中国华西都市报报道称,这是教育部招生方面第一次提出对有体育和艺术特长生的重视。

    This appears to be the first time that the ministry has highlighted soccer in its circular on recruiting students with special talent in art and sports , China West City Daily reported on Tuesday .

  6. 据华西都市报报道,由中国设计的一款机器人将与高三学生进行竞争,参加2017年的高考,并且目标是考上中国的一本院校。

    A robot is being designed to compete with 12th graders during the college entrance examination in 2017 and get a score qualifying it to enter first-class universities in China , according to Huaxi Metropolis Daily .

  7. 第四部分从品牌知名度、人力资源、发行网络、新闻策划、广告策略、管理制度(包括财务分析)六个方面分析华西都市报的内部资源和条件。

    Part four analyzes the internal resources and conditions of Western China Metropolis Daily in terms of fame , human resources , distribution network , news planning , advertisement strategy and management system ( including financial analysis ) .

  8. 据华西都市报上周六报道,这张两个女孩蹭在地上的照片,已经有超过1570万人次浏览,网友评论超过36000条。照片现已被删除。

    The image , which has since been deleted , showed the pair huddled around their screens , West China City Daily reported on last Saturday , garnering more than 15.7 million views and more than 36000 comments .

  9. 1月10日早间,华西都市报记者从北京获悉:2016年1月7日下午“倪萍书画展——走进加拿大温哥华中国文化中心”新闻发布会在北京隆重举行。

    January 10 morning , WCC reporter learned from the Beijing : January 7 , 2016 in the afternoon , " Ni Ping painting and calligraphy exhibition - Entering Vancouver Chinese Cultural Centre " press conference , was held in Beijing .

  10. 众所周知,成都报业市场的竞争异常激烈,而自1999年《天府早报》创刊以来,在与《成都商报》、《华西都市报》、《成都晚报》三家报纸的竞争中一直处于劣势地位。

    As we know , the competition of the newspaper market in Chengdu is very fierce . Since Tianfu Morning Paper began publication in 1999 , it has been at a disadvantage in the competition with Chengdu Economic Newspaper , West China City Newspaper and Chengdu Evening Newspaper .