
  • 网络Huayuan;Chinese Dollar
  1. 从蒙代尔最优货币区理论看华元及亚元的推出

    Putting forward " China Dollar " and " Asian Dollar " Seen from Montale 's Optimal Currency Region Theory

  2. 华元见战场上有个地方特别需要他,就命令车夫立即驰车前往。

    Fa Yuan , seeing he was badly needed somewhere , ordered his chariot driver to drive there at once .

  3. 以漳州华元北区设计为例,探寻闽南传统地域风格建筑设计理念在现代住宅建筑设计上的应用的意义及具体方式。

    With the district of Zhangzhou Huayuan as an example , explore the architectural design idea of the traditional style and the application of modern residential building design .

  4. 为了抵抗郑国军队的入侵,在决战之前,宋军主帅华元命令杀羊犒劳将士,以鼓舞士气。

    To enhance the morale of his soldiers , before the decisive battle against the invaders of Zhen , the supreme commander of Song troops Fa Yuan rewarded his men with mutton .