
  • 网络statistical correlation;statistical dependence
  1. 复杂系统中统计相关性测量的熵方法研究

    Study of entropy method of measurement for statistical correlation in complex system

  2. 疲劳裂纹扩展公式中材料常数的统计相关性及疲劳扩展寿命预测

    Statistical Correlation of Material Coefficient in Fatigue Cracks Propagation Formula and Prognosticating Propagation Life of Fatigue

  3. 使用PCA消除数据之间的统计相关性,达到优化降维目的。

    PCA is used to reduce the dimension of correlated coefficients in an optimal way .

  4. 光纤陀螺的输入输出特性(静态特性)本质上是一个随机过程,描述该随机过程统计相关性的数学表达式通常采用ARMA模型的结构形式来拟合;

    The in-out characteristic ( static state ) of fiber optic gyro is essentially stochastic process , which is described by the ARMA model .

  5. 对长沙市1994年-2002牟金融与GDP增长率的关系进行了统计相关性分析及回归结果表明,金融与经济发展存在一定的正相关关系。

    The statistical analysis that reflects the relationship between the finance and the growth rate of the GDP from 1994 to 2002 in Changsha indicates that certain positive correlation relation exists in finance and economic development .

  6. Hurst指数可以衡量其统计相关性,平均循环周期则可以刻画系统初始信息完全丢失的时间长度,这是两个重要的非线性统计指标。

    Hurst exponent is to measure the statistic relevance , while average cycle time judges how long the initial information will lose its impact . Both are important nonlinear statistic index .

  7. 该方法通过小波域的隐Markov树(HMT)模型来描述小波系数的统计相关性和非高斯性,利用EM算法获得HMT模型参数的估计。

    A wavelet domain hidden Markov tree ( HMT ) model is constructed to model statistical dependence and nonGaussian statistics of wavelet coefficient . The estimate of HMT model parameters can be obtained by EM algorithm .

  8. 小波域HMT模型充分考虑了小波变换的尺度内聚集性和尺度间的持续性、小波变换系数的统计相关性及非高斯性。

    HMT model in the wavelet domain fully consider the clustering inner scales and the persistence among scales , the statistical dependencies and non-Gaussian statistics of wavelet transform coefficients .

  9. 多个随机变量样本统计相关性的另一种度量指标

    Another Measure Indication of Multivariable Related Coefficient

  10. 在模式识别理论中,特征提取的一般原则是希望所提取的目标特征之间统计相关性越小越好,最好是不相关的。

    In pattern analysis , the common principle of feature extraction is desirable to extract feature vectors with uncorrelated attributes .

  11. 因此,在高光谱图像压缩中为了得到好的图像压缩效果,既要考虑去除空间相关性又要考虑去除谱间统计相关性和谱间结构相关性。

    In order to get better compression result , we must consider remove the spatial correlation as well as the spectral correlation .

  12. 被科学家称之为和微笑有关的生活质量与一个人的牙齿状况之间,存在明显的统计相关性。

    There is a significant statistical correlation between what the scientists call smile-related quality of life and the state of one 's teeth .

  13. 传统视频编码主要是基于统计相关性去除空间、时间冗余,以达到尽可能高地压缩效果。

    Traditional video coding is based mainly on statistical correlation to remove the spatial and temporal redundancy , achieving better compression results as efficiently as possible .

  14. 数字散斑相关方法是根据物体表面随机分布的散斑场在变形前后的统计相关性来确定物体的变形。

    The DSCM detects the deformation field according to the relevant statistics of the speckles , randomly distributing on the object surface , before and after the deformation .

  15. 传统方法直接计算文档间的统计相关性,而没有考虑相邻文档的影响。

    A common method is to calculation the statistical correlation between the document vectors directly ; but it does not take the adjacency of the documents into account .

  16. 离线阶段:计算项目间相关性,通常的方法是直接计算项目间的统计相关性,如余弦相似性,但这些方法在稀疏数据下效果不好。

    Off-line stage : calculate the correlation between items , the common methods calculate the statistical correlation between items , such as cosine similarity , however , these methods do not work well under the sparse data .

