
  • 网络Red China
  1. 中式婚纱最大特点是鲜艳的大红色,带有中华民族韵味的刺绣美工,古典的东方女人,带来同样唯美浪漫的中华新娘!越来越多的中国姑娘喜欢这个款式!

    Chinese dress characteristic is bright red , with Chinese flavor embroidery art , the Oriental woman , classical Chinese bride also beautiful romantic ! More and more Chinese girl like this style !

  2. 这些民族心理成了定势,发展到今天,我们的国旗也是红色的,在国际舞台上,红色更成为中华民族的代表。

    These national psychology into the set , to today , our flag is red , in the international arena , the red is more representative of the Chinese nation .