
  1. 中国加入WTO,是发展社会主义市场经济的必然选择,也是促进对外开放和对内改革的伟大决策。

    The entry into the WTO is not only an inevitable choice for developing socialism market economy , but also a great decision for promoting the opening and reforming policy .

  2. 改革开放以来,我国实行对内改革,对外开放的基本国策,沿海城市对外开放先行,大量外商直接投资(FDI)涌入中国,我国对外贸易规模迅速扩大。

    Since reform and opening , Chinese government implements the basic national policy of internal reform and opening to outside . With the coastal cities open , large amounts of FDI flow into China , and the scale of trade has expanded rapidly .

  3. 改革开放包括对内改革和对外开放。

    Reform and opening up including economic reform and opening-up .

  4. 顺应这一趋势,我国政府实施了对内改革、对外开放的基本政策。

    Conforming to the trend , the Chinese government has taken the basic policy of the reform & open door .

  5. 当前促进我国金融中介发展的关键是金融对内改革的深化,其次才是对外金融制度的创新。

    Presently , the key to developing our finance intermediations lies in the innovation of the inner institutions firstly , then the foreign institutions .

  6. 随着对内改革的深入和对外开放的扩大,我国政府在世纪之交作出了关于西部大开发的重大战略决策。

    According to the deepening of reform and opening to the outside , our government resolved to develop the western area in the new century .

  7. 伴随对内改革和对外开放的不断深入,上海经济取得了持续快速的发展。

    With the reform and opening to the outside world is ceaseless and thorough , the economy of Shanghai has achieved sustained and rapid development .

  8. 普京就任俄罗斯总统之后,通过对内改革,发展经济,俄罗斯增强了实现对外政策的手段,对中亚地区的各项投入开始增多。

    Putin was elected as president of Russia , and he strengthened the implementation of Russian foreign policy through the reform and economic development , began to pay attention to Central Asia frequently .

  9. 国家实行对内改革,对外开放的30多年来,城市获得了发展空间和活力,城市居民生活水平日新月异。

    Since the policy of open and reform , more than 30 years , National implementation of internal the city won the development and vitality of urban residents living with each passing day .

  10. 在现阶段我们要更好地促进社会的发展,应该继续坚持对内改革和对外开放,坚持科学发展的观点,促进人和自然协调发展。

    At this stage , we need to better promote the development of society we should continue to adhere to internal reform opening up and the scientific viewpoint of development to promote co-ordination development of man and nature .

  11. 软着陆仍是最佳结果,即金正日对外接受和平,对内实施改革。

    A soft landing , with Mr Kim embracing peace abroad and reform at home , remains the best outcome .

  12. 为了扩大自己的势力范围和领土,这七大国一方面对内实行改革,使自己更大强大,

    To expand their forces and territories , the seven overlords , on the one hand , carried out reforms in their own states to strengthen themselves and ,

  13. 对内开放就是改革。

    Pursuing an open policy domestically means carrying out reform .

  14. 与和平崛起的要求相适应,中国对内要深化改革和制度创新,贯彻和落实科学发展观;

    China must deepen the internal reform and the system innovation , carry out the view of scientific development .

  15. 并提出了对内深化金融改革,优化银行市场结构;坚持稳妥的开放政策,风险可控基础上扩大开放;完善金融监管体系,改进金融监管方法的建议。

    And then , put forward the internal deepening financial reform , optimize the banking market structure ; adhere to a sound and open policy , based on the further opening up of controllable risk ; improve the financial regulatory system with financial supervision method recommended .

  16. 对内经济搞活,改革经济体制,发展起来会比我们预想的要快,就是说,很有希望。

    Invigorating our domestic economy and reforming our economic structure will proceed more rapidly than expected , which means a promising future .

  17. 对传统内固定技术改革的同时,传统接骨板也进行了相应的改进,先后出现了有限接触、点式接触接骨板。

    While traditional internal fixation technique is reform , the design of the plate is also improved . The concept of limited contact plate and point contact plate was introduced .