
  1. 华岳的爱情词构思精巧,手法新颖,语言清新。

    His love poems used sophisticated ideas , new techniques and fresh language .

  2. 华岳诗歌的艺术特色主要表现:一、雄奇爽快。

    The artistic characteristics of his poetry : First , imposing strange and refreshed .

  3. 华岳擅于用白描的手法写作,语句精炼,诗歌呈现出一种清新自然的艺术风格。

    He is good at writing with a line drawing approach , refining statements , poetry takes on a fresh and natural style .

  4. 爱情亲情是华岳诗歌的一大表现领域,爱情诗大胆而奔放,亲情诗是对亲人的追忆思念,真实而感人。

    Fourth , love and kindness are the major performance . His love poems are bold and unrestrained . Poetry is a family remembrance of loved ones missing , the true and moving .