
duì wài kuò zhānɡ
  • external expansion;foreign aggrandizement
  1. 它们能成为世界一流大国与对外扩张有很大的关系。

    They can became two first superpower in the world with external expansion .

  2. 但是,就美苏两国对外扩张的特点而言,又有许多的不同。

    But , there are some different between American external expansion and Soviet external expansion .

  3. SJ银行在对外扩张的过程中,要坚持自己的经营策略,积极寻求各级政府和监管部门的支持,抓住跨区域发展的有利时机,有计划、有步骤推进跨区域发展。

    In the expansion process , SJ bank should stick to their business strategy , actively seeking all levels of government and regulatory support . To seize the favorable opportunity of cross-regional development in a planned , step by step to promote cross-regional development .

  4. 美国金融业的兼并潮与对外扩张

    The Merger Wave of US Financial Sector and Its Expansion Abroad

  5. 这件事造成了一种有利于对外扩张的气氛。

    This creates an atmosphere favourable to expansion .

  6. 罗马对外扩张的历史影响

    Historical Effects of Rome 's War and Expansion

  7. 两国对外扩张政策的制定既有本国政治制度因素,又有一定的历史因素。

    Two countries ' aggressive policies resulted from their political institution factors and historical factors .

  8. 结论:执政官的设立是罗马历史发展的必然结果,其发展变化是贵族与平民斗争和罗马对外扩张的客观要求。

    My conclusion is that the creation and development of the consulship is a historic result .

  9. 对外扩张主要依赖军事力量,但帝国的崛起和霸权局面的形成,还有多方面的因素。

    The rise and hegemony of the Ottoman Empire depended on various factors besides military forces .

  10. 近代之后,欧洲迅速走上对外扩张的道路,这与火药革命带来的重要影响是密不可分的。

    Modern Europe had taken a road of aggression because of the important influence of Gunpowder Revolution .

  11. 但是相对于美国而言,欧洲可能更早得感觉到了中国的对外扩张。

    But Europe is likely to feel the force of China 's outward expansion earlier than America .

  12. 日本坚持对外扩张、美化侵华战争的原因及后果

    Reasons and consequences of Japan 's adherence to its foreign aggrandizement and beautifying its invasion war to China

  13. 作为对外扩张和实施全球战略的意识形态工具,美国对外关系中的种族主义一般有两个基调:肯定与否定。

    Racism presents two tendencies in America 's foreign relations : a positive one and a negative one .

  14. 其空间结构体现出两个特点:对外扩张型的城镇布局和沿海省份的内陆化。

    Its spatial structure embodies two characteristics : expansionism type of urban distribution and the inland of coastal province .

  15. 南进政策是明治维新后日本逐渐形成的一种对外扩张政策,其形成发展经历了一个较长的时期。

    " Southward Policy " is gradually formed after the Meiji Restoration in Japan as a foreign expansion policy .

  16. 市场占领与金融控制:西方大国对外扩张新策略剖析

    An Analysis of the New Strategies of Western Great Powers to Expand in the World : Market Control and Finance Control

  17. 沉重打击了美国霸权主义的嚣张气焰,遏制了美国对外扩张的全球战略;

    Secondly , it pelted greatly the aggressive arrogance of American hegemonism , and restrained the American World-strategy to invading abroad ;

  18. Micromax原首席执行官今年3月离职。该公司如今正积极瞄准对外扩张,尤其是向前苏联国家扩张。

    Having lost its chief executive in March , Micromax is now bullishly targeting foreign expansion particularly in former Soviet countries .

  19. 律所可将上市吸纳的资金用于加快其对外扩张进程,或是从对手中挖来优秀律师。

    Companies could also use the money from a flotation to expand abroad more rapidly , or to poach talented lawyers from rivals .

  20. 伴随着欧美国家的相继实行工业化及其对外扩张,工业文明展现了它最初的历史面目,而世界各地区之间发展的不平衡性也日益凸现。

    With the European countries and American industrialization and the unbalance in different region expansion , the industrial civilization showed its first historical look .

  21. 再次,从社会组织角度来看,政府作为一种特殊的社会组织,也具有对外扩张性。

    Third , from a point of view of the social organization , the Government as a special social organization , also has an expansive nature .

  22. 而且一般情况下,印度企业在着手对外扩张时,都拥有强大的国内市场地位,拥有的明显竞争优势也远远超越低成本。

    Usually , Indian companies have also embarked on foreign expansion from strong domestic market positions , based on clear competitive advantages that go well beyond low costs .

  23. 直到14世纪中期,匈牙利帝国受到了奥托曼帝国对外扩张的重创,其情况就好像是波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那被土耳其征服一样。

    By the mid-1400s , the Hungarian kingdom was hurt by the Ottoman expansion as much of the country now known as Bosnia and Herzegovina fell to the Turks .

  24. 该谈判的破裂直接导致了日本偷袭珍珠港和太平洋战争的爆发,日本长期推行的对外扩张活动也达到了顶峰。

    The cracking of the negotiation directly caused Pearl Harbor and the explosion of Pacific War . Thus the expansion policy perennially promoted by Japan came to a peak .

  25. 迄今为止,中国产业的对外扩张,在很大程度上一直是出于自保,因为无情的竞争压低了国内的价格和利润。

    Much of Chinese industry 's foreign expansion to date has been for defensive reasons , inspired by the relentless competition that drives down prices and margins at home .

  26. 修昔底德斯身为雅典权贵和统治阶级上层的一员,他是战前和平时代的受益者,也是雅典对外扩张战争的受益者。

    As an aristocrat and a member of the ruling class in Athenian State , he benefited from the peace before the war and also from the Athenians'aggression and expansion .

  27. 探讨日本对外扩张的军国主义思想,我们不难发现其民族宗教神道教与其军国主义之间有着千丝万缕的联系。

    When we discuss the militarism of Japan 's outside expansion , we find out easily that " Shinto "( Japanese national religion ) has very close relation with Militarism .

  28. 正如影片宣扬的那样,这两部影片(&始终不知道另外一部的名字)都希望他们的观众能够审视政府对于对外扩张的决策,特别是没有美国人准备为此而战的时候。

    Just as important , both demand that their viewers consider the cost of the government 's decision to invade a land no American was properly prepared for fighting in .

  29. 并购是企业对外扩张的主要方式,是企业的主要财务行为,与制度环境之间必然存在着经济意义上的相关关系。

    M & A is the main form of external expansion , is the main financial behavior , and there must be a correlation in the economic sense with institutional environment .

  30. 在当前的国际经济背景下,我国商业银行更应该抓住机遇加快对外扩张的速度以获得更多的国际市场收益。

    In the current international economic background , Chinese commercial banks should also seize the opportunity to accelerate the pace of external expansion in order to gain more international market returns .