
tǒnɡ yī zhàn xiàn
  • united front
统一战线 [tǒng yī zhàn xiàn]
  • (1) [united front]

  • (2) 为了相同的政治目的而结成的阶级或政党的联盟

  • (3) 现常比喻在某些问题上抱同样态度

  1. 我们必须联合起来结成统一战线。

    We must be unified into a United front .

  2. 中国加入WTO对统一战线工作的影响

    Influence of China 's Joining WTO on United Front Work

  3. 科学分析加入WTO对我国及对统一战线的影响,认真制定相应的工作思路与对策,应成为当前统一战线理论研究的一项重要内容。

    To scientifically analyze such influence and to carefully formulate corresponding working methods and strategy should be an important part of current theoretical research of the united front .

  4. 当小说《撒旦诗篇》(TheSatanicVerses)遭到攻击时,图书行业组成了统一战线。

    When the novel The Satanic Verses was under attack , the book industry formed a united front .

  5. 抗日民族统一战线在山西的形成及其意义

    The Formation and Significance of National Anti-Japanese United Front in Shanxi

  6. 简论统一战线和党的执政能力建设

    About the United Front and Strengthening the Party 's Ruling Competency

  7. 我们应该团结一切可以团结的力量,建成统一战线。

    We should unify all possible strengths to form an alliance .

  8. 新形势下我国工人阶级内部统一战线问题分析

    Problems in united front within working class in the new period

  9. 论统一战线的阶级基础及阶级关系

    On the Class Basis and Class Relation of the United Front

  10. 坚持统一战线和坚持党的独立性

    Maintain both the united front and the independence of the party

  11. 孙中山统一战线思想初探

    Preliminary Research on Sun Zhongshan 's Thought on the United Front

  12. 统一战线与中华民族凝聚力的互动&新社会阶层统战工作思路及对策初探

    The Interaction of United Front and Chinese Nation 's Cohesive Force

  13. 抗战前期山西特殊形式统一战线形成的经验

    The Experience Gained From the United Front Distinctively Formed in Shanxi

  14. 论中国特色社会主义建设者对统一战线的影响

    Some Reflections on Socialism Builder 's Influence on the United Front

  15. 论统一战线中的原则性灵活性规律

    About The Rule of Principle and Flexibility in United Front

  16. 试论中国传统文化在统一战线中的作用

    About Functions of Chinese Traditional Culture in the United Front

  17. 工农联盟是统一战线的基础。

    Worker-peasant alliance is the basic of the united front .

  18. 坚持以人为本做好统一战线工作

    Persist in People-Orientation and Successfully Accomplish the United Front Work

  19. 统一战线政策在省港罢工中的作用

    Role of the United Front Policy in the Sheng-Gang Strike

  20. 新世纪新阶段统一战线的基本特征

    Basic Features of the United Front in the New Century

  21. 巩固和发展最广泛的爱国统一战线。

    We will consolidate and develop the broadest possible patriotic united front .

  22. 浅谈东满抗日民族统一战线的特点

    On the Features of the Eastern Manchukuo Anti Japanese National United Front

  23. 《清议报》研究论爱国统一战线的主题

    A Study in China Discussion About the Theme of Patriotic United Front

  24. 新时期统一战线工作机制研究

    A Study Of the Work Mechanism of the United Front

  25. 统一战线的国际使命及其方针策略

    The international mission of the united front and its policies

  26. 可以说,我知道我俩是统一战线的。

    I knew where I stood with him , so to speak .

  27. 统一战线中的独立自主问题

    The question of independence and initiative within the United Front

  28. 两党的统一战线还需要发展。

    The united front of the two parties must be developed further .

  29. 论统一战线利益原则的历史经验

    On the Historical Experience of the Benefit Principle in the United Front

  30. 造就革命文化工作队伍与建立文化工作的统一战线。

    Building work group and united front of revolutionary culture .