  17. 结果表明:超光谱遥感图像有很强的谱间结构相关性和谱间统计相关性,远高于普通彩色图像;而其空间相关性则比普通图像低。

    The results show : The hyperspectral remote sensing images have much stronger spectral statistical correlation and spectral structure correlation than the RGB color images do . The spatial correlation of hyperspectral remote sensing images is weaker than that of ordinary images .

  18. 基于生物医学图像通常由若干独立成分加权迭加而成的特征,以及独立分量分析对数据高阶统计相关性分析的优势,提出了一种基于独立分量分析的提取感兴趣区域的算法。

    Based on the fact that medical images usually consist of weighted independent components and the strength of independent component analysis on high data statistical correlation , this paper proposed a method to extract the region of interest based on independent component analysis .

  19. 独立分量分析的根本原理是通过分析多维观测数据间的高阶统计相关性,找出相互独立的隐含信息成分,完成分量间高阶冗余的去除及独立信源的提取。

    The principle of independent component analysis algorithm is to find the mutual independent underlying components , to remove the higher-order redundant between components and to extract the independent original signals according to the analysis of higher-order statistical relationships among the multidimensional observed data .

  20. 其次,采用统计相关性分析,对我国上市公司资本结构构成因素与企业价值目标之间的相关程度进行分析,从而引出资本结构与企业价值目标之间作用机制&公司治理结构存在的问题。

    Secondly , through correlation analysis , the paper analyzes the relationship between the capital structure and the market value of listing enterprises . As a result , problems of the governance model , the operating system between capital structure and market value of enterprises , are uncovered .

  21. 本文就岩土工程概率极限状态设计中抗剪强度参数(c,)的概率统计、相关性处理方法,结合实例进行了探讨。

    The shear strength parameters probability and correlation treatment for geotechnical limit state method is discussed according to the data of soil test in Baoding City .

  22. 然后,以给出的加权Fisher准则为目标函数,在共轭正交的约束下求解其最佳投影方向,从而保证所提取的最佳鉴别特征之间的统计不相关性。

    Then , the weighted Fisher criterion was optimized under the conjugated orthogonal constrain , which can guarantee the derived projection directions were statistically uncorrelated .

  23. 基于最大间距准则(MaximumMarginCriterion,MMC)下,提出一组具有标准正交性的最佳鉴别矢量的计算方法和一组具有统计不相关性的最佳鉴别矢量的计算方法。

    Based on the maximum margin criterion ( MMC ), a new algorithm of orthogonal optimal discriminant vectors and a new algorithm of statistically uncorrelated optimal discriminant vectors for feature extraction were proposed .

  24. 本文选取了20支封闭式基金和1260支股票的2004年至2005年之间的数据,应用SPSS软件,对样本数据进行描述性统计、相关性分析和线性回归分析。

    This paper has selected twenty funds and 1260 A - stocks from year 2004 to year 2005 as samples , applied descriptive statistic analysis , corresponding analysis and linear regression through SPSS .

  25. 在此基础上提出了基于统计不相关性的加权最大间距准则(UWMMC)算法,并将其应用于人脸特征提取。

    On this basis , statistical uncorrelated and weighted maximum margin criterion ( UWMMC ) is put forward and applied to facial feature extraction .

  26. 具有统计不相关性的最佳鉴别特征空间的维数定理

    A Theorem on Dimensionality of the Uncorrelated Optimal Discriminant Feature Space

  27. 在多元化不同类型与企业绩效关系描述性统计以及相关性分析的基础上,对总体样本进行了回归分析。

    On the basis of descriptive statistics analysis , we made regression analysis .

  28. 具有统计不相关性的图像投影鉴别分析及人脸识别

    Uncorrelated Image Projection Discriminant Analysis and Face Recognition

  29. 一种具有统计不相关性的最优边界鉴别向量集

    An Optimal Set of Uncorrelated Margin Discriminant Vectors

  30. 本章包括描述性统计、相关性分析、回归分析与稳健性检验四个部分。

    This chapter includes descriptive statistics , correlation analysis , regression analysis and robustness inspection .