
  • 网络logarithmic scale
  1. 给出了系统硬件电路的主要接口设计,并从软件方面对数显卡尺输出信号的采集作了处理。

    The main peripheral interface design is given and the software about the process of the signal is also given in detail .

  2. 依据检定规程,较详细地对数显卡尺检定中示值误差的测量结果不确定度进行了全面的分析和计算。

    The uncertainty of error of observation of measured result in verifying the digital caliper in all aspects was analyzed and calculated .

  3. 对数显卡尺内测量爪尺寸偏差及影响测量精度诸因素进行了分析,对完善标准和检定规程提出建议。

    The size error of internal measure-hand in number-showing calipers and some factors to affect its measure precision were analysed and some suggestions were put forward to perfect further standard and checking procedures .